Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/38

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Quotations," i. 463 ; ii. 123, 402 ; iv. 323 Lamb, Burton, and Francis Spicra, iii. 61,212 Lamb's " Mr. H ," x. 394 Latin accentua- tion, v. 33 Latin epitaph at Dryburgh Abbey, ii. 414 Latin guide to Westminster Abbey, v. 431 Latin hexameters by machinery : John Peter, iii. 249 Latin jingles, x. 337, 392 Latin lines on music, vii. 406 Latin quota- tions, i. 211, 393 ; vi. 227, 312 Latin quota- tions in Abraham Fraunce's " Victoria," v. 446 Latinity, x. 515 Leigh (Theophilus), D.D., iv. 537 " Let us go hence, my songs," iii. 155 Librarians, eminent, ii., 538 Lifting the bride over the threshold, vi. 232 Lines under a crucifix, vii. 484 Litany, spitting dur- ing, iii. 396 Longinus and St. Paul, iv. 133 " Love me, love my dog," iii. 373 Lowell's " Fireside Travels," x. 274, 315 Lucius, v. 411 Macaulay and Silius Italicus, iii. 444 " Magna est veritas et (?)," x. 494 Maids of Honour under the Stuarts, ix. 376 Maittaire (Michael), i. 93" Make " or " Mar " in Goldsmith, ii. 37 " Man is immortal till his work is done," ix. 197 Mander (Rev. Dr. Boger), xii. 243 Manners, deportment, and etiquette, i. 233, 414 Marmontel or Moliere, v. 272 Martyn (Richard), xii. 189 Medallic legends, x. 315, 356 ; xi. 12, 73, 270 ; xii. 469 Medici (Francesco Maria, Cardinal de), c. 1700. xi. 408 Mello (Don Francisco Manuel de), iii! 178 " Memmian naphtha-pits," in Tennyson, ix. 137 " Memoirs of Sir John Langham, Bart," ix. 252 Methods of waking a sleeper, xii. 489 Miller of Huntingdon, viii. 115 Milton portrait by Samuel Cooper, vi. 116 Milton queries, ix. 272 Mohammed and the mountain, i. 231 Montaigne on the suppression of Tacitus, v. 232 Moody (Sir Henry) and his camera obscura, xii. 408 More (Hannah). portraits, iii. 392 " Mors lilia sentibus sequat," vii. 187 Mummy used as paint by artists, iv. 56 " Musice mentis medicina maestaV' iii- 46 New allusion to Shakespeare, ix. 495 New- man's (Cardinal) epitaph, viii. 34 " Nil est in intellects quod non merit in semsu," v. 107 Notes on Shilleto's edition of Burton, ix. 513; x. 193 Notes on words for the " N.E.D.," x. 334, 487 Nottingham earthenware tombstone, i. 411 " Null;! non donanda lauru," vi 418 O nox quam longa est quse facit una senem," ix. 125 Octopiis, Venus's ear, and whelk, ix. 276 -O K02M02 ' ZKHXH. xii. 170 Old novel wanted, viii. 252 Onions planted with roses, vii. 357 Origin of medal, xi. 422 Oughtred or Outred (Rev. William), xii. 384 Pagan cus- toms and institutions, vi. 370 ; vii. 233 Paget and Chester, vii. 456 Palm the book- seller, shot by Napoleon, x. 56 " Passenger " in the ' N.E.D./ iii. 85 " Paw-paw " in the 'N.E.D.,' vii. 3(57 " Pecca fortiter," xi. 195 Peers immortalized by public-houses, iv. 332 Petronius, Cap. ixxxi., vii. 233 Pictures of the Deity in churches, viii. 34 Pigments, vii. 237 Poems attributed to Dr. Johnson, xi. 7 Poem wanted, xii. 151 " Polilla," v. 35 Pope and Byron quoted in a court of justice, iv. 48 Pope's description of Swift, iv. 314, 419 Porch inscription in Latin, iv. 457, 516 "Potboiler," vii. 94 "Pride and Prejudice," ii. 434 "Pro pelle cutem," viii. 454 41 Prock," vii. 15 Professors at Debitzen, 1756,

