Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 3.djvu/46

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NOTES AND QUERIES. m s. m. J AX . u, mi.


MR. FRANCIS EDWARDS'S Catalogue 306 contains under America ' Biologia Centrali -Americana,' edited by Godman and Salvin, section Archaeology by Maudsley, consisting of 1 vol. text, royal 4to, sewed, and 16 vols. of plates, oblong folio, boards, 1889-1902, 24Z. Under ' Arabian Nights ' is Burton's edition, Benares, 1885-8, 16 vols., 281. Under Art and Architecture are a few books from the library of an architect. Under Blake are a series of facsimiles, folio, half-morocco, 1876, 51. 5s. (one of a hundred copies for private circula- tion) ; also Gilchrist's Life, plates on India paper, 2 vols., 1880, 31. 5s. Under Books is Sotheby's

  • Principia Typographical 3 vols., imperial 4 to,

1858, 81. 10s. Under Bronte is the Rev. Patrick Bronte's ' Cottage Poems,' 1811, 7s. Qd. There are works under Charles I., Civil War, and Common- wealth. Under John Curtis is the author's own copy of his ' British Entomology,' with the com- plete series of the 770 original water-colour draw- ings, 105?. Publications of the Kelmscott Press inelude Swinburne's ' Atalanta ' and Morris's ' Golden Legend.' Among works on London will be found Rocque's Plan, 1746, 51. 5s. ; Wheatley's ' London, Past and Present,' extended to 6 vols., half -morocco, 1891, 16Z. ; and Wilkin- son's ' Londina Illustrata,' large paper, an early And clean copy, 2 vols., folio, half -morocco, 1819, 11. 10s. Books on Napoleon include the first edition of Combe, 1815, 12Z. ; and Ireland's Life, "with series of folding and other coloured plates by Cruikshank, 4 vols., full red levant, 1828, 351. Other items are Newman's Works, 33 vols., half- morocco, 1875-88, 61. 15s. ; and a good tall copy of the first edition of the Nuremberg Chro- nicle, old French morocco, the first pages slightly -wormed, containing the supplement De Samarcia, but only two blank leaves, 1493, 25Z. ; under Spenser is the first folio edition, 1611-13, title mounted, 51. 15s.

Mr. Charles J. Sawyer's Catalogue of New Books at Half-Prices contains ' Don Quixote,' "Shelton's translation, with the 260 plates specially drawn for this edition by Daniel Vierge, 4 hand- some vols., 1907, 51. 5s. (edition limited to 155 copies, and published at 151. net). There are many works suitable for presentation, including illustrated books such as ' The Three Musque- teers,' with 250 pictures by Leloir, 2 vols., imperial 8vo, 11. 10s. ; and ' The Bible in Art,' 2 vols., 15s. Qd. Other works are ' Religious Systems of the World,' 4s. Qd. ; Graetz's ' History'of the Jews,' 5 vols., 11. 15s. ; and Gibbs's ' Men and "Women of the French Revolution/ 28 full-page portraits, 4to, 17s. 6d. There are also works of travel, biographies, and volumes in all classes of literature.

Messrs. Henry Sotheran & Co.'s Price Current 710 contains a complete set of Ackermann's Repository, 40 vols., royal 8vo, half-russia, 1809- 1828, very scarce, 65Z. Under Ainsworth is the large-type Library Edition, 16 vols., half-morocco, '81. 15s. There are works under Aldine Press, Alp-Lore, and America. There is a complete set of ' The Annual Register,' tree calf extra. Under Matthew Arnold is the Edition de Luxe, 15 vols., half-levant by Riviere, 1903-4, 211. Under Bacon are Spedding's edition, 14 vols., new calf, 121. 12s. ; and Pickering's edition,

edited by Basil Montagu, 17 vols., new morocco, 1825, 22Z. 10s. There is a fine specimen of binding from the library of Henry VIII. Under Browning are first editions. Carlyle items include the Centenary Edition. Under Chaucer is the Clarendon Press edition ; and under China is Brinkley's ' Japan and China,' Library Edition, limited to 500 copies, 12 vols., half orange levant, 1903-4, 18Z. 18s. There is a fine collection of coaching books, 20 vols., red levant by Riviere, 1882-1905, 58Z. 10*. A long list under Dickens includes numerous first editions. Among many handsome sets are the works of. George Eliot, Edward FitzGerald, J. R. Green, Ben Jonson, Jesse, &c. The Catalogue also contains three rare copies of Chapman's ' Homer ' ; a number of works under India ; and a fine original set of Punch, with all the wrappers and advertisements, 1841-1908, 135 vols., new half-morocco, 125L Under Shakespeare are copies of the Second and Third Folios.

Mr. Albert Sutton's Manchester Catalogue 184 contains first and early editions of Harrison Ains- worth ; also the Windsor Edition, 20 vols., 1901, 4Z. 4s. Under Blake is the Life by Gilchrist, 2 vols., 1880, 21. 10s. There is the first edition of

  • The Zincali,' and the second of ' The Bible in

Spain.' The first edition of Brome's ' Horace,' morocco, 1666, is 4/. Under Coleridge is Cottle's ' Recollections,' 2 vols., 1837, 12s. ; under Thomas Hardy, first editions of ' Tess ' and ' The Trumpet-Major ' ; under Lever, a collection of first editions, 10 vols., uniform half-calf, 1839-65, 11. Is. ; under Marryat, first editions of ' Poor Jack ' and * The Pirate ; and under Punch a set of the original issue. There are some first editions of Thackeray, and the Library Edition, 22 vols., half -morocco, 1869, 11. 15s. The Satirist, or Monthly Meteor. 1808-12 (wanting vol. vi., &c.), is 21. 2*.

[Notices of other Catalogues held over.]


We must call special attention to the following notices :

Editorial communications should be addressed to "The Editor of 'Notes and Queries '"Adver- tisements and Business Letters to " The Pub- lishers " at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.G.

To secure insertion of communications corre- spondents must observe the following rules. Let each note, query, or reply be written on a separate slip of paper, with the signature of the writer and such address as he wishes to appear. When answer- ing queries, or making notes with regard to previous entries in the paper, contributors are requested to put in parentheses, immediately after the exact heading, the series, volume, and page or pages to which they refer. Correspondents who repeat queries are requested to head the second com- munication " Duplicate."

P. F. STEPHENSON (" Pickwick : Through the button-hole ") See 10 S. i. 228. 272, 298.

W. S. S. ("Peacock's Works "). Forwarded to querist.