Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/386

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [11 s. XL MAY 15, 1915.

Inn Signs:

"Leden Hall Porch," St. Aldate's, Oxford.

" Fleecy Earn," at Cleator, Cumberland, 1894.

Ireland. Petition about a schoolmaster kept to teach Edw. Bourke's children English (in the diocese of Tuam), who is interfered with by a Scotch master who, by reason of his pronunciation, cannot teach English so well. July, 1636. Bawl. MS. (Bodl.) C. 439, f. 141 b . James I. An armadillo kept by him in 1603 (Bawl. MS. [Bodl.] A. 239, ft. 41, &c. ) ; and silkworms and a " catt of moun- tayne " in 1616, A. 240, ff. 26, 28. Jefferies (George, Judge). He " had a particular kindness " for Mr. Evans, an Independent minister at Wrexham, and often screened him " in the troubles of those times." Dr. W. Harris's Sermon on the death of Dr. John Evans, son of the pre- ceding, 1730, p. 32.

Jena. A pretty little view of the town is on the title of W. Heider's ' Orationes,' 1629.

Jews. Plea between the Crown and Arch- bishop of York respecting a debt due from the Priory of Bridlington to Bonamy, a Jew of York, exiled from the kingdom, 1293. Bawl. MS. (Bodl.) C. 418, 29*.

Bamsey Abbey Library was apparently rich in Hebrew books, as in the thir- teenth century there were special keepers of them. See art. Bob. Dodford in Tan- ner's ' Bibliotheca.'

List of about 150 converts sent to various monasteries by Henry III. to be maintained for two years. Prynne's 'Be- cords,' ii. 835-40.

Lamport, Northants. Condition of the living, &c., in 1641. ' A Certificate from Northamptonshire,' 1641, p. 7. Languages. "Encomia" addressed to the Emperor Ferdinand III. in some twenty- three languages (including Samaritan and Chinese, and English verses by J. A. Ghibbes) in vol. i. of Kircher's * (Edipus ^Egyptiacus,' fol., Bom., 1652.

" Interrogacio. Quot sunt lingue in mundo ? Besponsio. Septuaginta due. - Interrogacio. Cur non plures vel pauciores ? Besponsio. Propter filios Noe, Sem, Cam, et Japhet. Sem habuit filios xxvii., Cam xxx. filios, Japhet xv. filios, et sic omnes isti juncti faciunt septuaginta duo." Bawl. MS. C. 499, f. 151 b .

Lay Beader. The parish clerk of Waltham Holy Cross licensed by the Bishop of London in 1621 to read prayers, church women, and bury. Bawl. MS. D. 818, f. 174.

Lilburne (John). Wounded in the eye most dangerously with a pike immediately after publishing a letter against Prynne, for which John Vicars gives God glory as a just punishment. [ Vicars 's] ' Picture of Independency,' 4to, 1645, p. 9.

Note about his early life by Bp. Barlow in his copy of Lilburne's letter to W. Prynne, 1645, in the Bodleian Library.

Lincoln Cathedral. Customs of the Cathe- dral about 1195-1205, sent to the Bishop of Moray as a t\pe for those of Elgin. ' Begist. Episc. Morav,' printed by the Bannatyne Club in 1837, pp. 44-58.

Lismore. The ruined and miserable state of the Cathedral described. W. Gostelow's ' Charles Stuart and O. Cromwell L T nited,' 1655.

London. In 1621-2, births 8,747, deaths 9,072, " anno superiori." The letter is dated London, 4 id. Dec., 1622. J. Hun- teri ' Epistolse Miscellanese,' 8vo, Vienna, 1631, p. 84.

Figures that struck the quarters in the clock of the old Cathedral : " What is mirth in mee is as harmelesse as the quarter Jacks in Powls, that are vp with their elbows foure times an howre, and yet misuse no creature living." T. M[iddletoii's] Pre- face to ' The Ant and the Nightingale,' 4to, Lond., 1604.

Maidstone. " Mr. Whetherell, the Latine schoolemaster of Maydston, bound for New England in April, 1635." MS. note by Tho. Sparke at the end of a copy of Bodleian Cat. 1620 in the Library.

Maldon Abbey, Essex. Henry, abbot circa 1200 (not in Dugdale). Essex Charter 2 (Bodl. Libr.).

Manuscripts. Service-books used as car- tridges by the French in the wars after the French Bevolution. Orthodox Church- man's Magazine, vol. ii., 1802, p. 204.

May-Day. Chimneysweeps dressed in Lon- don in full-bottomed wigs, bands, and coifs. ' Letter concerning the Abuse of Scripture -terms,' 8vo, Lond., 1743, p. 22.

Monasteries. Canons were not always able to write ; for in the form " de professione canonicorum facienda " at Oseney it was provided that the novice should read his profession " sua propria manu vel alterius si ipse nescit scrip tarn." Bawl. MS. C. 939, f. 115 b .