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11 S. XI. Mar. 6, 1915.]

of Somerset' (1623), the Heralds' Visitations in the Harleian MSS., Locke's 'Western Rebellion,' and Burke's 'Extinct Baronetage.' Bayley's 'The Civil War in Dorset' should also be consulted for frequent references to Henry Henley of Colway, who was M.P. for Dorsetshire, for Bridport, and for Lyme Regis. W. G. Willis Watson.


I am not able to answer Mrs. Lavington's query, but possibly the following may be a clue to the information required. Sir Robert Henley gave 100l. to the rector and churchwardens of Eversley, Hants, the interest thereof to be used for apprenticing poor children. There is a tabulated list of benefactions hung in the church. The above is taken from the Report of Commissioners concerning the Charities of England and Wales, which began in 58 George III. and ended in 7 William IV. No date is given respecting the gift alluded to. F. K. P.

Sources of information will be found in Marshall's 'Genealogist's Guide.' "Overseers" of a will, usually called "supervisors," are very common in old wills. They are often persons of higher station in life than the testator or executors. B. Whitehead.


Many valuable references to this family have appeared in 'N. & Q.' Your correspondent might profitably consult the following: 7 S. ix. 468; 8 S. i. 191, 210; xii. 167, 254, 315; 10 S. ix. 141, 470, 496; x. 92, 192; 11 S. iv. 129, 177. John T. Page.

Long Itchington, Warwickshire

"Pecca fortiter" (11 S. xi. 148).—See No. 688 in the third edition of King's 1 Classical and Foreign Quotations,' "Esto peccator et pecca fortiter, sed fortius fide et gaude in Christo." The reference given is a letter of Luther to Melanchthon in 'Epis- tulæ R. P. M. Lutheri,' Jena, 1556, tom. i. p. 345.

One of the conveniences in King's book is a separate index (No. III.) which "includes all quotations, and parts of quotations, not occurring in the Dictionary's alphabetical order" (all Greek quotations are given by themselves in Index IV.). The reader who fails to find "Pecca fortiter" in the body of the work and remembers to try Index III. is duly referred to No. 688. Edward Bensly.

Pictures and Puritans (11 S. xi. 151).—See 'The Journal of William Dowsing of Stratford, Parliamentary Visitor (1643-4),' edited by C. H. E. White (Ipswich, Pawsey & Hayes, 1885). F. P. Barnard.

Bilsby House, near Alford, Lincolnshire.

Llewelyn ap Rees ap Grono, 1359 (11 S. ix. 410; x. 515).—In the section of his 'Limbus Patrum Morganiæ' devoted to the descendants of Einon (ap Cedifor) ap Collwyn, and at p. 191, Clark has a neglected little pedigree which, read in connexion with a pedigree of the sons and grandsons of a certain Robert ab Einon which I give later, points to these latter as the descendants of Einon ap Cedifor ap Collwyn; and consequently allows me to restate the immediate descent (lost for at least 300 years) of a man who figures largely, but I am afraid mistakenly, as an ancestor of a great number of Glamorgan families.

Briefly, Clark's neglected pedigree runs thus:—

"Owen, 5th son of Einon ap Collwyn (sic), was father of Cradoc, father of Richard, father of Rees, father of Grono, father of Rees, father of Llewelyn."

John Williams, a Monmouthshire genealogist who fl. 1600, and whose work was edited in 1910 by Col. Bradneyas the 'Llyfr Baglan,' gives on fos. 293-4 practically the same pedigree, stating, however, that the ancestor was "Owen ap Einon, Lord of Senghenyth, ap Kedivor, Prince of Deved." It is evident that Clark (who never gives his authorities) derived his pedigree from another source.

One expects to find in the 'Catalogue of the Penrice and Margam MSS.'—containing as they do some thousands of documents referring to Glamorgan, including many hundreds of the earliest charters, &c., of Margam Abbey, of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries—ample confirmation of the pedigree of Einon ap Cedifor. But one expects in vain. Yet from the charters of Margam I have been able to draw a pedigree of the descendants of a "Robert ab Eeinan [Einon]," which I have mentioned above. See 'Penrice and Margam MSS.,' 2091.)

The sons of Einon (ap Cedifor) as given in Clark, p. 131, are (1) Cadrod, Lord of Senghenydd; (2) Richard, Lord of Miscin; (3) Idnerth; (4) Griffith, whose descendants flourished in Cardigan; (5) Owen.

Of these men Cadrod was, I believe, alone the son of Einon ap Cedifor. Richard, Lord of Miscin, may also have been a son. Idnerth and Owen were grandsons of Einon; and Griffith was probably the son of an