Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 2.djvu/553

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 24, 1914.



Pinchbeck (W. H.) on " Gas " as a street-name, ; 337

Pink (W. D.) on Sir William Browne, Kt., Governor of Flushing temp Elizabeth and j James I., 128. Bruce (Hon. James) of Bar- j bados, 167. Bucknall, 146. Danvers family \ of Swithland and London, 113

Piper (J. J.) on Jennings of Salehurst, Sussex, 428. Monument to Cant G. Farmer. 407. Power (Dr. Garret), 30

Poland (Sir Harry B.) on Lady Hamilton's grave, i 276, 450. Lamb's (Charles) " Mrs. S ," 414. Statues and memorials in the British Isles : " Offrs.," 13

Pollard (Mrs. Matilda) on legend of St. Christopher : painting at Ampthill, 467

Pollard-Urquhart (Col. F. E. R.) on Disraeli queries, 216. ' Guy Livingstone,' 415

Poole (Dr. C. H.) on Warwickshire queries, 100

Potts (B. A.) on authors of quotations wanted, 396, 450. Model of Waterloo, 393

Powell (H. E.) on Scott's ' Woodstock ' : the Bota Club, 58

Power (A. D.) on Tvveezer's Alley, 310

Price (Leonard) on Honywoqd family: Kentish Petition, 129. Weston family, Farnborough, Berkshire, 390

Prideaux (Col. W. F.) on 'Ambulator,' 92. ' Arabian Nights Entertainments,' 21. Ballad of " Boldhang'em," 198. Black Hole of Cal- cutta, 95. " Bridges (Mr.)," 147. Clay pipes of gentility, 256. Egerton's ' Faithful Memoirs of Mrs. Oldfield,' 1731, 245. Elzevir, 312. Extracting snakes from holes, 173. " Fairy- tales," 298. Hemans (Mrs.) and " the dis- tinguished linguist," 132. Letter of Charlotte Corday, 365. " Men, women, and Herveys," 334. Second Folio of the Shakespeare plays, 1632, 196. " Slav scholar," 316. " To pull one's leg," 213. Wallis (Ralph), the " Cobler of Gloucester," 71. Wellington at Eton, 346. Wilderness Row, Clerkenwell, 151, 233

Prideaux (W. R. B.) on Yorkshire place-names, 438

Pritchard (J. E.). F.S.A., on clockmakers in Bristol, 332. Old house in Bristol : Canynge's House, Redcliffe Street, 214

Prosser (B. B.) on theatre lit by gas, 153

Q. (A. N.) on first coloured man as English mayor, 406. Great Eastern, the first of the Leviathans, 506

Quarrell (W. HO on "ask"=tart, 335. Beilby (Ralph), 290. Carnwath House, 378. Cathe- dral bell stolen, 27. Fire and new-birth, 418. Gisalbertus (Andreas ), 494. History of churches in si/u, 12. Town Clerk's signature, 313.

Quiensabe on maids of honour under the Stuarts, 417

Quilter (H.) on cross-legged effigies, 446, 465, De Grey: Henry de Grey of Thurrock, 192

Quinn (J. H.) on Crooked Usage, 187

R. on liverymen of London, 448

R. (A- J. V.) on " Five Wounds," 177

R. (G. R. Y.) on battle of Blore Heath : Philip

Yonge, 387. Biographical information wanted,

454. Fox (Sackvillc), 16

R. (G. W. E.) on Disraeli queries, 216. Smith's (Horace) verses on surnames, 73. Town Clerk's signature, 246

R (J.) on ambiguous possessive case, 153. Oldest living railway traveller, 249. " Slav scholar " : " English scholar," 395 R. (J. C.) on Earldom of Lincoln, 277. Mar-

quessate of Lincolnshire, 112 R. (J. F.) on ' Ambulator,' 93. Historical MSS.,


R. (V. ) on Thomas Hardy : a coincidence, 481 Raines (C.) on Clouet, 109

Rat cliff e (T.) on" Better give a landlord corn to feed his horse than hear his cock crow," 330. Old English bow, 90. Throwing a hat into a house, 336. Walker (Ellis), translator of Epictetus, 29 Kayment (H.) on De Quincey and 4, York Street,

Covent Garden, 104

Read (F. W.) on Danvers family'of Swithland and London, 1 13. Marquessate of Lincolnshire, 111. Oldham election, 1832, and John Bright, 105 Redway (Major G. W.) on Marshal Soult, 149 Rees (J. Rogers) on Charles Lamb's " Cancel- larius Magnus," 362. Lamb's (Charles) " Mrs. S ," 262, 476, Lamb's (Charles) " Ont H ," 201 Reeve (W. H.) on Roding or Roothing, 335.

Vere (Alberic de), 330 Regalis on ' The Reader ' and Dr. Johnson's

Dictionary, 117 Reinach (Prof. Salomon) on early doubt* about

the historical Jesus, 490

Helton (Francis H.) on authors of quotations wanted, 256. De Grey : Henry de Grey of Thurrock, 190. Identity of Emeline de Reddes- ford, 66, 371, 493. Vere (Alberic de), 413. Will of Katherine, Countess of W r arwick, 393 Rendall (W. Clement) on echo of the t: Forty-Five,"

206 Renira on Indian queries, 369. Mica, 232.

Pyrothonide, 490

Richards (G.) on Manderville : Manfield, 469 Ringham (J. C.) on Highlanders at Quebec, 354 Rivett-Carnac (Col. J. H.) on colour of liveries,

515. Wallace of St. Thomas, 429 Robbins (A. F.) on smuggling queries, 297 Robinson (Miss Lydia S. M.) on authors of quota- tions wanted, 69. Biddel ( William ) = Sarah Kemp, 231. Dutch Ambassador in Paris, 1779, 208. Fire and new-birth, 454. Hamilton, 90. Harvest custom : Alsace and Lorraine, 130. Lacis or filet-work, 473. Relic of a food offering to the dead, 77. Wade (Armigall), 208 Robson (P. A.) on Andreas Gisalbertus, 454 Rockingham on botany, 137. " Five Wounds,"

337 Roper (Miss Ida M.) on flower-name, 516. Knight's

cap worn underneath helmet, 377, 497 Rose (F.) on references wanted, 349 Rose-Troup (Mrs. Frances) on two curious place- names : Sidbury, 447

Round (P. Z.) on " Seen through glass," 294 Russell (Constance, I^ady) on Galiarbus, Duke of Arabia, 416. " Great Quaker," 429. High- lander's at Quebec, 354. " Scolopendra cetacea,' ' 214. Sever of Merton, 238. Wolfe (General), 514 Russell (F. A.) on Dunstable larks, 515