Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 2.djvu/192

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [n s. vm. SEPT. e, 1913.

herself departed, to seek and to find him in the realms of light, July 18, 1875, aged 83 years."

The following paragraph is taken from The Illustrated London News of 23 June, 1855:

" A tablet to the memory of Sir John Franklin und his devoted companions of the Erebus and Terror, is to be taken by the Kane expedition, and erected on the White Cliff, at Beechey Island, by the side of that commemorating the fate of lieutenant Bellot of the Belcher expedition."


Greenwich. In front of the Royal Hos- pital, facing the river, a colossal obelisk of red Aberdeen granite was erected by public subscription to the memory of Lieut. Joseph Rene Bellot in 1856 :

" Upwards of 2,OOOZ. was subscribed : the monument cost 500L, and the remainder was dis- tributed among the sisters of Lieut. Bellot, who lost in him their chief support."

He was a French naval officer who joined the Franklin Relief Expedition, and perished in the ice whilst carrying dispatches to Sir Edward Belcher. On the front of the pedestal of the obelisk is deeply cut the flingje word " Bellot," and on the back is " a bronze tablet with an inscription recording the sad event and stating that the obelisk has been erected by his British admirers."


Chatham. A bronze statue of Lieut. Waghorn stands at the foot of the Maidstone Road hill. It was erected by public sub- scription, and unveiled by the Earl of North- brook on 10 Aug., 1888. The pedestal is thus inscribed :

Thomas Frederick Waghorn,

Lieutenant R.N.

Pioneer and Founder oE the Overland Route.

Born at Chatham, 1800.

Died Jan: 7th, 1850.

In my next instalment I hope to deal with monuments to Ecclesiastics.

JOHN T. PAGE. Long Itchington, Warwickshire.


Wiltshire, Wilbury House. On the lawn of the drive front is a large memorial ovi- form vase with four arms on a square pedestal, all in stone ; the name of Nelson is*cut on the pedestal.


A similar stone vase, without arms, stands on this lawn, having the above name cut on the pedestal.

Both were erected soon after the deaths of Nelson and Collingwood by Sir Charles Warre Malet. HAROLD MALET, Col.

TAKING OF THE BASTILLE : ANTOINE J. SANTEBRE. Contemporary pamphlets (1789) state that the troops which besieged the Bastille were partly " Gardes Franaises " and partly " Mil ices Parisiennes." The Precis Exact (B. Mus. 9226, c. 16) says : " Les Bourgeois dirent au sieur Hulin, tous d'une voix, Vous serez notre commandant.' 1 On the other hand, a document in my possession, of which a transcript is as follows, states that Santerre commanded the siege :

Pour le Citoyen Antoine Joseph Santerre, ne" le 16 mars, 1752. Commandant de la garde Bourgeoise du District des Enfants trouves le 14 juillet, 1789. Nomm6 commandt. de Bataillon de la garde Nationale Parisienne a sa formation. Commandant Ge"ne"ral Provisoire de la force arme"e de Paris le 10 aout, 1792. Marechal de camp le 11 8bre, 1792. General de Division Employe le 30 juillet, 1793.

A command^ le 14 juillet, 1789, le siege de la Bastille, qui a e"te" prise le meme jour.

II est Parvenu par ses soins pe"nibles et multi- plied a appaiser ou empecher les troubles qu'on a tant de fois cherche" a exiter [sic].

A courru les plus grands dangers en faisant arrdter les se"ditieux & des Brigands, centre lesquels il a soutenu un combat de deux heures ; aux pistolets.

A sauv6 en prote"geant les convoies de farines de la ville de Paris, de la disette dont elle tait menaced & de Malheurs incalculables en la pre"ser- vant, a la prise de la Bastille, de 1' explosion de vingt milliers de poudre, aux quels on e"tait sur le point de mettre le feu.

II a deplus sauve" la vie en divers circonstances a Plusieurs Citoyens, entr'autre au Citoyen Bailly, & a empeche" le pillage de la Mairie.

A appais6 deux emeuttes a Versailles, a garantit le Chateau & les Archives du pillage. Est par- venu a empecher tous les Malheurs qui pouvaient etre la suite de 1'affaire de Vincennes.

A Maintenu 1'ordre le 20 juin, 1792, Parmi plus de 80,000 hommes qui s'^taient rendus & 1'assem- b!6e Nationale & aux thuillerie [sic].

Et a contribue" a sauver la Patrie Dans la journee du 10 aout, 1792.

Donne" le 30ieme jour du mois de juillet, 1793, 1'an 2me de la Re"publique frangai?e. Sign6 le Ministre de la guerre,


Carro, in his Life of Santerre (1847), at pp. 36, 42, says :

"Le faubourg accourut-il [sic] en masse, ayeo Santerre a sa tete, a 1'attaque de la vieille

forteresse Hoohe, Letebvre, Hullin, futurs

generaux, Elie, ancien omcier, prennent la direc- tion du siege."

The Bastille was, in fact, attacked on more than one side. Santerre it was who conducted Louis XVI. to prison. He died 6 Feb., 1809.


36, Upper Bedford Place, W.C.