Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 12.djvu/409

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ii s. xii. NOV. 20, 1915.] N OTES AND QUERIES.


war," but denies its truth (" I Denari non sono il Nervo della Guerra, secondo che e la comune opinione," I.e., in his famous work, first printed in Florence 1531). According to common sense and modern experience, that old saying must certainly be expanded and modified into the motto of three allitera- tive terms which comprise the whole of what is wanted, viz., " Men, Material, and Money." H. KREBS.

HENRY GOSSON, BOOKSELLER. I am anxious to ascertain some further details, other than those already given in the Sixth Series, of the biography of Henry Gosson, bookseller and publisher, who traded on Old London Bridge circa 1603-40. Was he any relation to a Thomas Gosson, 1579-99, whose business was carried on by his widow ; trading es Widow Gosson, 1599-1615 ? (These dates denote the first and last entry of books under their names in the Registers of the Stationers' Company, Arber's Tran- scripts. )

I have been able to collect a large number of books published and sold by Henry Gosson without, however, being able to discover much about his family history. Perhaps some correspondent could kindly suggest references. REGINALD JACOBS.

6, Templars' Avenue, Golder's Green, N.W.

FATHER JOHN AND DR. BACON. Can any of your readers give me any information about Father John and Dr. Bacon whom Evelyn met at Rome in 1644 ? Father John he describes as " a Benedictine monk, and superior of his order for the English College of Douay, a person of singular learning, religion, and humanity." Dr. Bacon be- longed to " the family " of Cardinal Capponi. In the ' Pilgrim Book ' of the English College, edited by Foley, there is an entry in 1643 : " Bacon, Mr., a medical man of Norfolk, about May 8th dined." Was he a son of John Bacon of King's Lynn, and brother to the Sir Francis Bacon who was a Judge in King's Bench ? Was he any relation to Nathaniel Bacon the Jesuit, better known as Father Southwell, who was also a Norfolk man, at this time resident at the English College at Rome ? H. MAYNARD SMITH.

Holy Trinity Vicarage, Malvern.

ROYAL ARTILLERY. (J) Lieut. -Col. Thos. Arscott Lethbridge, retired full pay, Royal Artillery, died on 17 June, 1856. Where ?

(2) Lieut. -Col. Claudius Shaw, Roya Artillery, who had served in the Peninsular War, 1812-14, and who in 1835-7 commanded

the artillery of the British Legion in Spain, is believed to have died in 1861. From 1853 to 1861 he was serving as Major in the Hampshire Artillery Militia. Wanted the place and date of death.

(3) Lieut. -Col. James Addams, Royal Artillery, retired by the sale of his commission in December, 1828. He is believed to have died about 1864. Wanted the date and place of death. J. H. LESLIE, Major.

31, Kenwood Park Road, Sheffield.

FEAST OF CORPUS CHRISTI, AND CRUCIFIED DOVE. I find from a poem entitled ' Les Genets ' in Jean Aicard's admirable ' Poemes de Provence ' that a child bearing a cross,

lamb, or a white dove crucified may represent the Saviour in the. Corpus Christ! procession. Is the crucified dove known

beyond the borders of Provence ?

B. L. R. C.

LIBBEL, AUTHOR OF BALLADE. The Bel" gravia Annual for 1881 contained a ballade by a Mr. Libbel. Can any one quote a few lines of it and say whether Libbel was a

nom de guerre ?


11, Prince's Square, Queen's Park, Glasgow.

THE FLEET PRISON. Is it the Fleet Prison that is represented in the frontispiece of R. Braithwaite's ' The Honest Ghost ; or, A Voice from the Vault,' 1658 ?


35, Church Avenue, Drumcondra, Dublin.

' SHERWOOD FOREST,' BY MRS. E. S. GOOCH. Mention of this novel has recently been made in ' N. & Q.' (ante, pp. 285-6), and it was said to have been published in 1804. I find from ' The English Catalogue ' that this is correct, but there does not appear to be any copy of the novel in the British Museum. Can any reader of * N. & Q.' inform me if it is a story of the days of Robin Hood, or of some other period in English history, or of Mrs. Gooch's own time? W. A. FROST.

MARY ELIZABETH WILSON. Will her family, descendants, or any local antiquary oblige with all available particulars respect- ing the above, a young woman of marriage- able age residing in or near Belfast 1763-4 ? She left her home to marry T. Holland from England, supposed to have been impiessed into the English army, and shortly afterwards ordered out to the American colonies in the War of Independence. Where shall I find his military record ? The girl

vidently shared his experiences, as children were born respectively at Limerick (Oct., 1765), Philadelphia, Fort Charters, New