xi. 327 Pronunciation of " gladiolus," xii, 365 Proverb quoted by Bishop Fisher, ii. 46 " Put a beggar on horseback," iii. 414 Pyrrhus's toe, iii. 131, 238 Queries from Green's " Short History," viii. 15 " Quid est fides ? " v. 317 Quotations in Abraham Fraunce's " Victoria," ix. 147 Quotations in, Jeremy Taylor, iii. 122 ; iv. 122 ; vi. 45, 361 " Racing for Lambeth," xii. 283 References- in " Marius the Epicurean," vi. 335 Re- ferences wanted, vi. 118, 434 ; vii. 34, 78 ; viii. 397 ; x. 217 Regium prseceptum Scali- geri," vi. 397 Renodseus (Johannes), x. 256 " Res nolunt diu male administrari," xii. 277 Rhubarb : its derivation, iii. 476 Ripon's (Dean of) famous similitude, xi. 496 Roland- saiilen, viii. 273 ; ix. 478 Rolle's " Prick of Conscience," iii. 458 Roman augers, i. 397 Roman empresses, v. 254 Roman inscription, at Hyeres, v. 497 Roman ladies : purity of their language, i. 154 Rome : Jewish sar- cophagi and Greek painting, viii. 17 " Rome- was not built in a day," ix. 166 Ronjat (Stephen), xii. 309 Rumbelow, i. 224 " Sacramentum," xii. 33 St. Edmund Rich : St. Bartholomew's Hospital, Ox ; ord, xi. 365 St. John the Baptist in art, vii. 452 St. Paul at Virgil's tomb, viii. 93 " Salogne " : a pro- phecy, x. 356 Saltzburgers sent to Georgia,. 1734, xi. 367 Sankey (General), xii. 247 " Sarcistectis," viii. 97 -Saying about physi- cians : " Sol eorum successus intuetur, errores autem tellus operit," v. 366 Schoolboys in Thackeray, viii. 357 Scioopius's " Scaliger Hyperbolimaeus," x. 146 Scott " The Anti- quary," x. 217 " Scourge," xii. 107 Second English Pope, ix. 515 Second Folio of the Shakespeare plays, 1632, ix. 74, 173 " Secu- ritas est tutissimum bonum," iii. 465 Seven Springs, Coberley, viii. 197 Seventeeth-cen- tury quotations, i. 351 ; ii. 235, 392 ; iv. 276 ; xii. 476 " Sex horas somno," vi. 474 ; vii. 71, 256 Sheep : their colour, iv. 16 Sheridan (R. B.) and Bishop Hall, iii. 104 " Si vis pacem, para bellum," vii. 394 Sigismundus Suecise Haeres, xii. 54 Sintram and Verena, vii. 514 Skolpyne, iii. 335 Smallpox and the stars, iii. 211, 335 Smith's (Alexander) " Dreamthorp," x. 58 Solomon's advice to his son, xi. 217 Son and mother, iv. 77 Source of quotation wanted, viii. 319 ; xi. 174 " Standing for Parliament," i. 252 Stock (Mr.),, bibliophile, 1735, iv. 356 Stones of London, vi. 515 Stones used to staunch blood, xi. 475 Swift (Dean) and the Rev. J. Geree, v. 114 Swift on eagle and wasp, i. 295 Swift's " The Conduct of the Allies," xii. 469 Swinburne as polyglot author, ix. 156 " Table of Peace," x. 454 Tavern signs : " Torrl O'Bedlam," xii. 506 Taylor (Jeremy), and Politian, i. 466 ; and Petronius, ii. 65 " Tela precvisa minus no- cent," vii. 246 Tephrensis (Gregentius Arch- iepiscopus), xi. 98 " Tertiam quid," iv. 97 Thackeray at the British Museum, ii. 472 " The d d strawberry," x. 233 " The lowing herd winds slowly o'er the lea," vii. 372 " Theatre of the World," xi. 110 Thirmutliis,. Christian name, xi. 17 Thrale (Ralph and Henry), i. 275 Threading St. Wilfri i's needle, v. 33 Three heaven^, viii. 212 "To carry- one's life in one's hands," vii. 416 Turtle and