Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/175

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ii s. xi. FEB. 27, i9i5.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


with tho page of advertising. So the whole matter is badly confused.

I have seen, copies marked " The Fourth Edition, " apparently identical with the " Third Edition " copies.

There was an American edition : " Hear Both Sides : a comedy, in five acts, as it

is performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane.

By Thomas Holcroft. Published by John

Conrad and Co. Philadelphia .... 1803."

Octavo, 6+7-91+2 pp.

1804. " Travels from Hamburg, through West- phalia, Holland and the Netherlands, to Paris, By Thomas Holcroft. In two volumes. Vol. I. London : Printed for Richard Phillips, No. 71, St. Paul's Church- Yard. 1804. By T. Gillet, Salisbury-Square." Quarto. I.,xxxvi + 1-468 ; II., xviii + 1-542. This was the work which drew down upon, Holcroft the characterization by Jeffrey in The Edinburgh Review as a book-maker (4: 84). A notice also appeared in The Monthly Review for October, 1804 (45: 113- 1 26, 236-52). There appeared the same year an abridgment changing Holcroft's first into the third person :

" Travels from Hamburgh, through Westphalia, Holland, and the Netherlands, to Paris. By Thomas Holcroft. Abridged by John Fulton, V.M. Glasgow : Printed by R. Chapman, for the booksellers. 1804." Octavo, xvi + 1-392 pp.

It was but natural, of course, that there should be a record of this book in the ' Cata- logue of Glasgow Public Library [instituted 1804], 1810 ' (copy in Mitchell Library, Glasgow, G. 50421). It was listed in the January, 1805, issue of The Glasgow Reposi- tory of Literature, p. 62, along with Godwin's ' Fleet wood.'

In 1806 Phillips got out the following work :

" A collection of modern and contemporary voyages and travels : containing, I. Translations from foreign languages, of voyages and travels never before translated. II. Original Voyages and Travels never before published. III. Analyses of new voyages and travels published in England. London : Printed for Richard Phillips, 6 Bridge-street, Blackfriars ; By Barnard & Sultzer, Water Lane, Fleet Street. 1806."

In vol. ii. pp. 1-86 appeared a sort of resume and collection of extracts entitled : " Holcroft's Travels. Travels from Hamburgh through Westphalia, Holland, and the Nether- lands, to Paris. By Thomas Holcroft. Two volumes quarto, with superb engravings, vig- nettes, &c., pp. 1010. Price 51. 5s. or on large paper, with the plates done up as an atlas, 81. 8s. Phillips, 1804."

In this work Holcroft's, not the abridg- ment were included two " dramatic pro- verbs " from the French of Carmontel, in- serted as illustrative of social customs,

which, if they do not deserve separate listing,.

at least deserve special mention here. They

were :

' The Two Friends,' ii. 58-61.

'The Play is Over,' ii. 63-9.

There is a translation of this book of travels

into German (Bibliotheque Nationale, Lk 7 r

6079) :

"Magazin von merkwurdigen neuen Reisebe- schreibungen, aus fremden Sprachen ubersetzt und mit erlauternden Anmerkungen begleitet. Mit Kupfern und Karten. Acht und zwanzig- ster Band. Berlin, 1806. In der Bossischen. Buchhaiidlung,' '

with the sub-title :

" Neues Magazin von merkwxirdigen Reisebe- schreibunuen. Aus fremden Sprachen uber- setzt und mit erliiuternden Anmerkungen begleitet. Vierter Band. Mit Kupfern. Berlin,, in der Bossischen Buchhandlung. 1806,

and the further sub-title :

" Reise nach Paris. Von Th. Holcroft. Aus* dem Englischen ubersetzt von J. A. Bergk,. Doctor der Philosophic in Leipzig. Mit Kup- fern. Berlin, in der Bossischen Buchhandlung. 1806."

The narrative is paged octavo, 6 [3 title- s] + 1 p.l. + 3-520. ELBRIDGE COLBY. lumbia University, New York City. (To be continued.)


(See ante, p. 64.)

IN accordance with the suggestion made- by The Atheticeum of the 13th inst., that ' N. & Q.' should give the full text of the chant des combats in the original French,. I now do so, my friend Miss KATE NOB- GATE having kindly lent me the original from which she made her translation. This includes the three additional stanzas.

Allons, enfants de la patrie,

Le jour de gloire est arrive". Centre nous de la tyrannie

L'^tendard sanglant est leve ! (bis) Entendez-vous dans les campagnes Mugir ces fe"roces soldats ? Us viennent jusque dans nos bras ^Igorger nos fils, nos compagnes ! Aux armes, citoyens ! formez vos bataillons ! Marchez, marchez ! qu'un sang impur abreuve-

nos sillons 1

Que veut cette horde d'esclaves, De traltres, de rois conjures ? Pour qui ces ignobles entraves,

Ces fers des longtemps prepares ? (bis] - Frangais, pour nous ! ah, quel outrage ! Quels transports il doit exciter ! C'est nous qu'on ose me"diter De rendre & 1'antique esclavage ! Aux armes, citoyens ! formez vos bataillons 1 Marchez, marchez ! qu'un sang impur abreuve- nos sillons 1