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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. xi. JAN. 9, 1915.

I wouki maintain that Freeman is right in using the word, however hybrid or ugly, as equivalent to " because " ; and that the usual rendering of the hymn-books, " For why ? " is an error. May it not be that the word was a recognized one when Kethe wrote the hymn in the sixteenth century ? In at least one hymn collection (the Marl- borough School one, I think) I have come across the line given, as I venture to contend, correctly : " Forwhy the Lord," &c.

S. R C.

Precincts, Canterbury.

[HARMATOPEGOS thanked for reply.]

SHAKESPEARE MYSTERY (11 S. x. 509). Is your correspondent ST. SWITHIN thinking of the Chepstow comedy of a year or two ago ? An enthusiastic Baconian from the United States, in the person of Dr. Orville Owen, arrived at Chepstow one day, an- nounced his inspiration that the Baconian " secret " would shortly be revealed, hired a gang of navvies, and commenced to dredge the bed of the River Wye, near Chepstow Castle. After weeks of work and expense they found the buttress of an old bridge, and joyfully demolished it in the hope of discovering the supposed hidden casket and documents. Meeting with no success, the American quietly departed. Some few months later it was announced in the papers that a Chepstow sweep had dis- covered the missing clues in a cave, and required 1,000?. reward before he would reveal the locality. This public statement is said to have caused Dr. Owen to journey once more across the Atlantic in hot haste, but an ominous silence followed this thrilling news, and we still await the much -promised "revelations." WM. JAGGARD.

Rose Bank, Stratford-on-Avon.

DE TASSIS, THE SPANISH AMBASSADOR TEMP. JAMES I. (11 S. x. 488; xi. 14). Don Juan de Tassis, first Count of Villame- diana, was buried in the monastery of San Agustin of Valladolid, according to Chifflet (' Les marques d'honneur de la maison de Tassis,' 1645, p. 204) ; in the capilla mayor of the same, according to Quadrado ('Valla- dolid, Palencia y Zamora,' 1885, p. 79). From the latter work it would appear that San Agustin was stripped of its works of art in the War of Independence ; and Marti y Mons6's ' Estudios historico -artisticos,' relating principally to Valladolid, fails either to mention or to illustrate the sepulchre (1898-1901).

No portrait of this Tassis is mentioned in any of the following works : A. M. de Barcia,

  • Catalogo de los retratos de persona jes

espanoles que se conservan en la Secciondee las Estampas y de Bellas Artes de la Biblio- teca Nacional ' (supplement to the Revista de Archives), 1901 ; ' Catalogo de la Exposi- cion nacional de retratos,' Madrid, 1902 ; ' Catalogo ilustrado. Exposicion de retratos,' &c., Barcelona, 1910. A. V. D. P.

THE PRONUNCIATION OF " ow " (11 S. x. 455, 516). It may be worthy of record that in Ulster, where old pronunciations linger long, the word " cucumber " was always said like " cuckoo," and that Sarah Gamp's vulgarism was quite incomprehensible to us in our childhood, some sixty years since. In that picturesque province many words are said in the fashion now being reintro- duced in England, somewhat to the dismay of those Ulster folks who carefully unlearnt their own ways of saying " detail " and many other words. Old poetry is a good guide to many of these variants, yet spoken by living lips, so as to make the rimes of Pope ring true in co. Antrim, which are hopelessly incorrect in England.

Is it worth adding, in reference to the name of " Cowper," that the writer had the honour of knowing the beautiful Lady Cowper-Temple, who used gently and tact- fully to correct those who made her name to rime with brow or how ?

As regards " due," the Somerset folk- songs give the word as doo. See the wail of the Farmer of Old Times when his rector arrives for the tithe pig " as is my doo."

Y. T

PAVLOVA (11 S. x. 507). This is a sur- name, the masculine form being Pavlov, derived from Pavl (Paul). John and Anne, son and daughter of Paul, in Russian usage would be Ivan Pavlovitch and Anna Pav- lovna. Pavlov and Pavlova are adjectival forms, and imply belonging to Paul. The original Pavl of Madame Pavlova's family may be somewhat remote.


BOBERT CATESBY, JUN., SON OF THE CONSPIRATOR (11 S. x. 508). He was the only surviving son, and he died without male issue in the first year of Charles I. He had an only sister, Ann, married to Sir Henry Browne, and their daughter and heir, Margaret, in her minority was married to T. P. (Who is he ? ) So I learn from counsel's opinion, taken about 1640, with regard to an estate that had belonged to the Catesbies.

As to the portrait alluded to, which, with the owner's leave, I have had reproduced