Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 3.djvu/526

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1911.

Malet (Col. Harold) on church with wooden bell- turret, 95

Mail coach, last, 237

Man in the Iron Mask dramatized, 267, 312 Manceinion on Welsh printing society : Cym-

deithias Lien Cymru, 263 Mansel family, 151, 215, 354, 433 Manzoni (A.), ' II Cinque Maggio,' English trans- lation, 447

Map, Hampshire, with engravings, c. 1800, 89, 236 March, house of, its white lion, 248, 316 Marchant (P. P. ) on carpet-bagger, 45

Gray's * Elegy ' : translations and parodies,

145, 383

Jordan not a type of baptism, 257 Lomonossov, Russian pioneer, 141 Mew or Mewes families, 196 Marine insurance, earliest policies, 107, 157 Market tolls and horses hi mediaeval times, 369 Marks (A. G.) on John Rider of Camberwell, 309 Marlborough (first Duke of), his godmother, 369 Marriage, murderers reprieved for, 129, 172, 195, 298 ; on February 30, 146 ; of divorced persons temp. Elizabeth, 226, 478 Marriage relationships in Japan, 433 Mars, bust of, by Antonio Canova, 94 Marschall (Miss) on Prince Charles of Bourbon- Capua, 329

Marston (E.) on Bishop Ken, 290 " When she was good." 271 Martin- Leake and Leake families, 56 Martin (Stapleton) on ' Compleat Angler ' :

Messrs. Sotheby on a comma, 466 May Day : May-games : May-poles, 371 Seward (Anna), date of her baptism, 44 Marty n (Prioress), her monument, Hartley Wint-

ney, Hants, 48

Mary Tudor, error on memorial tablet, 246 Masius (Gilbert), printer at Louvain, 1527, 488 Mason (Col.), his Coffee-house, c. 1670, 449 Masson (A.) on magpie's death, 275 Mathematical periodicals, 253 Mathematical terms not in the ' N.E.D.,' 426 ' Mathematical Transactions,' periodical, its pub- lisher and editor, 246, 252, 253 Mathews (C. Elkin) on Benjamin Franklin and

dreams, 247 Ken (Bishop), 290

Matthew (J. E.) on Mozart's works, 230 Matthews (Albert) on " almighty dollar," 211 American words and phrases, 172 Benjamin (Walter R.) of New York, 393 ' Casabianca,' 67

" Franklin " : various meanings, 486 Franklin (Benjamin) and dreams, 356 Hare (Thomas), 72

' Kossuth Coppered,' satirical poem, 75 " Never swap horses," &c., 434 " O.K." : new explanation, 390 Rolle (Richard), ' Prick of Conscience,' 377 Trecothick (Barlow), Lord Mayor, 11 Matthews (J. H.) on gondola prow, 187 Matthews (Thurstan) on Milton Bibles, 433 Maunsell (D.) on Fairfax : Sayre : Maunsell, 88 Maunsell (D. P. W.) on Mansel family, 151 Maunsell : Fairfax : Sayre, c. 1531, 88, 176 Maxwell (Sir Herbert) on clergymen and crests, 391

Collar of SS : the forget-me-not, 413 May (Phil), his connexion with ' Big Ben,' 187,

237, 276

May (S. W.) on " Love me, love my dog," 51 May celebrations at Oxford, 1598, 325 May Day, quotations from poets on, 321, 371, 397

' May Fair,' a poem, 1827, its author, 329, 377, 438 Maycock (Willoughby) on Gratious or Gracines

Street, 175

' Hamlet ' in 1585, 311 Man in the Iron Mask dramatized, 312 " To the West ! To the West ! " 237 Vestris (Madame), 328 Mayhew (A. L.) on the jail in heraldry, 428 Meakin (Annette M. B.) on Hannah More por- traits, 347

Mears (William), bell-founder 1626, 75, 217 Medal, Isaak Walton and Charles Cotton on, 329,

397 Mello (Dom Francisco Manuel de), his visit to

London in 1641, 107, 178 Melville (F. J. ) on first perforated postage stamps,


Melville (Lewis) on Cobbett at Kensington, 267 Memorials in the British Isles, 22, 222, 421 Mendelssohn (Sidney), his ' South African Biblio- graphy,' 5 Mercer (W.) on Arnolfini family, 217, 350

Charles (Prince) of Bourbon- Capua, 394

' Flying Dutchman,' 132

Horses taken to church, 318

Prickly pear and Monreale Cathedral, 133

Rolle's ' Prick of Conscience ' : ' British

Critic,' 458

Unicorn on royal arms, 274 Warwick Lane and its historical associations,

193, 353 Meredith (George), " ennomic " in ' Tragic

Comedians,' 9, 92

Methodist Chapel, Tooting, founded by Defoe, 54 Methodists referred to by Samuel Richardson, 124 Mew or Mewes families, 105, 196, 478 Mexico, hair folk-lore in, 126 ' Middleman,' U.S. play c. 1856, 225 Miers, miniaturist, list of portraits by, 488 Militia, cost of accoutrements, 1716, 8 Milky Way, its various names, 406 Millers, honest, references to, 12, 57, 95 Milnhorn in Scotland, its locality, 135 Milton (John), his Bibles, 1, 70, 109, 433 ; on

plagiarism, 191 ; his visit to Ireland, 328, 453 Minakata (Kumagusu) on blindfolded man t

Japanese variants, 424 Corpse bleeding, 398 Marriage relationships, 433 Minerva, bust of, by Antonio Canova, 94 ' Minor ' and ' Methodist,' Foote's jest, 125 Mitchell (W. C.) on H.M.S. Pactolus, 209 Moffete (Mile. V.) on Moffete family, 247 Moffete family, 247

Monaco (Prince of), his memoir, 1794, 43 Monastery : cartularies of Chert sey, 70, 115 Monastery, Nottingham, not in Dugdale, 53 Monday (A. J.) on black bandsmen in the Army,

370 Monreale Cathedral, fruit depicted in mosaics in,

87, 132 Montfort (Simon de), translation of French poem

on, 229, 297, 353

Monumental inscriptions, Hertfordshire, tran- scribed, 146

Monuments : to Prioress Martyn, Hartley Wint- ney, Hants, 48 ; to Capt. Cook in England and France, 165, 232, 295, 373 Moor in place-names, origin of the word, 450 Moore of Old Bond Street, sword-maker, c. 1799,.


Moore (Sir W.), d. 1810, his descendants, 469 Moory-ground, origin of the term, 450