Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 12.djvu/305

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ii s. xii. OCT. 16, i9i5.i NOTES AND QUERIES.


6. Mrs. Elizabeth Field, d. 16 May, 18(26), a. .

7. The family vault of Mr. A. H. Bicker Caar- ton, of Mount How, in this p., erected March, 1820.

8. Rebecca Sangster, only dau. of Alexr. and Eleanor Sangster, d. 19 Dec., 1818, a. 39. Capt- Thos. Sangster, 37th Regt., Son of the above d. at Berbue [sic] in his 29th year. [No date.] The above Eleanor d. 26 Nov., 1819, a. 68. The above Alexander d. 10 June, 1829, a. 86.

9. John Foster, Esq., d. 23 July, 1818, a. 69. Wm. Rose Haworth, Esq., late of H.M. Receipt of Exchequer, and of Walcot Place in this p., d. 18 Dec., 1824, a. 66. Three Sons of the above W. R. H. : Francis, Lieut. 17th Light Dragoons, Aide-de-Camp to the Governor of Bombay, d. at Government House, 11 August, 1816, a. 24 ; John, Dep. Registrar of the Diocese of Lichfleld, d. 30 March, 1847, a. 53, and was bur. in the Cathedral Close of Lichfield ; Wm. Rose, d. at Burnham, Norf., December, 1849, a. 42, and was bur. there.

10. Miss Rebecca Rowbotham, niece of Mr. John Kershaw, d. 18 March, 1818, a. 17. The above J. Kershaw, Esq., d. 10 May, 1844, a. 78. Mary, his relict, and paternal aunt of Rebecca, b. 23 Oct., 1766, d. 11 August, 1852.

11. Helen Brown, dau. of Andr. and Isabella Cosser, d. 9 April, 1826, a. 20 months. Jane Anne, her sister, d. 27 June, 1829, a. 15. Agnes Stockett Cosser, dau. of the above, d. 25 March, 1833, a. 2 years 11 months. Rebecca, her sister, d. 5 July, 1846, a. 20. Harriott, their sister, d.18 July, 1846, a. 29. Andrew Duncan, their brother, d. 9 Feb., 1852, a. 17.

12. Thomas Mitchell, of Whitefriars, d. 29 June, 1813, a. 45. Mary, w. of Wm. Howell of Welling, Kent, only dau. of John and Bridget Mitchell, d. 22 April, 1835, a. 38. Mr. John Mitchell, of Waterloo Place, in this p., father of Mrs. Howell and brother of the above Thomas, d. 20 Sept., 1840, a. 84. Bridget, w. of John Mitchell, d.

15 March, 1844, a. 76.

13. Elizabeth, w. of Mr. Wm. Wyld, d. 26 Oct., 1823, a. 46. Their youngest dau., Ann Wyld, d.

16 Nov., 1841, a. 24, Wm. Wyld d. 16 August, 1853, a. 78.

14. Mrs. Eliza Speke, dau. of the late Capt. Speke, R.N., d. 4 May, 1813, a. 73. Mary Speke, dau. of the late Peter Speke, Esq., many years .... of the Supre Calcutta, d. February, 1843.

15. Thomas Blissett Tubb, Lieut. 82nd Foot, d. 28 April, 1813, a. 39.

16. Also Mr. Henry Hall of St. James's,

Westminster [Son ?] of the above Edward and (Ann), ....a. 83. [Majry Ann, dau. of Anthony Olddiss Bancks, d. 24 March, 184(9), a. 82.

17. Thomas Field, d. 18 Nov., 1765, a. 56. Ann, his wife, d. 13 July, 1767, a. 45. Ann., w. of John Field, dau.-in-law of Thomas and Ann, d. 25 May, 1747, a. 21. Five sons of John Field, onejby his former w., Ann, four by his Second w., Sarah, d. in infancy. Also his sixth son died in infancy. John Field, Esq., d. 29 Oct., 1837, a. 68. Robert Jones, Son of the above, d. 21 May, 1840, a. (11). Mrs. Elizabeth Watson, sister of Mrs. Sarah Field, d. 15 April, 1803, a. 45. Mr. John Field, of this p., wax chandler, d. 8 July, 1790, a. 48. Mrs. Mary Lyon, mother of Mrs. Mary Field, d. 22 Oct., 1806, a. 50. John Lyon, her husband, d. 22 March, 18 , a. 76.

