Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 2.djvu/256

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NOTES AND QUERIES, [ii s. VIIL SEPT. 27, 1913.

does this liberty go ? Can an " English scholar " be also a scholar in English ? An " English student " is, as far as I know, only a student born in England, never a student of English. On the other hand, a " good English scholar " may, as I have no doubt, denote a person well versed in the intricacies of the beautiful, but sometimes whimsical English language.

G. KRUEGER. Berlin.

EMERITUS PROFESSORS. Where can one obtain information as to the conditions under which this title is granted ? It is not exactly synonymous with " retired." What is the difference ? Nothing can be gathered from the Scotch Universities' Calendars.


" MEN, WOMEN, AND HERVEYS." I shall be much obliged if any of your readers will be kind enough to give me the reference for this apophthegm. The author of it was, I believe, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu.

A. R. BAYLEY. St. Margaret's, Malvern.

[Bartlett's ' Familiar Quotations ' refers to ' Mon- tagu Letters,' vol. i. p. 64.]

SONS OF THE CLERGY : ' WHO 's WHO.' Can any reader inform -me where an article appeared, some few years ago, in which were given the results of a working-over of ' Who 's Who,' showing the proportion of " sons of the clergy " among eminent men ? I have already applied to the publishers of ' Who 's Who.'


DEATH OF JOHN WILKES. I am writing the last two chapters of a biography of John Wilkes, and shall be obliged to any reader of 'N. & Q.' who can furnish me with particulars of the last days of the great demagogue.

I am acquainted with the obituary notices in all the contemporary newspapers and magazines, and am hoping that some one may have come across an account of Wilkes's death in an unpublished letter.


FERGUSON OF KENTUCKY. I should be glad to discover if Col. A. T. Ferguson, of Lemon Hill, Kentucky, who married Cecilia, daughter of William Herbert, Dean of Manchester, the famous botanist and friend of Darwin, left any descendants. The marriage took place about 1856.

F. W. T.

New York.


(US. viii. 209.)

THE author of this book is known as Donate Giannotti. He was an Italian historian, born at Florence, February, 1494 ; died at Venice, 1563. He held high positions, and was Secretary to the Supreme Council at Florence. In 1850 his collected works were issued in Florence with a preface. The book in question is reprinted in J. G. Grsevius's 'Thesaurus.' The full title of the book is given by Alphonse Willems in ' Les Elzevier ' (1880), and by Berghman in his elaborate Catalogue of the Elzevirs in the Royal Library at Stockholm. There are two editions with the date 163.1, but in the second of these and in its second part at p. 267, there is the imprint of the Elzevirs with the date 1642. Berghman says :

" Les deux editions sous cette date [1631] renferment, 1'une et 1'autre, 7 planches hors texte. Celle de 506 pp. est la premiere, 1'autre de 467 pp. n'ayant vu le jour qu'en 1642, comme on le voit par le titre des Notes, lequel porte cette rubrique, Lug. Bat. 1642. Cette particularite explique le malentendu au sujet cl'une pretendue 3 e edition portant la date de 1642, et cite"e par tous les bibliographes depuis De la Faye, mais dont F existence est a juste titre contested par M. Willems."

Probably no other printers have had such a literature grow up around their name as the Elzevirs. The bibliography of the subject is immense. Willems deals with the literature very fully in his introductions, and a most valuable paper upon ' Elzevier Bibliography ' was read by the late Mr. R. C. Christie before the Library Association at Glasgow. September, 1888. This is reprinted in his ' Selected Essays and Papers ' (1902).

Fifteen catalogues were printed by different members of the Elzevir family between 1628 and 1681. There were also sale catalogues of typographical material issued after the death of Daniel Elzevir in 1681 and Abraham in 1713.

In 1822 Berard published his ' Essai Bibliographique. '

1829. Charles Nodier issued his ' Theorie Complete des Editions Elzeviriennes ' (printed in his ' Melanges tires d'une Petite Bibliotheque ').

1847. Charles Motteley issued his ' Apercu sur les Erreurs de la Bibliographic Speciale des Elzevirs ' (Panckoucke, Paris).