Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/428

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [11 s. XL MAY , 1915.

MACAULAY'S ' LORD BACON. ' I should be grateful to any reader who would put me on the track of any of the following references ; the pages are cited from the Oxford Plain Text edition.

1. "Sir Nicholas Bacon Wjis called.... by

George Buchanan ,

diu Britannici Regni secundum columen." P. 15.

2. " Mildred, the wife of Lord Burleigh, was described by Roger Ascham as the best Greek scholar among the young women of England, Lady Jane Grey always excepted." P. 16.

3. "Mr. Montagu's other argument, namely, that Bacon, though he took gifts, did not take bribes,

seems to us futile Demosthenes noticed it

with contempt more than two thousand years ago." P. 82.

4. "The many years which he [Bacon] had wasted, to use the words of Sir Thomas Bodley, ' on such study as was not worthy of such a stu- dent.'"-?. 87.

5. " We have heard that an eminent judge of the last generation was in the habit of jocosely pro- pounding after dinner a theory, that the cause of the prevalence of Jacobinism was the practice of bearing three names." P. 121.

He then quotes on the one side Charles James Fox, Richard Brinsley Sheridan, &c., and on the other William Pitt, Edmund Burke, &c. Who was the judge ?


MAJOR GROSE AND CAPT. WILLIAMSON. Major Grose is said to have allowed a Capt. Williamson to pose as the author of his ' Advice to the Officers of the Army.' Who was Capt. Williamson ?


CAMDEN'S PUPILS AT WESTMINSTER SCHOOL. In a letter to Dr. Usher, after- wards Archbishop of Armagh, dated 10 July, 1618, Camden states that he "brought there to Church divers gentlemen of Ireland, as Walshes, Nugents, O 'Bailey, Shees, the

eldest son of the Archbishop of Cassiles

and others bred popishly and so affected " (' Original Letters of Eminent Literary Men,' Camden Soc Pub. No. 23, p. 125). Is it possible to identify any of these pupils of Camden at Westminster ?

G. F. B. B.

'THE PROTECTOR.' On Friday, 10 Jan., 1851, there appeared the first number of a weekly newspaper called The Protector (price 4c?.), devoted to the interests of the High Church party. No. 1 consisted of eight pages only, some of the later issues extending to twelve pages, and it measured fifteen inches by ten. The publisher was James John Hopper of 10, Upper Wellington Street, Strand. The British Museum set

comprises only seven numbers, the last being dated 21 February; and the same ground is covered by a set which has just come into my possession. No. 7 contains none of th^ usual premonitory signs of death, and covers twelve pages, the publisher's announcements as to terms of subscription and charges for advertisements being full of hope. Can any reader say who were the promoters of The Protector, and whether No. 7 was the last issued ?

B. B. P.

THE " DOMINION " OF CANADA. I take the following extract from The Pall Mall Gazette of 3 May : *

" We are accustomed to take the expression of the ' Dominion ' of Canada for granted ; but the original of that somewhat unusual word is known to very few. When at length the great scheme of Sir John Macdonald was realized, and the nine provinces grouped themselves together into one great confederation, a serious difficulty was presented by the choice of a suitable name. For a time almost a deadlock ensued.

" At length one old member of Parliament rose from his seat and told his colleagues that he had read in his Bible that very morning the words : ' His dominion shall be from the one sea to the other.' Accordingly he suggested that Canada should be known as the Dominion, or God's Land. The suggestion seized upon the hearts and imaginations of those present, and it was promptly acted upon."

Is this truth, or an example of the early growth of legend ? G. L. APPERSON.

" JANUS." In the list (Bulletin No. 2, vol. ii. ) of recent accessions to the John Bylands Library in this city, the following volume finds a place :

" Janus, pseud [i.e., Johann Joseph Ignaz von Doellinger]. The Pope and the Council. By Janus. Authorized translation from the German. Second edition. London, 1869. 8vo."

Is the authorship of " Janus," as the bracketed words would imply, settled beyond dispute ? I remember well the controversy that raged around it when the book fell like a bolt from the blue into religious camps, and have ever since been under the impression that its authorship, like that of "Junius, 5 was for ever veiled from the curious. J. B. McGovERN.

St. Stephen's Rectory, C.-on-M., Manchester.

" To " WITH ELLIPSIS OF THE INFINI- TIVE. It is very common to use " to " of the infinitive with verb not expressed, but understood from preceding context, e.g., " I should like to, but I haven't time." Wanted references to grammars which notice, and either allow or condemn, this usage ; also