Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/264

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. XL MAR. 27, 1915.

umbrella, and I myself remember we have waited for half an hour whilst the small engine went off at a small junction to get more trucks and attach to the train, which was always a mixed train. The principal carriage was a composite affair, containing one first-class and two second-class compartments. The general public travelled in open trucks with -side doors and wooden seats, and a man took toll on the way, but tickets were also issued. If one wanted to go to Cornwall by S. W. Rly., one had TO start from Waterloo at 6.45 A.M., as no other train would catch the connection at St. David's, Exeter ; but if one went by G. W. Rly. all the way [to West Cornwall] five sets of passes were necessary, viz., G. VV. Rly., Bristol and Exeter Rly., South Devon Rly., Cornwall Rly., and West Cornwall Rly., as they were all separate companies."

P. JENNINGS. .St. Day, Scorrier.

DUCK'S STORM : GOOSE'S STORM (11 S. xi. 188). May I be allowed to suggest that the former consists of rain, and the latter of snow ? Water is highly appreciated by ducks, to say nothing of the fact that it provides mankind with a ducking ! Feathery snowflakes are often referred to as the out- come of beds which some Northern house- wife is shaking ; at the prenest time, however, few people lie on goose-down.


Wright's ' Provincial Dictionary ' (1857) lias " Duck-shower, s., a hasty shower."


In Northamptonshire a shower of short continuance is spoken of as a " duck- shower," and a slight frost is also known as a " duck-frost." See Wright's ' Provincial Dictionary ' and Baker and Sternberg's ' Glossaries.' I have not met with the term " goose's storm " before.

JOHN T. PAGE. Long Itchington, Warwickshire.

"SiR ANDREW" (11 S. xi. 211). The " Sir Andrew " referred to in Hood's ' Ode ' is Sir Andrew Agnew (1793-1849), M.P. for W^igtonshire, who promoted a Bill in Parlia- ment with the object of greatly restricting Sunday labour. The Bill was introduced for the fourth time, and passed the second - reading stage, in 1837, the year in which the Ode to Rae Wilson ' appeared in the columns of The Athencewn (12 Aug.).

Canon Ainger, in his Memoir of Hood, states that the poet had on several previous occasions "expressed his opinion in verse on Sir Andrew Agnew and his ' Lord's Dav Observance Bill.' :: R. NICHOLLS. J

^ [VI ^^T M ' H -r PEV i Tand MR ' THOS - thanked for replies.]

ENGLISH CONSULS IN ALEPPO (US. xi. 182). A few additions and corrections to MR. GEO. JEFFERY'S article may be of interest.

In 1600 the English Consul at Aleppo was Richard Colthurst .(see "Part of a Letter of Master William Biddulph from Aleppo " in ' Purchas His Pilgrimes,' vol. viii. p. 261, Glasgow, 1905).

For the subsequent years we have the following data, culled from the archives of the Levant Company at the Public Record Office by Mr. M. Epstein (see Appendix IV. to his ' Early History of the Levant Com- pany,' London, 1908) :

Bartholomew Haggatt, appointed 30 Sept., 1614.

Libby Chapman, appointed 14 Feb., 1615 (Vice- Con sul).

Libby Chapman, appointed 27 March, 1617 (Consul).

(Edward) Kirkham, appointed 31 July, 1621.

(Thomas) Potton, appointed 1 May, 1627.

John Waindeford, appointed 3 March, 1629.

Edward Barnard, appointed 25 Oct., 1638.

To the above I will add some miscellaneous notes derived from my researches in the Public Record Office (S.P. Foreign, Supple- mentary, Bundles 67 and 68) :

Gamaliel Nightingale was still Consul in 1686.

After Nevil Coxe I find George Wakeman mentioned as Proconsul in 1740, followed by Nathaniel Micklethwait, Consul, in 1741.

Alexander Drummond was succeeded in 1758 by Brown, who died in 1759, when Alexander Drummond took charge of the Consulate again till the arrival of William Kinloch in the same year (1759).

In 1768 I find Preston mentioned as Pro- consul, and in 1770 Charles Smith, also as Proconsul.

"John Abbot" should be John Abbott (likewise Peter Abbott) ; and for " David Hay " read David Hays.

Charles Smith's Consulship ended long before 1806, for I find Michael Devezin mentioned as Proconsul in 1789 and 1790.

Lastly, John Barker was Consul at Aleppo from 1799 to 1826, when that post was abolished, and he was transferred to Alex- andria (see ' Chronological List of Consulates- General and of Certain Consulates,' in ' The Foreign Office List and Diplomatic and Con- sular Year-Book ').

It is to be regretted that this official pub- lication contains no list of Aleppo Consuls, the result being that one is obliged to search for information among papers preserved at haphazard, scattered in many places, incom- plete, unclassified, and unnumbered. The