Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/349

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Mr. Stephens writes : " He was success- ively at No. 23, Myddelton Terrace (1836)..." this should read " 23, Amwell Street (1834)." Mr. Dobson also makes the same error in writing : " In 1836 the * Comic Alphabet ' was published from No. 23, Myddelton Terrace, to which he had removed from No. 22 "; this ,gain should be 23 and 22, Amwell Street. Miss Mitton in her little book, ' Where Great Hen Have Lived in London,' gives only one .address for Cruikshank in Clerkenwell, namely, 23, Amwell Street, which is printed " Anwell Street." Pinks, the historian of Clerkenwell, also gives only this address, , surprising omission in such an elaborate .history.

Cruikshank' s next London address was INo. 48, Mornington Place, Hampstead Road ; .and in dealing with this Mr. Stephens is again at fault. He states that " later he lived at No. 48, Mornington Place, in the Hampstead Road. . . .This was from 1850 to 1870, when he removed to No. 263, Hamp- stead Road" Now these two addresses are the same house, the designation being changed when the road was renumbered in 1863. For this information I am indebted to MB. FROST, who has proved it correct by reference to the contemporary ' London Directory.' It was at this house that Cruik- shank died in 1878.

Mr. Stephens in his ' Cruikshank ' has a grumble at " local busybodies who delight in ebolishirig the history and renown of the streets with which they have to do " that is, by changing the names and numbers of streets ; but the public have quite as good , cause to grumble at authors who will not go to the trouble of verifying their state- ments. WM. G. WILDING. Central Public Library, Finsbury, E.G.

" NOTARY." (See ante, p. 264. ) Referring to my previous note, I would mention that at a recent meeting of the Council of the Law Society as to " Notaries Public in Wales," a Report was brought up and adopted of the Special Committee of the X,aw Society, to whom a letter had been referred from the Lord Chancellor's secre- tary, directing attention to the fact that the jurisdiction over the appointment of Notaries Public in Wales had been transferred by the Welsh Church Act, 1914, from the Arch- bishop of Canterbury to the Lord Chancellor, and requesting the Council to make any suggestions which might occur to them as to the method in which the jurisdiction referred to should be exercised. Such Report is set out in extenso in The Law

Society's Gazette, April, 1915, vol. xii. pp. 108- 112, and is an illuminating and important document, and also is of interest as explaining the work undertaken in Belgium by avocats, avoues, and notaires.


WE must request correspondents desiring in- formation on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that answers may be sent to them direct.

TUMBREL : " CUM COLO ET FUSO." At a " Court of View of Frankpledge holden at Weston on Thursday next after the feast of St. Luke in the fourteenth year of the reign of King Edward third since the Conquest [=1340] "*

the ale -tasters presented

"that widow Agnes brews and sells contrary to the assise. Wherefore it was ordered that she mount the tumbrel with spindle and distaff." f The last four words seem to add a humorous touch to the penalty. What was their special object ? Q. V.

NAPOLEON AND THE BELLEROPHON. I am anxious to know the present whereabouts of a well-known painting which represents Napoleon as mounting the gangway of the Bellerophon on 15 July, 1815, while two officers and a midshipmen are seen on deck, waiting to receive him. What is the title of this painting, and who was the artist ? I also understand that the picture has been reproduced as an engraving. Who were the publisher? ?


5, Southdown House, Silverdale Road, Eastbourne.

HUGH GREVILLE BARMESYDE. Informa- tion wanted as to his family and place of burial. A sketch of his life was written by the late Chas. B. Fairbanks of Boston, U.S., about the middle of last century. Barme- syde is said to have sprung from an ancient Somerset family, and to have been buried in the family vault in Shepton Mallet Church. A search through the registers there fails to reveal any such name. He died in London in 1795. E. H.

  • "The Court Baron. Edited for the Selden

Society by F. W. Maitland and W. P. Baildon. London, 1891," p. 100.

f "Tastatores servicie presentant quod Agneta vidua brasiat et vendit contra assisam. Ideo preceptum est quod scandat tumberellum cum colo et fuse."