Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 3.djvu/415

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ii s. m. MAY 27, ion.] NOTES AND QU ERIES.


" PEBTHBOAT." Can you tell me th< meaning of " perthroat," used in disparage ment of Anne Boleyn ? C. H. OKFEUK.

RAGS AND OLD CLOTHES LEFT AT WELLS Rags are frequently seen upon the bushes around sacred wells in Ireland and Scotland What origins of this custom have been sug gested, and in what journals or books ' I have searched past Indexes of ' N. & Q. to no purpose. These rags at wells can scarcely all be offerings for recovery from sores or boils ; there must, I think, be some more general explanation.


FATHEB QTJIBOGA AND THE THIBTY YEABS WAB. Can any of your readers tell me where I can get details about Father Quiroga, who was in 1631 an influential adviser of the Court of Vienna ?

I should like also to know the name of any volume in English or .German giving an account of the Thirty Years' War with more details than are found in Dr. S. R. Gardiner's little handbook.



AUTHOBS OF QUOTATIONS WANTED. Can any one tell me who wrote the following, and the time and place where it was first made public ?

The only throb it gives Is when some heart indignant breaks To tell that still it lives.

It is quoted in a newspaper of 1856, but no reference is given. F. T. F.

1. Industria res parvse crescunt, socordia magnse comminuuntur.

2. Like violets, sweetest in decay.

3. After snow the snowdrop, After death comes life.

G. H. J.

From which of E. B. Browning's poems are these lines taken ?

Guess now who holds thee. Death, I said ; but then The silver answer rang, Not Death, but Love.


The following lines are said to allude to Pantheism in Nature. Who wrote them ? Warms in the sun, refreshes in the breeze, Glows in the stars, and blossoms in the trees ; Lives through all life, extends through all extent, Spreads undivided, operates unspent.

M. L. R. BBESLAB. Percy House, South Hackney.

CLERGYMEN AS ESQUIBES. I should be glad to know how far it was common in the seventeenth century for clergymen to be described as " Esq." or " Gent." instead of " clerk," and what was implied by such description. G. C. MOOBE SMITH.

GABBIEL HABVEY'S MABGINALIA. I should be glad to hear of books containing marginalia by Gabriel Harvey other than those in the British Museum, the Bodleian, and the Saffron Walden Museum.

G. C. MOOBE SMITH. Sheffield University.

COWPEB'S ' CHABITY ' : " POBCELAIN." To what does " porcelain " refer in the follow- ing lines ?

No charity but alms aught values she, Except in porcelain on her mantel- tree.

Cowper's 'Charity,' 459.

J.M. Garrick Club.

JOHN EBICK. The Manor of Truthwall in Cornwall was granted in fee simple about 1590 to John Erick by the Crown, to which it fell through the execution of the Duke of Suffolk in 1554. I should be glad to know where Erick hailed from, and if anything is known of his family. J. H. R.

FIFIELD D' ASSIGNY was admitted to West- minster School in June, 1724. I should be glad to learn any particulars concerning him. G. F. R. B.

DANIEL DEB AT, son of Daniel Debat of Paddington, graduated M.A. at Cambridge from Queens' College in 1749. Particulars of his career and the date of his death are required. G. F. R. B.

CLABKSON STANFIELD, R.A. I am seek- ing information about the early seafaring of this artist. No detailed biography of him appears to have been published. Scattered notices have it that he entered the merchant service when he was 15, and after several voyages was pressed into

.he Navy ; that about 1813 he was in H.M.S.

N'amur, then post-guardship at the Nore ;

hat he left the Navy in consequence of

njury occasioned by a fall ; that sub- sequently he went to sea again in an East [ndiaman, and had risen to be second mate of her when he gave up sailoring in 1818. I should like to amplify these bald state- ments if possible. Could any one put me n communication with any of Stanfield's descendants with a view of ascertaining if additional records exist ? W. SENIOB. Royal Societies Club, St. James's Street, S.W.