Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/42

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bibliography: -

Milton Bibles, iii. 1, 70, 109, 433

  • Miscellanea JEgyptiaca,' ii. 69

Morris dancers of Herefordshire, vii. 91

' Musarum Delicise,' 1556, ix. 37

Music, ii. 87

Musical Dictionaries, iii. 342

Mytton and Hardwicke MSS., iv. 327, 417

Newspaper, the first English, 1620, ix. 341,

364 ' Nichol's Cities and Towns of Scotland,' x.


Nollekens and his Times,' ix. 49 Old London, 1900, ix. 9 Omar Khayyam, iv. 328, 358, 497 ; v. 295

464; vi. 34 *" ^ ' Oratio ad Cruciflxum,' e. 1510, viii. 28 Ouida, Louise de la Ramie, her short stories,

' Passionate Pilgrim,' xii. 259, 487

Peacock (T. L.), " 508

Pechey (John), 1654-1718, his works, vii.

328, 376 Periodicals published by religious houses, x.

250, 317, 376, 413 Petronius, vii. 107, 195, 233 ' Philobiblon,' by Bishop de Bury, viii. 341,

397, 435

Pope's ' Iliad,' vi. 509 Porto (Luigi da), ' Roma et Prosa,' 1539, ix.

83, 233 Printed books, early English, vii. 327, 377,

432 Printing, early, in Europe, ii. 12P, 176 ;

Watson on, i. 90, 154, 234 Publishing and bookselling, i. 5, 44 Puttenham's ' Arte of English Poesie,' i. 404 Quaritch MSS., viii. 207, 336 ' Ralph Roister Bolster,' e. 1550, viii. 510 ' Rasselas,' Italian translation, i. 404, 497 Rylands Library, unique classics in, i. 402 " S." every word beginning with, 1510, viii.

28 St. Columb and Stratton accounts, c. 1547, iv.

7, 74 St. Katharine's-by-the-Tower, vii. 201, 260,

310, 376 : viii.' 35, 495 Sark, ii. 127 School-books of the seventeenth century,

viii. 406, 455, 475 Scotchmen in France, i. 48, 173 Scott (W. Bell), x. 28, 93 Shaft esbury, his ' Judgment of Hercules,'

ix. 307 Shakespeare: biography, 1708/9, ii. 345;

chronological edition, ii. 348, 431 ; Inglis's

edition, 1864, xi. 188; Italian translations

of, v. 25; Tallis & Co.'s edition, iii. 367,

412 Shakespeire plavs, First Folio, vii. 8, 56, 94,

137 - - 1M - - : " "


114 - Sheridan : School for Scandal,' vii. 126, 231;

first editions of his plays, vii. 262

  • Siege of Troy ' (1420), i. 403, 498

Simson (B.), his ' Treatise concerning

Porisms,' vii. 1*9

1 Sir Edward Reaward's Narrative,' ii. 8, 96 Skeaf (Walter' W.), ii. 61

Etkespeire plays, First Folio, vu. 8, op, yi, 137, 217 ; Second Folio, vii. 456 ; viii. 11, 41 196, 2^2, 294, 317, :-20 ; ix. 11, 73, L14, 172, 217, 237, 257, 294, 353

Bibliography :

Slavonic literature, ii. 286

Solly (E.) and ' The Dunciad,' vii. 63

Southey (Robert), x. 489; xi. 31, 74

' Speeches and Prayers ' of the Regie des,

forged, vii. 301, 341, 383, 442, 502 Stevens's ' Dramatic History ' vi. 501 Storm of 1703, vi. 13 Stow's ' Survey,' 1618 edition, x. 248 Strawberry Hill, iv. 207, 251 Strettell-Utterson, i. 448, 477 Surgical works c. 1623, iii. 306 Swan marks, iii. 306 Swedenborg (Emanuel), ii. 22; his MSS., viii.

301, 322

Tale, printed 1534, iii. 66 Taylor (Ann and Jane), authors of children's

books, ix. 225, 297, 317, 354, 411 Taylor (Jeremy), iii. 122 Theses : Duncan Liddel, vii. 125, 196 Thiers's ' Traite des Superstitions,' iv. 530 Tonson (James), printer, c. 1699, xii. 376 Tournaments, i. 293, 398 ' Trabalhos de Jesus,' i. 148, 373 ' Uncle Tom's Cabin,' the preface, xii. 9, 58 Wallis (Ralph), the " Cobler of Gloucester,"

c. 1664, viii. 1, 71, 154. Welsh, iii. 263 Wesley journals, iv, 369 Widener-Stevenson collection, ix. 301 Wilkes (John) and ' The Essay on Woman,'

ix. 121, 143, 162, 183, 203, 222 William of Worcester's ' Itinerary,' vii. 246 ' Young Man's Companion,' iv. 449 Bibliophile on book-covers : " Yellow-backs," ii.


Bibliotheca Bryantiana, vii. 209, 276 Bibliotheca Drummeniana, its identification.

i. 248, 333, 412

Bibong on Longinus and St. Paul, iv. 133 Biborg on Matthew Arnold on modern hurry, iv.

o 7

Bicentenary of Anglo-American mail service, iii. 5 Bicknell (J. Laurens), poet, c. 1820, viii. 428, 470 "Bid base to"=to defy, 1593, ix. 227 Biddel (William) = Sarah Kemp, 1666, viii. 231,

Biddulph (H.) on " sniping " : early instances,

iv. 267 Bierle family of Gamnecourt, Picardy, ii. 429 iii

50, 112, 152 ' Big Ben ' weekly publication, and Phil Mav.

iii. 187, 237, 276

Bigelow (E. F.) on Benedict Arnold, vii. 49 Biggs (M.A.) on knighthood : Arthur of Brittany,

vii. 412

Bigland (Edward), Etonian, 1560, ix. 408 Bigod (Isabel), b. c. 1205, her identity, xi. 445.

465; xii. 16, 128 " Bill," Wordsworth's use of the word, ix. 129,


Bill of dinner for 124 persons, c. 1450, xii. 180 Bill of Rights Society, 1769, its minute-book, iv.

388 Bill of Rights Society, Revolution Society, &c.>

v. 71, 152

" Bill Stumps," inscribed stone, 1724, vi. 64 Billiard-room, inventory of, 1588, xi. 227 Billiard tables, royal, 1606-1641, i. 145 Billinge family of Billinge, Lanes, ii. 369