Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/270

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [11 s. xi. MA*. 27, 1915.


IT would seem from the large number of Cata- logues we are now receiving that, notwithstanding the continuance of the War, there is a revival in the old-book trade at any rate, booksellers are -evidently determined to let buyers know what they have to offer. On going through the lists we find many of the prices exceptionally low, so that now is a good time to buy.

MR. FRANCIS EDWARDS devotes his Catalogue 348 to Works on the Fine Arts. The recent death of Walter Crane causes us to turn to that name first. 'The Faerie Queene' with 231 designs, in- eluding 98 full-page ones by Walter Crane, is 4Z. (the original price was IQl. 15rf. net). A copy of the 'Echoes of Hellas' with'musical score, 2 vols., 4to, is II. 5s. There are several books, by no means expensive, with Crane's illustrations, besides the invitation card for the ball to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee. Under Millais are some of those delightful illustrated books that found Christmas buyers in the sixties. Among works on Architecture is a fine copy of Owen Jones's ' Alhambra,' the 2 vols. imperial folio being priced 12?. 10-sv There is also a fine copy of Gotch's ' Architecture of the Renais- sance,' 2 vols., folio, 51. 10-s. Among the Hogarths is a copy in 2 vols. folio, old blue morocco, extra large paper, with trial proofs of the plates, 51. Shoberl and Pyne's ' World in Miniature,' 43 vols., 12mp, original boards, is priced 2QL There are fine original impressions of Boydell's ' Illustrations to Shakespeare,' many at very moderate prices. The choice works under Japanese Art include Audsley's. Under Illuminated Manuscripts are Sir G. F. Warner's reproductions of those in the British Museum, the four series complete, Wl. 10-s.

MR. JAMES MILES of Leeds has in Catalogue 195 a good general list. Among Alpine works is a clean set of The Alpine Journal, 1876 to 1913, 14Z. 14-9. There is in manuscript a Biography for 1838 and 1839, intended as a continuation of ' The Annual Biography ' (which terminated in printed form in 1837), written by John Chambers of Norwich. A collection of portraits in water colours includes L. E. L., Mrs. Fitzherbert, and Grimaldi, the 2 vols. bound in contemporary half calf, 4. 4s. Works relating to Leeds range from 1827, and include scarce pamphlets. Under Yorkshire are "77 original pen-and-ink drawings of Leeds and neighbourhood, done by J. A. Symington, mounted on boards in a folio volume, 1889, price 11. Is. Among cheap steel engravings is Finden's ' Views,' 2 vols., 4to, half morocco gilt, original edition, !*. Qd. ; and there is a reminiscence of the Annuals of the thirties and forties in a copy of 'Friend- ship's Offering,' 1844, 4-s. Qd. This contains two steel engravings from Ruskin, and two poems by him.

MESSRS. HENRY SOTHERAN & Go's Catalogues Nos. 754 and 755 form two parts of r a Catalogue of Works on Natural History. These include a large number of useful and important modern works at reduced prices, and we should particularly recom- mend these lists to scientific students, who will find good things in every department of biology. In the way of prizes for those who can afford such things, Messrs. Sotheran have a complete set of Gould's works, together with ' The Birds of New Guinea ' (completed by Dr. Bowdler Shame), and a monograph by Dr. Bowdler Sharpe on * The

Birds of Paradise and the Bower-birds.' The whole set is in 45 volumes, imperial folio, bound in levant morocco, each work in a different colour, and con- tained in a carved bookcase made for the purpose. The price of all this is 70W. There is also a good copy of the original edition of Audubon's ' The Birds of America ' 435 coloured plates in 4 vols. double elephant folio New York, 1827-38, 55W. Another interesting Audubon item is ' The Vivi- parous Quadrupeds of North America ' (1845-54), for which 757. is asked. The sets of periodicals and of works brought out in a series are numerous and important : we may ' ; mention parts 1-212 of the 'Biologia Centrali- Americana,' edited by Messrs. God man and Salvin, which is thus up to date, and, the parts being issued at 11. Is. apiece, is not expen- sive at 1801. A complete set of The Philosophical Transactions of [the Royal Society (with the abridgment up to 1750) is offered for 185Z. ; and there is a usefully long series (1832-1900) of The Philosophical Magazine to be had for 145Z. Another useful collection is that of monographs of Orni- thology and Oology which have appeared during the past 50 years a virtually exhaustive collection, including many pieces of work which have only appeared in journals, and several autograph letters, to which is added a complete MS. Index 150?. Under Botany (Part II.), where many of the items are of great interest, we .may notice 'Brazilian Flowers,' a work of which only 50 copies were printed for private circulation, consisting of 50 plates, hand-coloured after the original drawings, which were made from 1880 to 1882 in the neigh- bourhood of Rio Janeiro. Another

printed work of importance is Messrs. Elwes and Henry's * The Trees of Great Britain and Ireland,' of which only 500 copies have been done, 1906-13, 24/. A pleasant section, including several attrac- tive old-fashioned books, is that headed 'Garden- ing,' in which, perhaps, the well-known landscape gardener Humphry Repton's two books on his own art are the best.

[Notices of other Catalogues held over.]


ON all communications must be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- lication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately, nor can we advise correspondents as to the value or old books and other objects or as to the means of disposing of them.

To secure insertion of communications corre- spondents must observe the following rules. Let each note, query, or reply be written on a separate s h P of paper, with the signature of the writer and such address as he wishes to appear. When answer- ing queries, or making notes with regard to previous entries in the paper, contributors are requested to put m parentheses, immediately after the exact heading, the series, volume, and page or pages to which they refer. Correspondents who repeat queries are requested to head the second com- munication " Duplicate."

MR. T. W. TYRRELL. Kind offer forwarded to querist,

M. D.~We would suggest a reference to the