Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 3.djvu/536

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1911.

Songs and Ballads (see also Anonymous) :

Britons, Strike Home ! 1696, 367, 412, 472

Flying Dutchman, 48, 95,132

Great George our King, 1745, 387, 471

Let us go hence, my songs, 128, 155, 177

Lizzie Lindsay, 488

O dear, my good masters, pray what shall

I do ? 128

To the West! To the West! 187,236 Tony Lumpkin and his uncle, 269 Walrus and the Carpenter, parody, 35 'Songs of the peasantry, 47, 97, 334 Sonnets by Raphael, 208, 297, 353 Sotheby (Messrs.) on a comma in ' Complete

Angler,' 466

Souchy=fish stew, old cooking recipe, 449 Soudan, Sudane, or Soldank family, 88 Southumbrian on harvest superstitions : judg- ments on impiety, 277 Spa, earliest association with Scarborough, 129,

157, 234 Speaker's chair of the old House of Commons,

50,93 Spencer (George John, second Earl), his death,

1834, 46

Spider's web and fever, 96, 174

Spiera (Francis), Charles Lamb, and Burton, 61,

152, 212, 374 Spitting and stamping the feet in the Litany,

148, 217, 294, 396 Spong (Rosamond), d. 1840, her epitaph and

descent, 269

Sprig, 14th-century word, its meaning, 233 Spring on owns : blithering, 148 Spurgeon (C. H.), his knowledge of Greek, 267, 476 Squires of England, stories relating to, 227 Stael (Baron de) in Scotland, 238 Stafford (Christopher), Rector of Bothal, 1691-

1730, 469

Staffordshire charter, c. 1180, witnesses of, 349 Stage, Thackeray's connexion with, 28, 74, 91,


Stage history : Wilson Barrett, 225, 276 Stained glass, old, in Essex churches, 41 Stair divorce, 1820, the co-respondent,. 74, 174 Stamping the feet and spitting in the Litany,

148, 217, 294, 396 Stamps, postage, inventions for perforating, 183,

251 Standerwick (J. W.) on Rev. J. Samwell, Rev. J.

Peacock, 9

Stanfield (Clarkson), R.A., his biography, 409,


Stapleton (A.) on burial-entries of strangers, 84 Gray (Thomas) and mail coaches, 288 Indexes Locorum to printed parish registers,


Nottingham monastery not in Dugdale, 53 Roeites of Calverton : Wroeites of Australia,

9, 272, 385, 455 Sweetapple surname : Benjamin Hodgkin,


Tallard (Marshal), prisoner of war, 289 Wall churches, 377

Wedgwood ware and water-carriage, 46 Star on " mouner," 229 Stars and smallpox, comparison in poem, 167,

211, 335

Statues : in the British Isles, 22, 222, 421 ; of George I., 152 ; of Queen Elizabeth in Royal Exchange, 187, 230, 315 ; of Wellington in London, 285

Statues of snow, works on, 308

Stebbins (Herbert W.), 1900, his address, 87

Steele (J. T.) on motto of Exhibition of 1851, 11

Stencil, derivation of the word, 138

Step (E.) on Skolpyne, 335

Stephenson (Philip E.) on ' Pickwick ' difficulties,


' Pickwick ' queries, 68 Stepney-Gulston (Alan) on twenty-four acts of

chivalry, 129

Steuart (A. F.) on Prince Charles of Bourbon- Capua, 393

Herbert (Governor), 325 Stevenage, epitaph at, 485

Stewards, High, and Recorders at the Restora- tion, 17, 138, 376 Stewart (Alan) on Black Hole of Calcutta : Henry

Lushington, 265 " Hie locus odit, amat," 131 Honorary degrees at Cambridge, 167 Junius and the horsewhipping of the Duke

of Bedford, 455

Madan (Major James Russell), 249 Stewart (C. Nelson) on " manna of St. Nicholas,"

488 Stick- in- the-Mud, nickname, earliest use, 106,

175, 257

Sticklac, use of substance and word in 1742, 166 Stirling (Mrs. A. M. W.) on Col. Oakes and Queen

Caroline's funeral, 69 Stockley (W. F. P.) on Litany : spitting and

stamping the feet, 396 Mediaeval " Oberammergaus," 267 Stoke Newington parish registers, 1559-1812,


Stone (Andrew), c. 1748, his biography, 450 Stone (G.), Archbishop of Armagh, his biography, .

450 Stone effigies, dogs and animals on, 208, 310,

376, 451 Stopes (C. C.) on Liberty of Blackfriars, 465

Lunatics : then? treatment in Elizabeth's

reign, 326

Order for a Bible temp. James I., 284 Suffolk (Henry, Duke of), 445 Tallis and Bird, 487

Stone ( J. Harris) on rags left at wells, 409 Stowes (Margaret \= Miles Gale, 1712, their

descendants, 208, 316 Strachan (L. R. M.) on cousin of Boswell, 338

Montfort (Simon de) : translation of French

poem, 353 Puckled, 78

Smallpox and the stars, 335 Stael (Baron de) in Scotland, 238 Strangers, burial-entries of, 84 Street (E. E.) on woodyer, 116 Street-name : Lawrence Street, 309, 398, 437 " Strike of Saunsons," meaning of the phrase, 108 Subsidy Rolls, Lancashire, 1663, 369 Subterranean chamber in Staffordshire temp.

Charles II., 89 Suckling (F. H.) on Thomas Fletcher the poet,


High Stewards and Recorders at the Restora- tion : Roger Gollop, M.P., 376 Kelsey family of Hants, 348 Moor, More, and Moory-Ground, 450 Sudane, Soudan, or Soldank family, 88 Sufflee, meaning of the word, 168, 213, 358 Suffolk (Henry, Duke of) and letter from Bishop

of London, 1590, 445 Sumner (Miss) : Mrs. Skrine c. 1765, 17