18 Ann, wife of the above John Griffin

... .a. 7 .

19. George Dickinson, Esq., of Union Place, Lambeth, d. 15 Dec., 1815, a. 83.

20. Mrs. Jane Allen, d. 22 Jan., 1841, a. 66. Mr. John Allen, son of the above, d. 8 Oct., 1841, a. 39.

21. John Morris, d. 4 Sept., 1814, a. 44. Ann w . of the above, d. 7 Oct., 1827, a. 59.

22. William Taylor, d. 24 Sept., 1821, a. 71- Sarah, his w., d. 16 April, 1822, a. 84.

23. Letitia, fifth d. of Robert and Johanna Jarvis, b. 20 Jan., 1809, d. 28 Dec., 1822. Robert Jarvis, d. 29 June, 1832, a. 69. Johanna, d. 2 July, 1832, a. 64. Mrs. Elizabeth House,, d. 16 May, 1835, a. 37.

24. Andrew Forster, Esq., d. 12 July, 183U a. 83. Mary Forster, his sister, d. 13 Dec., 1818 r a. 55. Edward, son of Andrew Forster, d. 29 May,, 1828, a. 37. Charles, son of John Forster, and grandson of Andrew, d. 20 Dec., 1840, a. 10 years.

25. Mr. George Reeves, d. 18 Nov., 1818, a. 29. Wm. Henry Gillhuly, his nephew, d. 18 Feb., 1824. Elizabeth Reeves, mother of George, d. 17 July, 1827, a. 70. Mary Ann Gill- huly, sister of George Reeves, d. 6 Feb., 1843, a. 66.

26. Thomas Tyler Green, Son of Thomas Haines and Jane Green, b. 9 April, 1817, d. 26 May, 1822. Mr. T. H. Green, b. 4 Dec., 1790, d. 25 June, 1822. Catherine Haines Green, mother of Miv T. H. Green, d. 18 July, 1825, a. 70.

27. The family of John and Rebecca Simpson : John Jacklin, d. 30 Oct., 1796, a. 3 years ; Mary Jacklin, d. 1 Dec., 1809, a. 19 ; George OctaviuS, d. 14 April, 1811, a. 6 weeks ; Rebecca Clarissa, d. 5 Dec., 1816, a. 4 years. Mr. John Simpson, d. 1 August, 1817, a. 51. Rebecca Simpson, d. 13 July, 1827, a. 60. Ellen Clissold, grand- dau. of the above, d. 24 Sept., 1839, a. 11 years.

28. Henry Haywood, d. 31 August, 1809,* a. 62. William Edward Haywood, of Pratt Street, Lambeth, his son, d. 7 Dec., 1816, a. 35. Elizabeth, w. of Henry, d. 17 Dec., 1827, a. 80.

29 also William, Son of the above, d.

6 Oct., 1810, a. 16 months.

30. Edward, son of John and Susanna Esden, d. 27 Jan., 1809, a. 3 years 5 months.

31. Andrew James Thompson, Lieut. R.N., d. Dec. 1808, a. 41. Elizabeth, his w.,. d. Nov., 1810, a. 43. Elizabeth Pulley, his sister, d. March, 1824, a. 26. Her husband, William Pulley, d. 21 Nov., 1851, a. 76. Amelia, w. of Mr. Wm. Maltwood, dau. of the above, d. 31 Oct.* 1853, a. 48.

32. Mrs. Martha, w. of

33. William White, d. 27 June, 1788, a. 19. William White, Esq., his father, d. 21 August,

1812, a. 75. Elizabeth, his wife, d. 29 Oct.,

1813, a. 69. Stephen Ward, their grandson, d. 3 May, 1821, a. 10 months. Robert, d. 1 July, 1828, a. 9 months. Edward, d. 19 Feb., 1835, a. 13. Charles Ward, father of the above, d. 21 July, 1835. Charlotte, his w., d. 9 Jan., 1847, a. 61.

34. Ann, relict of Richard Jellicoe, Esq., d. 4 March, 1839, a. 69.

35. Hannah Chetwynd, a faithful nurse in the family of Mr. T. A. Roberts, of Archbishop's Walk, Lambeth

G. S. PABRY, Lieut.-Col. 17, Ashley Mansions, S.W.

(To be continued.)