Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 2.djvu/545

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 24, If 14.



Balston (Miss F. C. ) on almshouscs near the Strand c. 1820, 333. Mansfield (Capt. C. J. M.), 456

Baptist on octagonal meeting-houses, 333

Baralt y Peoli (Luis A.) on Paoli : Peoli, 409

Barnard (E. A. B.) on Simon de Montfort and Lewes, 434

I5niuard (H. C.) on Barnard family, 69

Barrett (A. E.) on " monies," 128

Barrow (T. H.) on riot at Covent Garden Theatre, 1773, 65

Baxter (Wynne E.) on Second Folio Shakespeare : " star-ypointing," 317

Bayley (A. B.) on ' Adventures of Brusanus, Prince of Hungaria,' 254. " Attainting royal blood," 35. Authors of quotations wanted, 396. Biographical information wanted, 218, 295. " Buds of marjoram," 213. Byron and the Hobhouse MS., 51. Christ Church, Oxford in time of Elizabeth, 270. Churchwardens accounts, Saffron Walden, 433. Colonne (Guido delle) in England : L. F. Simpson, 72. Colour of liveries, 295. Dennis (Mr.) and 'The Con- scious Lovers,' 337. Erskine (Lady Frances) : issue, 451. ' Guy Livingstone,' 416. Heart- burial in niches in church walls, 336, 391. Largest square in London, 52. " Men, women, and Herveys," 250. Montfort (Simon de) and Lewes, 357. Northumberland (first Duke of) : natural issue, 72. Redcoats, 295. Borne : Jewish sarcophagi and Greek painting, 17. St. Paul at Virgil's tomb, 93. " Six Lords," 238. Smuggling queries, 257. Twelve good rules, 54. Vandervart, 254. Vere (Alberic de), 413. Warenne (Gundrada de), 75. Weston family, Farnborough, Berkshire, 471

Bayne (T.) on ambiguous possessive case, 91. ' Guy Livingstone,' 415. " Hollo ! " 95. Hum- bug, 115. Oak trees in a gale, 115. Rooks' justice, 516. Shovel called a becket, 153. ' Silver Domino,' 133, 174. Smuggling queries, 257. Source of quotations wanted, 214. Two poems wanted, 193

Beach (Helen) on " raising feast," 134

Beavon (Rev. A. B.) on Sir Samuel White Baker, 314. Disraeli queries, 255

Beddows (H. T.) on Andrea Ferrara and the Freemasons' state sword of Shrewsbury, 469

Ueley (Rev. C.) on Sir John Platt, Knight, 289, 415

Hell (A.) on " Whistling Oyster," 208

Bennett (Arthur L.) on Bennetts of Wallhills, Ledbury, Hereford, 369

Bensly (Prof. E.) on H. S. Ashbee : " Pisanus Fraxi," 365. Authors of quotations wanted, 37, 115, 158, 218, 417. Book that belonged to Robert Burton, 346. Burbidge (Thomas) and other poets, 470. Cambridge: Ely: Hull, 252. " Castalia interdictus aqua, interdictus et igne Pierio," 27. Chinese proverb in Burton's ' Anatomy,' 189. Colonne (Guido delle) in England : L. F. Simpson, 196. Derived senses of the cardinal points, 51. Disraeli queries, 255. Divination by twitching, 237. Elzevir, 313. Epigram on St. Lxike, 313. " Felix quern faciunt aliena pericula cautum," 105. Hebrew or Arabic proverb, 215, 257. Heine : translation wanted, 473. Johnson bibliography, 71, 175,292. Miller of Huntingdon, 115. Newman's (Cardinal) epitaph, 34. Old novel wanted, 252. Pic- tures of the Deity in churches, 34. " Pro pelle cutem," 454. Queries from Green's ' Short History,' 15. References wanted, 397. Rolaml-

siiulen, 273. Rome : Jewish sarcophagi and Greek painting, 17. St. Paul at Virgil's tomb, 93. " Sarcistectis," 97. Schoolboys in Thacke- ray, 357. Seven Springs, Coberley, 197. Source of quotation wanted, 319. Three heavens, 212. Two poems wanted, 193. " Two Reynoldses," 131. Weston (Elizabeth Joanna) : Ludoniilla Kelley, 490. Words and phrases in ' Lorna Doone,' 514. Words awaiting explanation, 478

Benton (Rev. G. Montagu) on churchwardens' accounts, 1623-1756 : Saffron Walden, 348. Heart-burial in niches in church walls, 353

Benyon (S.) on " museum " sermon, 429

Bernau (C. A.) on Mungo Campbell's dying, message : " Farewell, vain world ! " 13. Smith's (Horace) verses on surnames, 72. Tourgis of Jersey, 277

Betton (C. Stexiart) on "Aleppo Merchant" Inn, 317

Billson (C. J.) on Jeremy Bentham, 28. Bur- bidge (Thomas) and other poets, 471

Black (W. G.) on ancient wit and humour, 334. Folkestone Cross, 331. Glasgow Cross and Defoe's ' Tour,' 349. * Mensae Secundse,' 510

Bladud on Horace Smith's verses on surnames, 73

Blagg (T. M.), F.S.A., on thatch fires, 96

Bleackley (Horace) on death of John Wilkes, 250

Bloom (Rev. J. Harvey) on will of Katherine, Countess of Warwick, 1369, 326

Blundell (E. W. Moss) on Choral Fund Society, 390

Blunt (Reginald) on Mary Astell, 289

Boase (Frederic) on biographical information wanted, 415. Burbidge (Thomas) and other poets, 470. Theatre lit by gas, 11

Bonar (Horatius) on ' Triumphs of Faith,' 350

Bonhill on Flemish oil painting, 290

Bonnell (Cedric) on Matthew Henry Barker (" The Old Sailor"), 9

Bonython (Sir J. Langdon) on famous Cornish regiment of 1643, 90

Bostock (R. C.) on knight's cap worn underneath helmet, 329, 436. Wreck of the Jane, Duchess of Gordon, 114

Bradbrook (W.) on age of yew trees, 391. " Firing- glass," 475. Red Hand of Ulster : clasped hands on Jewish tombstones, 95. Sons of the clergy, 295. Thatch fires, 76

Bradley (Dr. H.) on Andreas Gisalbertus, 409. " Short-coat," 447

Bradstow on "Faithful Durhams," 30. Roar of guns, 376. Synod of Aries, 1620, 493

Braund (A.) on uncollected Kipling items : Padgett, 515

Breslar (M. L. R.) on ancient wit and humour, 434. Hebrew or Arabic proverb ? 30, 257. Hertfordshire superstitions, 494. Maimonides and evolution, 47. Red Hand of Ulster : clasped hands on Jewish tombstones, 14. Seen through glass : the Jewish Calendar, 331

Brierley (H.) on fruit trees, 1753, 26

Brigstocke (G. R.) on Sir John Chardin, Kt. (1643-1712), 422. Hopson (Admiral Sir Thomas), 443. Pawlett : Smith, 255. Ring with a death's head, 170

Brooke (C. F. Tucker) on Galiarbus, Duke of Arabia, 347

Brotherton (H.) on magic ring, 14

Brown (R. Stewart) on age of yew trees, 392

Brown (W. B.) on " buds of marjoram," 169

Browne (C.) on " Man's extremityis God's oppor- tunity," 510

Browning (W. E.) on clay pipes of gentility, 256. Johnson bibliography, 155. Lamb's (Charles)