Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 3.djvu/381

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ever, that the title of " Lord Waristouno " was written in after he had been summoned to Cromwell's Upper House.


JUNITJS AND THE DlJKE OF BEDFORD (US. iii. 227, 292). May I be permitted, as a descendant of the country attorney who horsewhipped the Duke of Bedford on the racecourse at Lichfield, to correct the spelling of his name ? MR. BLEACKLEY in his query has repeated the error which appears in most, if not all, of the editions of Junius's Letters.

The name " Heston Homphrey " is a printer's error, and should be Jeston Horn- fray. Jeston is a favourite name in the family, and is now borne by merhbers of the different branches, being first adopted when Francis Homfray of Old Swinford, Staffs, ironmaster, married Mary, daughter of John Jeston, of the Heath, near Stourbridge.

The reason of the horsewhipping is also important, and I much question if any of the readers of Junius know why the country attorney administered so severe a castigation on a man who had violated the laws of society and lost the respect of all right-minded persons.

The Duke had just lost his only son by a fall from his horse, and the father was so regardless of decency and humanity that he went to Lichfield Races when his son was lying dead in his house. An attorney, Jeston Homfray (from whom I claim maternal descent), was so exasperated at the Duke's unfeeling conduct that he did, as stated, publicly horsewhip him on the course.

These facts were related to me when a boy by my mother, who was the daughter of Thomas Homfray of the Hill, Stourbridge, ironmaster, and a J.P. for Worcestershire ; and I have also heard the particulars from other members of my family.

The circumstances of the case were well known to Mr. Homf ray's family and to the neighbourhood, and were much commented upon from the fact that the assault was committed by a lawyer, who must have known the consequences of such an act of violence against a nobleman who was a member of the Government.

Another incident connected with the case, but not mentioned in Junius, is that the Duchess of Bedford at her death left Mr. Homfray a quantity of her silver in recog- nition of his conduct.

Thia is the first opportunity I have had of relating the facts of the case from family

tradition, which I am convinced is correct, and which was repeated to me before I had heard of Junius or his Letters.

PRYCE HOMFRAY WILLIAMS. 14, Cotham Vale, Bristol.

ANNE BOLEYN OR BULLEN : BULLEY FAMILY (11 S. iii. 8, 134). The following list shows the various spellings of the name of Boleyn through manyyears and in different parts of England. There are over 40 varieties, and some of the earlier forms, only very slightly changed, are current three centuries later. In at least one case (1679) the variation is due to weakness of clerical orthography, for in the same register, under the previous year, the name is spelt Bullen. I give first the date, next the spelling of the name, then the locality and authority.

1212. Walter de Bulonia. Greeting, Suffolk

(Red Book of the Exchequer, ed. Hall,

vol. ii.). 1227. Thomas Bulling. Orford, Suffolk (Pedes

Finium). 1250. Walter Boiling. Little Bealings, Suffolk

(B.M. Add. Chart.).

1274. Simon Boleinus. London (Hundred Rolls. ) 1274. Ric. de Bulling. Kent (do.). 1279. Richard Boloyne. Somerset (R.O., Index

to Close Rolls). 1301. Julia Boloygne. Colchester (Rolls of

Parl., i.). 1305. Nicholas de Boloigne. London (R.O.,

Ancient Deeds, i.) 1307. Robert de Buloyne. Kent (Arch. Can-

iiana, xi.). 1316. Thomas Boloyne. Great Birch, Essex

(B.M. Charters). 1322. John de Boloigne. Fen Drayton, Cambs

(Pedes Finium).

1327. John Boleyne. Aspall, Suffolk (Subsidy). 1327. Robert de Bolayne. Wrentham, Suffolk


1327. Robert Bulling. Witnesham, Suffolk (do. ) 1327. William de Boloyne. Benacre, Suffolk

1341. John le Boloyne. Fen Drayton, Cambs

(R.O., Inq. Nonarum). 1349. Geoffrey Bulloigne. Colchester (Pedes

Finium). 1373. John Bulloigne. Fen Drayton, Cambs

(Pedes Finium).

1378. Robert Boloigne. Essex (Subsidy). 1381. William Bolynge. Benacre, Suffolk (Poll

Tax lists). 1388. William Boleya. Lincoln (Rolls of Parl.,

1393. Elenam Boloyne. Fen Drayton, Cambs

(Pedes Finium). 1396. William Boloyne. Occolt, Suffolk (De

Banco Rolls). 1410. Robert Bullyng. Orford, Suffolk (tf.M.,

Davy's Coll.). 1419 Robert Bulleyn. Northumberland (De

Banco Rolls). 1422. Thomas Bullyn. Fen Stanton, Hunts
