Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/76

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Chattopadhyaya (V.) on drinking tobacco, i. 132 Grammatical gender, i. 158 " Holy Ziaret," i. 232' Lad of the O'Friels,' i. 258" Punjaub or Burmah head," i. 206" Shalgham-zai," Anglo-Indian term, i. 118 translations from Polish poets, v. 308 Walsh surname, i. 53, 96, 193 Welsh : origin of their name, i. 69 Chaucer, names of characters in ' The Squire's Tale,' i. 50, 118 ; and Boccaccio, 107, 192, 317 ; curious misplacement of lines, 201 ; " Dulcar- non " in, 505 ; reference in 1417 to ' Canterbury Tales,' ii. 26 ; his ' Canterbury Ta'es,' 1775, iii. 28 ; and Puttenham's ' Arte of English Poesie,' and Tottel's ' Miscellany,' 82 ; his ' Pardoner's Tale,' African analogue, iv. 82 ; his use of " hit," v. 465 ; vi. 72 ; his prioress, ' C. T.' Prol., ix. 136, 365

Chausere (Richard), of Gloucester, 1359, vii. 347 Chauvel (G.), of Lincoln's Inn, 1775, vi. 170 " Chazan," meaning of Jewish word, v. 506 Cheadle (Dr.), his journey across America, i. 429,

513 Cheal (H.) on family of Bishop Hooper the

martyr, viii 149

Cheapside, St. Mary-le-Bow, registers of, 1631- 1653, viii. 368 ; petition for flags, 1814, viii. 466 Checkendon, co. Oxon, deeds relating to, viii. 232,


  • ' Checkthong," meaning of the word, ix. 105

Cheek = impudence, early use of the word, v. 366 ;

vi. 135

Cheese, allusion to smell of, 1669, xi. 294 ; Caer-

philly, first use of name, vi. 290 ; "a foreign

luxury," in Ireland, c. 1750, xi. 472 ; xii. 38 ;

Limburger, and coffin, short story, iv. 29

Cheesemongers and Hungary wine, allusion,

1718, xii. 182

Cheetham (F. H.) on Dorothy Vernon's elope- ment, ii. 498 Hampstead Marshall and Sir Balthazar Gerbier, vii. 406 " Cheev," " cheever," use of the word, 1583, vi.

446 ; vii. 74 Chelsea, books on, x. 15, 57 Deserted house in

Upper Cheyne Row, ii. 48 Chelsea Old Church and Chamberlayne family, i.

129, 170

Chelsea pensioners, alleged murder, ii. 325 Chelsea. Royal Hospital, inscriptions in burying- ground, vi. 241. 325, 425, 504; portraits of the Governors, iii. 127, 235, 278 Chelsum (James), his death, 1740, i. 369 Chelvey Church, Somerset, inscription in, iv. 289 Chemineau, French slang word, its meaning, ii.

126, 376 Cheminots=railwaynien, French slang term, i.

446, 494 Chemistry, College of Scotland (its history), x.

268, 317

Chenier (Andre), his stay in London, vii. 229 Chenu (P. F.), later H. B. Burlowe, i. 47 Cherokees, derivation of the word, xi. 294 Cherries, sale prohibited, 1742, vi. 508 Cherry (Grace) on Maddock family, i. 428 Chertsey Monastery, cartularies of, iii. 70, 115 Cherubims, young owls called, ii. 505 ; iii. 15,


Cherubin or cherubim, history of the word, ii. 387 Cherubini (Maria L. Zenobi), military salute

accorded to, ix. 70 Cherwell on " Condamine," ix. 511

hesapeake and Shannon, song, xi. 454, 500 ;

xii. 58 Che Sara Sara on Garibaldian veteran, vii. 428 ;

wearing of swords, ix. 32 hesham Bois, Bucks, churchyard inscriptions, iv.

123 Cheshire (Thomas), Westminster scholar, 1731.

x. 90 Cheshire and the Pipe Rolls, vi. 141

heshire words, 1800-60, v. 287, 373, 494 Cheshyre (C. C. Cholmondeley) , Etonian, 1765, x.


Cheshyre (John), Etonian, 1760, x. 28 Chesney, origin of the surname, x. 37 Chesney family, vi. 353, 397 Chess, remarks on Persian game, 1767, xi. 294 Chess and duty, a comparison, iv. 88 Chester (Col.), d. 1882, his extracts from Parish

Registers, vi. 90 Chester (Henry), Westminster scholar, 1751, x.

110 Chester ( J. Lemuel) and the * Westminster Abbey

Registers,' viii. 228, 292 Chester (W. Bromley), Westminster scholar, d.

1780, x. 110 Chester (W. Bromley), Westminster School

steward, 1775, vii. 70 Chester and Paget in poem by Praed, vii. 388.


Chester (Deacon of), origin of the office, vi. 68 Chester, Letter-Books of the city of, xii. 462 Chester Cathedral, epitaphs in, iv. 265 Chevet (Jacob), Westminster scholar, 1716, x.

110 ' Chevy Chace,' parody on, ix. 429, 478 ; reference

to, 1624, x. 106

Chev6 (Emile), his system of music, v. 229, 318 Cheyne (Margaret), Lady Bulmer, her character,

iv. 448

Cheyne (T.), Westminster scholar, 1701, x. 90 Cheyne Walk. See Chelsea Old Church. Chichester (J.), Etonian, 1764, x. 28, 76 Chichester (Sir John), his pedigree, x. 150 Chichester, the Corporation of St. Pancras, viii.

168, 213

" Chick " in place-names, its origin, ix. 227 ' Chickseed without Chickweed,' reading book,

x. 366, 418 ; xi. 92

Chideock, Christian name, its origin, ii. 49, 153 Chilcomb, relics of war found near, xii. 69 Child, the seventh, of a seventh child, x. 88, 135,

174, 216, 393

Child telling its own fate, i. 305 Child (John), Westminster scholar, 1721, x. 110 Child (B.), Westminster School steward, 1773, vii.

168 Child (Richard), Westminster scholar, 1720, x.


Child (T.), Westminster scholar, 1717, x. 110 Child family of Child's Bank, xii. 100 Child's Bank, No. 1, Fleet Street, view of, xii. 100 Childe or Child family, x. 29, 76 Childe-Pemberton (William S.) on Frederick

Hervey, Bishop of Derry, xi. 48 Children," burnt at a Passion play, 1705, v. 307,

410; with same Christian name, i. 35, 79, 112, 157, 257 ; Names terrible to, ii. 133, 194, 258;

v. 517 ; vi. 172 ; viii. 138 ; Outdoor games in London, i. 483 ; ii. 11

Children's books and stories, vii. 310, 356, 374, 411 ; viii. 50