Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 3.djvu/234

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. in. MAR. 25, 1911.

Westmorland, and to have married Mary

, circa 1743. He had some connexion

with Kirkbride, Bromfield, and Lazenby in Cumberland, and was chaplain of Soulby, Westmorland, circa 1733. Ex. GEN.

34, Forest Drive, Manor Park, E.

CUSTOM HOUSE CUTTERS. Can any one tell me whether Custom House cutters in the eighteenth century would be com- manded by officers of the Royal Navy ? Searching naval records, I have failed to find the names of two such officers, always reputed to be of the Royal Navy.


17, Ashley Mansions, S.W.

CHARLOTTE SMITH'S POEM ' ST. MONICA.' Can any of your readers tell me where this poem may be found ? It is not in her ' Sonnets and other Verses,' 1792.


OLD POULTER'S MARE. Can any of your readers say where " the affecting story of old Poulter's mare," mentioned by Gifford in The Quarterly Review apropos of the parody in ' Rejected Addresses ' entitled ' Playhouse Musings, by S. T. C.,' is to be found ? R. A. POTTS.

AUTHORS OF QUOTATIONS WANTED. As we journey through life, let us live by the way.

J. F. JENKINS. Minneapolis.

The bee and spider by a diverse power

Suck honey and poison from the self-same flow'r.

K. P. D. E.

Sometimes a noble failure is , better than an assured success,


SWORD BY MOORE OF OLD BOND STREET. I bought an old sword (probably a naval dirk) recently near Seringapatam, South India. It is probably 112 years old at least, as the capture of that fortress took place in 1799. On the handle. was engraved " Moore, Old Bond Street." I presume this is the name of the maker. Can any- body enlighten me as to this name, as I wish to find out the history of the sword ?

O. J. F.

AVICE CAPELL=JOHN WARNER. Avice Capell married " John Warner of London " probably between 1610 and 1615. Can any reader identify this John Warner with John Warner, Bishop of Rochester 1637-66? Miss Capell's father Richard Capell lived at

Ware Park, Hertford, and her brother Henry Capell at Morton, co. Derby, and was after- wards in London in 1615 (see Genealogist, vol. vii. New Series, p. 66 ; Derbyshire Pedigrees, 1569 and 1611). Miss Capell's mother was a Burnell, and a Lee (a quo Lee Warner family) married in 1400 a Burnell, the heiress of Langley, co. Salop ; so it would seem probable that Bishop Warner's wife may have been Avice Capell. The registers of Morton and Ware contain nothing. For previous correspondence in this matter see 9 S. ii. 433, 475, 512 ; 10 S. x. 348.

E. L. W.

RICHARD BENNETT. Who were the an- cestors of Richard Bennett, who died about 70 years ago ? He had property in Bridport and Bristol. A brother was named James. MRS. LAW.

ORDE= WILLIAMS. Who was Sir Watkin Williams, Bt., whose daughter married in 16 Ralph Orde of Loiigridge, North- umberland ? MRS. LAW. 44, Upper Mall, Hammersmith, W.

REV. HENRY HAYMAN, D.D. Reference is sought to oil paintings or engravings of this former Head Master of Rugby. They may' be possibly found at the schools of which he was " Archididascalus," i.e., St. Olave, Southwark, Cheltenham, Bradfield, or Rugby ; or at his college (St. John's, Oxford), or his school (Merchant Taylors'), or elsewhere. Please reply direct.


78, Church Street, Lancaster.

[There is a portrait, we believe, in the study of the present Head Master of St. Olave's, Mr. W. G. Rushbrooke.]

BP. WILLIAM GREY or LINCOLN, 1431-6. Was he related to William Grey who was consecrated Bishop of Ely on 7 September, 1454 ? Particulars of his parentage and preferments are desired ; also of Bishop Grey of Ely. L. H. CHAMBERS.


CLERKS OF THE PARLIAMENT. I want to find some particulars about two of these. Certain copies of a local Act are signed, in one case " John Brown, Clerc 8 Parliam 8 ," in another " George Rose, Cler. Parliam." The Act itself was passed in 1641, and in the case of the copy signed by John Brown, the document may be nearly, if not quite con- temporary. The spelling, however, varies considerably, and it is suspected that the one signed George Rose is of considerably later date.