Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/553

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 30, 1915. AU 1 HORS INDEX.


Groom of the Stole, 410. ' Harlequin,' 169. Hats, 231. Heart-burial, 431. Height of St. Paul's, 474. History of England with riming verses, 393. Hogarth's portrait of T. Morell, S.T.P., 148. Irish Volunteers, 375. Lade (Sir John), 357. ' Late Lord Lyttelton's Letters to Mrs. Peach,' 229. Motto : " So ho ho dea ne," 428. Oxford University print : Duke of Wellington, 97. Pallavicini : Jane Cromwell, 38. Poem wanted, 276. " Prac- tical politics," 467. Przemysl : language of Galicia, 410. Regent Circus, 431. St. George's Chapel, Windsor, east window, 210. St. Mary's, Soho : Joseph Georgirenes, Archbishop of Samos, 493. ' Slang Dictionary,' 488. Sloe Fair, 174. Thomas (Rev. James), c. 1819, 50. " Walloons," 507. Wine bottles : Magnum, Jeroboam, Rehoboam, 365

Pigott (W. Jackson) on Holcroft of Vale Royal, 130. Pigott ( John) = Johanna Walshe, 330

Pinchbeck ( W. H. ) on emendation in ' All "s Well that Ends Well,' 197. Spoon folk-lore, 196

Pink (W. D.) on Dukedom of Cleveland, 249. Holcroft of Vale Royal, 175. Howard (Sir Philip), 178. Norton (Sir Gregory), the regi- cide, 194. St. John (Sir Beauchamp), Knt., 130. Swinfen (John), 16

Piper (J. J. ) on eighteenth-century marriages : Scotland and Ireland, 410. Haak (Theodore), 88. Power (Pierce), Esq., J.P., 388. Power family, 108

Pluralist on author and correct veision wanted, 349

Poland (Sir Harry B.) on Lord Erskine's speeches, 177. Foreign tavern signs, 275. " I am the only Running Footman," 356

Pollard (Mrs. Matilda) on Earls of Derwentwater : descendants, 218, 373, 415

Pollard-Urquhait (Col. F. E. R.) on ' Almanach de Gotha,' 198. Result of cricket match given out in church, 218

Pontifex (E. L.) on " anent," 47

Poole (M. Ellen) on Rumney Diggle and Leonora ffrederick, 269

Potassium on portrait of Wellington by William Salter, 131

Potter (G.) on bell inscription, 328

Potts (R. A.) on author wanted, 432

Pratt (G. E.) on " trooper "=cock, 371

Price (Leonard C.) on Rumney Diggle and Leonora ffrederick, 391. Frederick family of Frederick Place, Old Jewry, B.C., 268. Galdy family of Port Royal, 88. Hardy (Lieut.-Col. Thomas Carteret), 449. Scoles and Dun- combe families, 331. Skottow (Timothy) of Norwich, 489

Prideaux (Col. W. F.) on ' Aut Diabolus aut Nihil,' 173. Balnes, Laleham, Littlyngton, and Stanes, 77. Bonar, 333. Clerkenwell tea-gardens : Cromwell's Gardens, 313. De- scendants of Catherine Parr, 232. ' Diary of Lady Willoughby,' 297. Diggle (Rumney) and Leonora ffrederick, 391. Frederick family of Frederick Place, Old Jewry, E.G., 391. Gwyn (Nell) : Rose Gwyn, 16. Holmes (Sherlock) : his methods and literary pedi- gree, 376. Poem wanted : ' The Reveille,' 353. " Queen Elinor in the ballad," 194. 4 Se"vign6 (Madame de) and her Contempo- raries,' 369. "Speak to me, Lord Byron," 94. Statue of Charles I. at Charing Cross, 217. University of Louvain, 207. Vegetable parchment, 309

Prideaux (W. R. B.) on fortifications of Antwerp,

186. Missionary ship Duff, 14 Prior (W. R.) on '* boches," 436. Danish

lyrics, 18 Put (A. Van de) on ' Almanach de Gotha,' 335.

Patron saint of pilgrims, 354

Q. on Stewart or Stuart, 429

Q. (A. N.) on cost of war, 426. Louvain Library : Irish MSS. in Dublin, 207. Mons : biblio- graphical hoax, 247. Ortega in Nelson's Strait, 514. Regiments and their colours in time of war, 168. Royal ladies as colonels-in-chief, 27. Spy shot at the Tower of London, 407. Sub- marine's daring feat, 507

Quarrell (W. H.) on Chilean views, 59. Clan Macleod, 227. D'Orsay's portraits, 231

Quartermain (H. W.) on ' Conquest of Canterbury Court,' by Roger Quartermain, 390

Querist on Richard of Cirencester, 289

Quien Sabe on Chilean views, 12. George IV. 's natural children, 490. " Hero of New Orleans," 273, 334

R. (F. B. H.) on Cullompton bells, 290 '

R. (F. E. H.) on ' Lady's Pocket Magazine ' and

' The Athenreum,' 310

R. (G. R. Y.) on thirteenth-century dyers' ordi- nance, 107

R. (G. W. E.) on Dickens and wooden legs, 493. " Holy Thursday," 435. Palmerston in the wrong train, 209. Pronunciation of " ow," 455. Sussex (Duke of) : morganatic marriages, 36 R. (Gerald) on Warrington : poem wanted, 408 R. (H. V.) on lawyers in literature, 171 R. (J. F.) on ' Almanach de Gotha,' 147 R. (J. H.) on Joseph Carne, F.R.S., 110. Gilbart

(James W.), 130 R. (L. G.) on " Galiman," 468. " Thirmuthis " :

Christian name, 490 R. (R. L.) on Robert Waller, 290 R. (V.) on Italian goat : its colour, 449 Radcliffiana (Stirps) on Earls of Derwentwater :

descendants, 256

Rader on thanksgiving in negatives, 449 Rainsford (F. Vine) on colonists in Bermuda, 1620,


Ratcliffe (T.) on " A sandy pig for an acorn," 248. Chatsworth, 389. " Daud "= George, 474. " Frap," 237. Gilbert's (Sir John) illustrations, 426. " Goal - money," 499. " HieLantnan ! Hielanman ! " 409. ' Illustrated London News ' and postage, 250. " Jolly Robbins," 377. " Kennedie," 190. ' Life of Shaw the Life- guardsman,' 288. Seventh child of a seventh child, 174. Spoon folk-lore, 196. " What you don't know won't hurt you," 171. Words used in Thomas Lodge's ' Wits Miserie,' 473 Raven on Napoleonic button, 190. " Wakes " :

" laik," 170 Read (F. W.) on British coins and stamps, 276.

Law against cutting ash trees, 452 Reid (Cuthbert) on ' Bobs,' 473 Relton (Francis H.) on ' Almanach de Gotha,* 255. Fitz-Henry (Meiler), f 1220, and Robert Fitz- Stephen, tl 183-4, 161. Pedigrees of knights, 149. Verdon (Lesceline de), 112 Renira on fire and new-birth, 472