Cadet-Gassicourt, his projected Peripatetic
Scientific Society, i. 365
Cadie = caddie, early use of the word, 1751, iii. 206
' Cadiz ilustrada,' 1690, note from, xi. 293
Cadney Church, Lincoln, notes on, vii. 186
Cadogan (Hon. Edward), captain in 49th Foot, d. 1779, viii. 208
Caeqehouias, derivation and meaning of the word, iii. 9, 58
Caerphilly cheese, first use of name, vi. 290
Csesar (Julius), Westminster scholar, 1718, ix. 269
C^sar (Julius) and Old Ford, xi. 190, 289, 406, 476
Ca3sars, twelve, in Government House, Calcutta, vi. 205, 316
Caffres and Caffraria, quotations of 1711, viii. 106
Cages for criminals, the use of, viii. 269
Cagnoni (Domenico), engraver, d. at Milan 1796, iii. 125
Cahiel (Miss M.) on letters sought : Scottish ecclesiastical affairs, xi. 129
Cahoon or Colquhoun (Sir Humphrey), d. 1722, iv. 118
Caillau (M.), French Premier, 1911, vii. 289, 377
' Ca ira,' played by English military band, iv. 27, 158, 199
Caird (Peter), uncle and nephew, c. 1753, ii. 468
Cairn of Trivandrum, the meaning of, vi. 388
Cairns family, x. 88, 154
Caister life-boat, account of its wreck, ii. 429
Caius or Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, xi. 127
Cakestand, silver, 1712, motto, " Remember," xi. 171
Calais, Dover seen from, ix. 29, 97 ; x. 86 ; Richard II. near, i. 466, 514; Lost for lack of mustard, ii. 308; Tradition of the "last Governor of," vii. 49, 115
Calais, Guild of Merchants of the Staple of, 1661, iv. 507
Calamy (Edmund), 1697-1755, his marriage, v. 350
Calcutta, Black Hole of, Henry Lushington and other survivors, iii. 74, 111, 192,265,272,432; List of victims, viii. 28, 94
Calcutta, statues and memorials, in vi. 41, 104, 163, 204, 316 ; xi. 450
Caldecot (Philip), Westminster scholar, 1719, ix. 269
Caldecott (R.), ' Three Jovial Huntsmen ' illus- trated by, viii. 148, 198
Calder (A.) on Bruce's followers in 1306, i. 150 ; Ledwell House, i. 289 ; A cousin of Boswell, iii 189
Caldwall (James), artist, date of his death, iv. 405
Calendar Anomaly : Easter twice in one year, i. 305, 376, 472 Coincidence, i. 49, 94 Four- teenth-century, festivals in, i. 127 : Gregorian, i. 305, 376, 472 ; v. 447 ; vi. 36 Jewish : moon " seen through glass," viii. 230, 252, 294, 331, 380 Julian, i. 305, 376, 472 Origin of " copy " for, x. 171, 218 Reform, fixing the date of Easter day, etc., iii. 206; effect on birthdays, iii. 387, 474 Runic : description of, v. 261, 285, 321, 363, 384, 403, 422 ' Shepherd's Calendar,' 1496, v. 368
Calendar in Prayer-Book, ii. 169
Calendar of Inquisitions, 10 Edw. III., error in, ix. 5
Calendar of State Papers, Ireland/ 1670-1 705, vii..
" Callandar's cat," meaning of, vi. 329 Callaway (John), c. 1787, and Canterbury muslin
iii. 309 Callipedes or Callipides, Charles I. likened to, ix..
508; x. 73 Calmell (Peter), Westminster scholar, 1731, ix.
269 Calonne (Charles Alexandre de), his house in>
Piccadilly, ii. 9
Calonne (M. de), Catalogue of his museum, v. 349- Calthorpe (Dorothy), d. 1693, her epitaph, v. 185 Calthrops in early warfare, i. 10 Calvary at Myddelton Lodge, Ilkley, ii. 235 Calvert (Hon. Mrs.) at a Drawing-Room, 1818..
ii. 427
Calvert (C.), Etonian, 1773, ix. 489 Calvert (E. S.) on authors of quotations wanted,
iii. 228
Calvert (G.), Etonian, 1763, ix. 489 Calvert (Giles and Elizabeth), booksellers c. 1660,
their wills, x. 267
Calvert (Rev. J.), of Salehurst, 1728-31, vii. 327 Calvert (Richard), Etonian, 1754, ix. 489 ; x. 38 Calvert (W.), Westminster scholar, 1824, viii. 208 Calybutt, Fincham, and Cornwallis families, ix..
Cam on Boccaccio quotation, ii. 428 " Cambo Brittanicus " in burial register, x. 387,
Cambhithe, Surrey place-name, vii. 70 Cambrai, English prisoner of war at, vii. 486 Cambridge boating song, 1883, y. 388 ' Cambridge History of English Literature,'
additions and corrections, viii. 241 Cambridge University Bohemian deputation to,-
viii. 387 College mottoes, record of, v. 209
Costume plates, iii. 268 Honorary degrees at,
iii. 167 ; v. 495 ' Directorium Sacerdotum, r
1503, xi. 293 ' Hamlet ' acted at, in 1585, iii.
267, 311, 398, 416, 474 Nicknames, 1796, viii.
246 Roman Catholic Fellows of, ix. 407 St.
Catherine's College : arms of, ii. 308, 359
Sanctus bell at St. John's College, vii. 384
Sixteenth century quotation on, vii. 128 Cambronne (Baron de), his famous reply at
Waterloo, xii. 7, 68, 169 Camden (W.), his pupils at Westminster School,
xi. 418
Camden Society Publications, v. 328, 434, 493, 515 Camerarius of parish church, 1180, the office, iii.
349 Cameron (Capt. J.), Northern Fencibles, 1793, ix.
291 Cameron (Col. J.) of Fassifern, d. 181 5, his memoirs,
ix. 186, 234
Cameron Highlanders, 2nd Battalion raised U-1897, xii. 47 " Camonds " of Westphalian barren roseweed, ix.
Campbell (Mrs.) of Craigie, ' Memoirs of,' viii. 148 Campbell (A.), Westminster scholar, 1784, viii. 208 Campbell (A. Albert) on Edgar Allan Poe, xii. 351 Campbell (Col. Archibald), called " Mad Archy
Campbell," iii. 427, 491
Campbell (C.), Westminster scholar, 1774, viii. 208 Campbell (C. and D.), Westminster scholars, 1776,
viii. 208 Campbell (Colin) on authors of quotations wanted,.
iv. 329