Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/71

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11 S. XL JAN. 23, 1915.] NOTES AND QUERIES ,



CONTENTS.-No. 265.

NOTES : John Pritchard, a Shropshire Solicitor 61 Walker the Ironmonger's Literary Frauds, 62 Family Portraits at Easton Mauditt, 63 'The Marseillaise.' 64 St. Thomas's Church. Regent Street" Wangle." 65 English Prisoners in France in 1811 "By hook and crook, " 66 Tichborne Street ' ' Pole "^Pool ' ' Shot- window," 67.

QUERIES : Inverness Bibliography Eighteenth-Century Physician on Predestination, 67 'Guide to Irish Fiction"' Onions and Deafness Deaf and Dumb Alphabets Thomas Thoroton Edward Gibbon Wakefield Charles Wesley Starlings taughtto Speak Our National Anthem, 68 Old Maps of Lancaster Oldest Business-House in London Source of Quotation Wanted Cromwell Query Thomas Chapman = Elizabeth Tyson Assonance in Names of Twins fiabellicus : MSS. Sought Old Eton- ians' Ave Maris Stella 'Apollo of the Doors, 69.

REPLIES : Lnke Robinson. M.P., 70 'The Clubs of London,' 71 Name of Play Wanted The Krupp Factory in 1851 Amphillis Washington East Anglian Families : Elizabeth Stainton. 72 Medallic Legends Notes on Words for the 'N.E.D.' "Over the hills and far away" Oliver Cromwell of Uxbridge, 73 Southey's Works- France and England Quarterly, 74 Old Iris'h Marching Tunes Andertons of Lostock and Horwich "Thirmu- this." Christian Name, 75 Authors Wanted Names on Coffins' All 's Well that Ends Well,' 76-Hotten's ' Slang Dictionary 'Robinsons of Hinton Abbey, Bath Retro- spective Heraldry, 77 " Boches " Barlow, 78.

NOTES ON BOOKS :-' Aberystwyth Studies ' ' Select English Historical Documents of the Ninth and Tenth Centuries' 'Bibliography of the Works of Dr. John Donne ' ' Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica ' ' The Library Journal.'

Notices to Correspondents.


A BRANCH of the family of Pritchard (or Prichard) it is spelt ap Richard in the parish register of Alveley, Shropshire, for the year 1654, being of Welsh extraction seems to have been settled at Alveley, and in the adjoining parish of Highley, till the beginning of the eighteenth century, when it migrated to Sutton Haddock, under the name of Pritchard. There John Prit- chard (born 1704, died 1779) and Ann his wife resided prior to the year 1750, and were both buried. Their eldest son John, the subject of this note, was born at Sutton Haddock 27 June, 1759, and, after receiving a moderate education, was in the year 1784 articled to Hr. Lewis, one of the partners in the firm of Congreve & Lewis, solicitors. Bridgnorth, whose confidence and goodwill he soon gained, and who, as a proof of

the opinion he entertained of him, named him one of the executors of his will and guardian of his children. Having served his clerkship, he was admitted an attorney in the November term, 1789, and shortly after- wards established himself in practice as an attorney and solicitor at Ironbridge. In the year 1791 Pritchard came to live in the adjoining town of Broseley, and it was not long before his knowledge of his profession, and his entire devotion to the interests of his clients, won for him the esteem and confidence of the entire neighbourhood. In 1794 he became the law agent for George Forester, Esq., of Willey, a gentleman then possessing great influence in the locality ; and to the extensive business which he transacted for the Forester family he in later years often attributed his success in life. In 1799, in addition to his law busi- ness, he joined Hr. Vickers, Sen., as a banker at Broseley and Bridgnorth, and they con- tinued in partnership together till the time of the latter 's death in the year 1814. From this date John Pritchard carried on the banking business with Valentine Vickers until the year 1824, when, on Vickers retiring from business, the banks at Broseley and Bridgnorth were controlled by himseif and his two sons (George and John) until the time of his death. His success, in short, was most complete, and he not only acquired considerable wealth, but also the approbation and respect of all around him.

Pritchard married for his first wife at Walsall, 21 Feb., 1791, Ann (died 20 Feb., 1807), daughter of George Crannage of Coalbrookdale, who, with his brother Thomas, in the year 1766 obtained a patent for a most important invention that of converting pig into bar iron by means of raw pit coal, instead of charcoal. Ann was descended on the female side from the Jandrells of Church Pulverbatch, in Shropshire, a family who were settled there in the fifteenth century. He married secondly, 20 Sept., 1811, Fanny, daughter of Hr. Wilkinson of Buildwas ; she died 14 Nov., 1839.

His brother William, a contractor for the making of the Kennet and Avon Canal and other great works, died at Bath 17 Nov., 1846.

By his first wife John Pritchard had issue four sons George, of Broseley and Astley Abbots, born 24 Sept., 1793, solicitor and banker, J.P. and D.L. for Shropshire, High Sheriff in 1861, who married Harriott daughter of William Ostler of Grantham- and died without issue 24 Dec., 1861 ; John.