Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/296

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v. 435 Casanova and Carlyle, vi. 16 Clergy retiring from the dinner table, ii. 69 Coleridge on firegrate folk-lore, ii. 17 " Curzo," vii. 172 " Dope," " to dope," " doper," vii. 134 " Dowler," vii. 437 Dryden's ' Character of Polybius,' ix. 103 Eckwald the Dwarf in Goethe, vi. 132 Erasmus or Tindale, vi. 337 " Exate," vi. 297" Finstall," vi. 511 Fountain pens, v. 388 " Fry " in Dry den and Leigh Hunt, ii. 321" Furdall," vii. 337 Goethe quotation in Carlyle and Buskin, vi. 106 ' Grammar Gurton,' vii. 18 Gray's ' Elegy ' : translations and parodies, vi. 157 Johnsoniana, ix. 413 Keighley : pronuncia- tion, v. 378 ' Kenilworth,' variants in the text of, vi. 488 Kipling and the swastika, ii. 292 ' Lorna Doone,' words and phrases in, ix. 75 Love -letters, strange finds of, vi. 450 " Marrow skying," vii. 154 " Memmian nap- tha-pits " in Tennyson, ix. 67 Miller of Huntingdon, viii. 30 Montfort (Simon de) : translation of French poem, iii. 353 Motto to a sonnet of Wordsworth's, ix. 148 Newbourg (His Highness John William), Count Palatine, i. 54 Novalis and John Stuart Mill on suicide, vi. 4&2 Oliveretto, vi. 473" Out " for a thing, vi. 494 " Oxendoles " : " aughendols," ix. 77 Panthera, v. 177 Puckled, iii. 78 Reference and quotation wanted, viii. 117 " Rucksack " or " rucksack," ix. 413 Saunter, i. 512 Shakespeare and the Warwickshire dialect, ix. 394 Smallpox and the stars, iii, 335 Stael (Baron de) in Scotland, iii. 238 " Throp's wife," ix. 13 " Titmarsh " in an alleged poem by Tennyson, ix. 487 " Trod," " trode," past tense of " tread," ix. 116 Wax- work effigies in Westminster Abbey, vii. 314

Stradonit/, (Di\ Stephan Kekule von) on Palm the bookseller, shot by Napoleon, x. 55

Straff ord (Earl of) and Col. Nathaniel Gordon, v. 289

Strahan (Alexander), publisher, c. 1870, ix. 490; x. 14

Strahan (Andrew and William), letters written to, iv. 67

Strand, almhouses near, c. 1820, vii. 130, 236, 315, 417 : viii. 333, 377 ; 17th century houses, xi. 24 ; Roman Bath in, ix. 5, 93 ; the demoli- tion of Nos. 413 and 414, 387

Strangers, burial-entries of, iii. 84

Strasburg, view of the city, 1613, xi. 414

" Stratford-atte-Bowe," the French of, xii. 301, 368, 404, 470

Stratford -on -A von, quotations from letter, 1760, vii. 126

Strabhnairn (Field-Marshal Lord), his representa- tives, i. 467

Stratton and St. Columb accounts, temp. Eliza- beth, iv. 7, 74

Strawberry, " the d d strawberry," x. 30, 233

Strawberry Hill, catalogues, i. 34, 214 ; ' Descrip- tion of the Villa,' published 1774, iv. 207, 251

Straw under bridges being repaired, iv. 508 ; v. 18

Street (E. E.) on Corporation of St. Pancras,

Chichester, viii. 213 Curious staff, v. 138

" De la " in English surnames, iv. 174 Elzevir, viii. 251 " Hem of a noise," i. 258 Knights of Malta in Sussex, ii. 457 Language and phy siognomy, i. 33 " Make a long arm," iv. 158

Noah as a girl's name, i. 7 Thatch fires, viii.- 76 Turcopolerius, ii. 336 Van Helmont, the- Younger, vii. 378 Wall-papers, i. 350 Woodyer, iii. 116 " Yeoman " of the signals*, vii. 310 Street cries, London, ii. 387

Street Names:

Allsop Place, ix. 305

Ballard's Lane, Finchley, xi. 210, 384

Buckeridge Street and Alley, ix. 50

Burr Street, ix. 51

Cockleshell Walk, viii. 450

Crooked Usuage, vii. 150 ; viii, 187

Dublin, of, vii. 285 ; xi. 416

Duplex Ride, vii. 150

Florence, of old, v. 23

Foghamshire, vi. 487

Fox, iv. 130, 178

Gas, viii. 290, 337, 356, 378, 418 y 472*

German origin, x. 409, 476

Hanging-sword Alley, ii. 269, 337

High Timber Street, x. 289, 333

Knot Street, iv. 130, 178

Lawrence Street, iii. 309, 398, 437

Literature on, viii. 90, 158, 198

little Durweston Street, x. 289, 333

London,, old, v. 247 ; vi. 6

Marybone Lane, xi. 210, 258, 325, 410, 49T

Neckinger Street, x. 91

Poets Road, Canonbury, v. 389, 517

Senrab Street, xi. 167"

Sweedland or Swedeland Court, xii. 48, 125-

Tooley Street, v. 250, 397

Tweeter's Alley, viii. 310

Walm, iv. 290," 358, 517

Wilderness Row, vii. 428, 495 ; viii. 37, 53 r -

151, 233 Street nomenclature, origin and meaning of, iv

187, 236, 339 Streets in London, the widest, v. 428 ; renamed,

x. 250, 333 Streets of Old London, ix. 57 Strettell-Utterson book -sale, 1832, i. 448 ; ii. 16,

94 Stretton (Hesba), origin of her pseudonym, vii.

484 " Stricken field," origin of the phrase, xii. 379, 409,

450 Strickland (Sir Charles William) and ' Tom Brown's

Schooldays,' i. 64, 118

" Strikefire "= gin, use of the word. iv. 366 " Strike of Saunsons," meaning of the phrase, iii.-


" Strip and go naked "= gin, iv. 366 Strode family in America, vii. 369 " Strokhede nayles," meaning of the term, viii. 426 Stronach (G.) on Shakespeare and the Warwick- shire dialect, x. 156

Strong (Rev. C.), c. 1835, his sonnets, xi. 472 Strong (H. A.) on culprit, i. 413 ; Onocrotalus, a

bird, 392

Strout (John), of Devon, d. 1644, viii. 489 ; ix. 32"

Strugnell (Commander W. Hawkes) on Cowes, i.

156 ; marriage in a shift, 50 ; " Within sound

of Bow bells," ix. 167

Strugr (Thorbjorn), descended from Harald the

Gold Beard, ii. 389, 458

Strummel-patch'd, Jonson's use of the word, ii.- 174 _