Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/320

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Waller (Richard) of Cully, his will, 1676, viii. 188 Waller (Robert) of Chichester, c. 1539, x. 290, 352 Waller (Sir Robert) at Agincourt, iv. 329, 412 Waller and Warren families, ii. 69 Wallington(Rev. N.) of Dumbleton, 1615, xii. 101 Wallis (Q.) antiquary and gunsmith, Hull, xi.

452 ; xii. 15

Wallis (GK) on authors wanted, x. 336 'Wallis (H. A.) on authors of quotations wanted,

iv. 28

Wallis (Dr. John), notices of, 1663, xi. 415 Wallis (Ralph), the " Cobler of Gloucester," c.

1664, viii. 1, 71, 154 " Walloons " of Belgium and France, x. 507 ; xi.


Wallop or Walhope family, xi. 320 " Walm," derivation of the street-name, iv. 290,

358, 517 Walmsley (J. R.) on Thomas Hardy and Victor

Hugo, xii. 240

Walpole (Horace) and Samuel Warren, xii. 339 'Walpoole (G. A.), author, c. 1784, ix. 330 Walrington (Sir Matthew), his pedigree, x. 149 Walrond (R. F.), his ' Paddiana,' x. 310, 354 4 Walrus and the Carpenter,' parody on, ii. 469,

496 ; iii. 35 Walsh (V. Hussey) on Spanish titles granted to

Irishmen, v. 132 Walsh (Walter) on " I believe in human kindness,"

iv. 69 Walsh surname, its philological interest, i. 53, 96,

193, 336 Walshe (Anthony), b. 1815, date of his death, v.


Walshe ( Johanna )=: John Pigott, 1562, x. 330 Walsingham (Prances), wife of Sir Philip Sidnev,

v. 288 Walsingham with Queen Elizabeth, painting, c.

1831, ix. 288

Walter, Blakesley, and Buchanan families, v. 308 Walter (John), 1739-1812, founder of ' The

Times,' vii. 45

Walter (John) at Oxford, 1723, xii. 101, 147 Walter (Sir W.), c. 1650, his pedigree, vi. 427 Walters, Halley, Ward, and Wright families, iv.


Walters (A. W.) on " Rights of Man," ii. 40 1 Walters (R. ) on 'Man in the Iron Mask' dramatized , iii. 312' Oliver Twist ' on the stage, ii. 191 Waltham Abbey, carved panels : Denny arms,

i. 245 ; Spilman monument in, viii. 247 Waltheof, Earl of Northumberland, i. 32 Walton, coloured print of Thames bridge, 1751 vii

129, 194

Walton (Izaak), his name and that of Charles Cotton on medal, 1824, iii. 329, 397 ; ' Compleat Angler,' comma cut away, 466 ; his wives, iv. 10 ; and tomb -scratching, vii. 405, 492 viii 52, 97

Walton (J.), topographical artist, i. 247, 417 Walton-in-Gordano parish registers, xi. 489 Walworth, " The Victory "in Townsend Street

vii. 428

Wamba on mayoral sword -rests, xii. 320 Wambury, place-name near Kidderminster, vii. 70 Wandering Jew, Buddhist origin of the legend,

vii. 47 " Wangle," meanings of the word, xi. 65, 115, 135

178, 216, 258, 330 Wanless, etymology of the name, x. 10, 75

Wanstead Flats, George III.'s review of troops, iv. 310

Wanstead Park, the history of, xii. 121, 164, 222, 246, 271

Wapentake, friendless, in Craven, ii. 89

Wapping, record of fire in, 1682, vi. 189

kVar : patriotism of the Jews, x. 247 ; the cost of, 426 ; a vision of the World-war, 1819, xi. 171, 238 ; new words provided by, 246 ; name for the, 1914, 312 ; relics, ancient, found near Chil- comb, xii. 69 ; runes for the word, in the poets, 158, 227, 305, 430

War, European, effect on wolves in France, xii. 26 ; Hindenburg wooden figure, 198, 399, 448 ; German princes fallen in 1914, 217 ; use of German libraries during, 458

War and money, a dictum of Trivulzio, c. 1500, xii. 400, 487 *

Ward, Norbury, Moore, and Davis families, xi. 188, 238, 305

Ward, Wright, and Day families, i. 66, 152

Ward, Wright, Walters, and Halley families, iv. 389

Ward (Artemus) as a lecturer, i. 418, 457

Ward (F. W. Orde) on Lethe : a classical and ancient blunder, ix. 326

Ward (Frank) on Leitens, xi. 210 Perrin (John), xii. 49

Ward (H. G.) on the brown sex, iii. 36 Corpse bleeding in presence of the murderer, ii. 498 ; iii. 35 Count of the Holy Roman Empire, iii. 54 Crystal Palace tickets, iv. 405 Dutch words in English, iii. 386 Eliott, defender of Gibraltar, in Aix-la-Chapelle, vi. 466 English- men as German authors, iii. 161 Gray's ' Elegy ' : translations and parodies, iii. 145 Henry of Navarre and three -handled cup, iii. 33 Howe (Anna) and Charlotte Grandison, iii. 164 Knights of the Swan, ii. 471 Ladies and University degrees, ii. 498 Librarians, eminent, iii. 13 Napoleon and the Little Red Man, iii. 54 Poor Souls' Light : " Totenlaterne," iii. 31 Richardson (Samuel), his birth, iii. 127 Richardson (Samuel) and the English philo- sophers, iii. 5 Richardson (Samuel) and the Methodists, iii. 121 Winchester quart: Cor- byn : Chopin, iii. 56

Ward (H. P.) on authors wanted, vii. 330

Ward (H. Snowden) on American National flower, iv. 352 Market day, ii. 97 ' Nicholas Nickleby ' : ' Popylorum Tibi,' iii. 392 Price (Dr.) the Druid, iv. 273 Road, rule of the, ii. 254

Ward (J.) on book-covers : " Yellow-backs," ii. 415 Exhibition of 1851 : its motto, ii. 493 Scaltheen, an Irish drink, ii. 476 Snails as food, ii. 218 Taylor (Jeremv), his descendants, ii. 351

Ward (J. Langfield) on Cromwell's alleged league with the devil, xii. 490 Tale of the battle of Worcester, xii. 281

Ward (John), composer of madrigals, iv. 409 Ward (John) on Thackeray's nose. iii. 162 Ward (Hon. Kathleen) on authors of quotations wanted, xi. 430 Gilbert of Kilminchy and Knockinay, vii. 338 Hampden, xi. 400 King (Dr. Edward), xi. 229" Lady of the Lamp," xi. 249 Medhop (Francis), xi. 299 Norbury : Moore : Davis : Ward, xi. 238 Tracy, xi. 451