Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/336

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Sir Charles Ashburnham was not Bishop of Chichester. The only baronet named Charles on the roll of Ashburnham, Baronets of Bromham, co. Sussex (created 15 May, 1661), was the third baronet, who succeeded his brother 7 Nov., 1755, and died 3 Oct., 1762. It was the second but eldest surviving son of Sir Charles, William by name, who was elected Bishop of Chichester, 22 March, 1754, while Dean of Chichester, and who succeeded his father as fourth baronet, and died 4 Sept., 1797.

Sir William Ashburnham, fourth baronet, married in 1736 Margaret Pelham, grand- daughter of Henry Pelham of Starimer, co. Sussex, Clerk of the Pells, and therefore cousin of Henry Pelham, who was Prime Minister 1743-54, and of his brother, the Duke of Newcastle : a connexion which accounts for his early and rapid ecclesiastical preferment. No one seems to have recorded the name of the wife of Sir Charles Ash- burnham, third baronet. All that is known is that when he succeeded his brother in the baronetcy, the family estates were inherited by his son, the Bishop, and he was passed over, owing, it is said, to his obscure marriage.

F. DE H. L.

[THE IIox. KATHLEEN WARD, the REV. A. B. BEAVEN, MR. H. J. B. CLEMENTS, DR. MAGRATH, .and MR. USSHER also thanked for replies.]

DREAMS AND LITERATURE (11 S. x. 447, 512; xi. 32). In Andrew Lang's 'New Collected Poems,' p. 68, there is a poem called ' Love's Cryptogram,' of which the author says that the first verse came to him in sleep. I believe there is another dream poem among Lang's works, but I have no reference for it. M. H. DODDS.

Home House, Low Fell, Gateshead.

THE MILITARY MEDAL AND SIR JOHN FRENCH (US. xi. 246). H.R.H. the late Duke of Cambridge had the above decora- tion. It can be seen in all his military portraits along with his other Crimean decorations. ROBERT PVAYNER.

Herne Hill, S.E.

JOHN TRUSLER (11 S. xi. 190, 234, 289). It is curious that no specific date is given as that of Trusler's death, and also that the place of his death is variously stated. The ' D.N.B.' follows The Gentleman's Magazine in both particulars, placing the date " in 1820," and the locus as the Villa House, Bathwick (not Englefield Green, as asserted at p. 234, ante). ' A Biographical Dictionary of Living Authors,' w ith title-page 1816, .and Preface dated 1 Dec., 1815, has at

p. 355 a lengthy notice and catalogue of works by " the very cameleon of literature," as it styles Trusler, and says : " He resided several years at Bath on the profits of his trade, and latterly at his estate on Engle- field Green in Middlesex." A supplement at the end of the volume states (p. 447). " This remarkable person closed his career in the course of the present year." As there is nothing to show that the work named was not published at its ostensible date 1816 there is an obvious contradiction of the statement in The Gentleman's Magazine, xc. ii. 89 (1820), that he had died " lately." Perhaps these uncertainties could be cleared up by means of the daily newspapers.

W. B. H.

BEARDS (11 S. xi. 262). In The New Wonderful Magazine, vol. i. p. 449 (circa 1840), is a portrait of Jean Staininger, citizen and counsellor of Braunau, upon the river Inn, in Upper Austria, who died 28 Sept., 1567, taken in 1807 from the basso -rilievo which decorates his tomb in Braunau church, where he is described as a most beneficent friend to his native town, but most remarkable for a long beard which reached to hifi feet.

MR. MACRAY'S allusion to the recent men- tion of an abnormal beard in England probably refers to this paragraph in The Standard of 11 Feb., 1915 :

" Mr. Richard Latter, an octogenarian, whose death has occurred at Tunbridge Wells, was the proud possessor of a beard sixteen feet in length, which he claimed as a world's record. It took Mr. Latter nearly a lifetime to grow this remark- able beard, which he wore -in the form of a plait folded round his body."

W. B. H.

BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION WANTED (11 S. xi. 231). (7 and 8) See the 'D.N.B.' and Brown's ' Somersetshire Wills,' iv. 81. Thomas Garbrand, son of " Harks " of Jamaica, gent., matriculated from Pem- broke Coll., Oxf., 27 June, 1700, aged 16 ; B.A., 1704 (Foster). The Rev. Mr. Gar- brand, Rector of St. John's in Jamaica, was dead in 1707 (Fulham Palace MSS.). The will of Tho. Garbrand was recorded at Jamaica in 1738. Caleb Garbrand of Ja- maica died at Chelsea 6 July, 1757 (G.M.). Joshua Garbrand of Jamaica received a grant of arms in 1768 (Rowlandson's 'Heraldry,' ii.). Archibald Garbrand, Esq., died 5 July, 1798, aged 36; M.I. in Kingston Churchyard, Jamaica (Archer, 128).

