Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 12.djvu/147

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n s. xii. AUG. 21, mo.] NOTES AND QUERIES.

TBESHAM GREGG, GAOLER OF NEWGATE PRISON, DUBLIN, IN 1803. Information re- quired about this individual. Was he any relation to Hugh Gregg, " an eminent peruke maker in High Street," who married Rose, daughter of Thomas Tresham, and was grandfather of Dr. Tresham James Gregg, D.D., the well-known preacher ?


REGIMENTAL MESS. Could any corre- spondent inform me what was the hour of regimental mess in the British Army in the middle of the eighteenth century ?


LONDON PRINTERS. I should be obliged for the dates of birth, and for biographical details, of the following London printers :

1. James Dover, Tower Hill, c. 1704.

2. Thomas Hive, Aldersgate Street, c. 1704.

3. Richard Reily, c. 1740.

4. Viuda Moore, c 1771. Printer of a Spanish translation of the Jewish Daily Prayers. ISRAEL SOLOMONS.

" WHILE " OR " WHILST." Which of these is the correct form? Personally, I always say " whilst," but I notice that most people now say " while." A. R.

NAPOLEON'S BEQUEST TO CANTILLON. It has been stated that Napoleon left 10,000 francs to Cantillon because this person had tried to assassinate the Duke of Wellington. Who was Cantillon ? When was he tried ? What was the result of the trial ? What were the actual words of the codicil to Napoleon's will making this bequest ? JOHN B. WAINEWRIGHT.

MAJOR WILLIAM LAWRENCE. He was a younger brother of Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. Early in life he was an actor, but left the stage and joined the Army, where he reached the rank of major. He pre- deceased by many years his famous brother <who died in 1830). What was the exact date of Major Lawrence's death ?


PORTRAIT BY SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE. A portrait of Miss Thayer, afterwards Madame Thiebault, was exhibited in the Royal Academy in 1813. Who was she, and who was M. Thiebault, her husband ?


PAINE & Fossr This was a well-known firm of publishers at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Particulars will oblige. HORACE BLEACKLEY.

"BATH" MONTAGUE. Where can I find a life of this actor, whose daughter Emmeline Montague (died 1911) married Henry Comp- ton. The late Tom Paulton's wife, Emme- line Montague, has been claimed as a grand- daughter of " Bath " Montague. Is this correct ? J. M. BULLOCH.

123, Pall Mall. S.W.

EXPLANATION OF QUOTATIONS WANTED. Can any one give me information concerning the following ?

1. The phrase, " A la mode du pays de Pole."

2. The Abbe Kakatoes and the Marquis de Croquemitaine, both mentioned by Thackeray in the " Roundabout Paper " ' On Being Found Out.'

3. The " seven or eight Irish bishops, the probates of whose wills were mentioned in last year's journals," .referred to by Thac- keray in " On Clerical Snobs.'

PAXTON SIMMONS. University of Texas.

"THE EIGHT VALYAUNTES." These are mentioned in an inventory, together with the Nine Worthies and others, as represented on some tapestry. Who were they ? Where can we find anything about them ?

J. T. F.

Winterton, Lines.

PUNCH'S WHOLE PLAY : GUNPOWDER PLOT. An old song mentions " Punch's whole play of the Gunpowder Plot." I should like to know the words of this, and whether the play was a stock piece in the repertoire of the Punch and Judy man? THOS. RATCLIFFE.


MAP OF BERKSHIRE. What is the earliest map of East Berkshire showing roads ?


HELEN VACARESCU'S ' BARD OF THE DIMBOVITZA.' Can any one inform me whether this book is really a collection of Roumanian folk-songs or (in whole or in part) a " fake " by the " collector " ? I have been told that it is the latter, and certainly, if the poems it contains are folk- songs, they are very extraordinary specimens of their class ; but, on the other hand, there is a spirit about many of them which suggests that they rest on a basis of genuine folk- poetry. "The ' Encyclopaedia Britannica,' in its article on ' Rumania,' does not mention Helen Vacarescu as a collector of folk-songs ; but under the heading ' Vacarescu ' she is referred to (I quote from memory) as having enriched Rumanian literature with her