Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 3.djvu/215

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ii s. in. MAR. is, ion.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


knight and his lady, the knight usually rests his feet on a lion, and the lady on a dog. But not always. In the fine brass of Sir John Wylcotes and his wife in Great Tew Church, Oxfordshire, the knight's feet are on a spaniel ; and another spaniel, but smaller, reposes in front of the lady. In one brass in Warwickshire the animal under the knight's feet seems to be a tiger. In certain of the older Continental brasses the variety in this accessory is greater, dogs, lions, rabbits, &c., all being found. What I should like would be some adequate treatment of this side-subject, which must have puzzled many besides myself.


DOUBLE DEDICATIONS. In conventual churches where, as at Sherborne, " The body of the abbay chirch dedicate to our Lady servid ontille a hunderthe yeres syns for the chife paroche chirche of the town " (Dugd., ' Mon.,' i. 331), was the monk's altar dedi- cated to or under the invol*d patronage of a different saint from that of the people's altar ? and if so, may " double dedications" of some parish churches be attributed to or serve as indication of such an arrangement ? E. LEGA-WEEKES.

EMPEROR AND PAINTER. Who was the emperor or king who, on visiting a cele- brated painter, stooped to pick up his brush ? Where can I find the story ?


[We think the story is told of Charles V. and Rembrandt.]

THOMAS JENNER OF ASCOT. In a list of engravings there is one of Thomas Jenner, Clerk of the Course at Ascot, 1829. What is known of him ? I shall be obliged by any particulars. R. J. FYNMORE.


THE LORDS SMEATON AND THE SMEATON OR SMITTON FAMILY. I should be much obliged if any of your readers could send me (direct, or through your columns) particulars (ancient or modern) concerning any of the above, with details of their ancestry and origin. RONALD DIXON.

46, Marlborough Avenue, Hull.

SIR JOHN TOMLINSON HIBBERT. Refer- ence is sought to any oil paintings or engrav- ings of the above statesman. I am aware oi those in the Grand Jury Room of Lancaster Castle (of which he died Constable) and in the Royal Albert Institution here, of which he was chairman, but should be glad of

notes of others in the Government depart- ments in which he served ; in the borough of Oldham, which he represented in Parliament ; or elsewhere. Please reply direct.

T. CANN HUGHES, M.A., F.S.A. 78, Church Street, Lancaster.

SANDY MACKAYE IN ' ALTON LOCKE.' Will readers of ' N. & Q.' kindly inform me of any characters in other works of English fiction resembling Sandy Mackaye in Charles Kingsley's ' Alton Locke,' a learned second-hand bookseller who under- stood Latin and Greek ? Carlyle in a letter to the author, dated 31 October, 1850, spoke of this kind-hearted, clever Scotchman as "really perfect" and a "rugged old hero. ??

Replies, direct or otherwise, will be esteemed a favour.


26, Arran Street, Roath Park, Cardiff.

HERTFORD STREET. Why was this street in the eighteenth century called Garrick Street ? The connexion with the celebrated actor or his family does not seem clear.


[A competent book on the street-names of London is much to be desired.]

HISTORIC FIRES IN ANCIENT ROME. What great conflagrations are known to have occurred in Rome between the reigns of M. Aurelius and Constantino ? Prof. Hiilsen in his work on the Forum speaks of a great fire in 283 A.D. Of this I have not been able to trace any mention in the original authorities. Can any one give an authority for Prof. Hulsen's statement ? The fires in 191 and 238 are well known ; but I am inclined to think that the date 283 is due to a confusion with 238. If a fire did occur in 283, was it not confined to the Forum ? KOM OMBO.

H.M.S. PACTOLUS. Can any of your readers tell me where I can find information regarding H.M.S. Pactolus, in commission between 1813 and 1815 ? She took part in fleet operations in the English Channel and Bay of Biscay. WM. C. MITCHELL.


MEG DODS AND ' THE COOK AND HOUSE- WIFE'S MANUAL.' Who was the author of ' The Cook and Housewife's Manual, a Practical System of Modern Domestic Cookery and Family Management, by Mistress Margaret Dods of the Cleikum Inn, St. Ronan's " ? My copy is the eighth edition, Edinburgh, Oliver & Boyd, 1847. It