Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 3.djvu/538

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Notes and Qut vies, July 29, 1911.

Thornton (R. H.) on " First aerial ship," 65

" In black and white," 206

Jordan not a type of baptism, 181

Legal macaronics, 6

' Pilgrim's Progress ' imitated, 9

Rags left at wells, 498

Shakespeare and Goodman, 246 Thread-papers, meaning of the term c. 1722, 8,

90, 153

Three wishes, variants of the story, 97 Thruston (C. S. M.) on ancient horn, 187 Thursby (Fortescue) on Thoresby pedigree, 188 Titles, Scottish, conferred by Oliver Cromwell,


Tobacco, Sir Walter Raleigh's use of it, 34, 175 Told (Silas) and Newgate prisoners. 86, 173 Tollner (W. M.) of Cheam, patron of cricket

c. 1850, 129 Tolls, paid for horses at market in mediaeval times,

' Tom Jones,' " Dowdy " in, 289

Tooting, Methodist Chapel, founded by Defoe, 54

Totenlaterne, stone lanterns in old churches,

30, 336 Tottel (R.), his ' Miscellany,' Puttenham's ' Arte

of English Poesie,' and Chaucer, 82 ; his ' Mis- cellany,' Sir Anthony St. Leger, and J. Haring-

ton, 201, 322, 423

Trade-mark granted by letters patent, 126 Traherne. See Treherne.

Trant (Sir Patrick), Bt., his descendants, 334 Trecothick (Barlow), Lord Mayor 1770, 11, 330 Treherne (T.), poet, his rimes to " joy," 232 Trenchard (H. W.) on ' Pickwick ' difficulties,


Trout or Trowte family, 334 Trowte or Trout family, 334 " Tuke," " tewke," kind of cloth c. 1490, 87, 130,

155 Tunbridge Wells and St. Dunstan, the tradition,


Turcopolier : Knights Hospitallers, 12 Turner (F.) on Chertsey cartularies, 115

Smith (Jeremy), 1666, 115 Turner (Thomas) of Balcombe, d. c. 1899, his

biography, 328

Turner and Peake families, 127 Turneur (T.) on Thomas Turner of Balcombe,


Twins and second sight, 469 Twiss (Brigadier-General), c. 1805, and Sandgate

Castle, 309


U. on " Aleppo Merchant " Inn, 396 Aniphisba3nic book, 176 Boswell's cousin, 292 Da Costa, 475 Dedications, double, 298 Udal (J. S.) on arms of the Archbishops of York,


Elephant and castle in heraldry, 237 Jeffreys (Judge) and the Temple organ, 427 Udal (N.), his ' Ralph Roister Doister,' 367, 413,

454, 496 Underground passages, Soho, their history, 127,


Unicorn on royal arms, its origin, 187, 273, 297 ' Universities and the Scientific Corps,' a pamphlet,

1872, 308

Unthank (R. A. H.) on Bethlem Royal Hospital, 254

Upas tree, W. E. Gladstone on, 367, 414

Urllad on Thomas Coryat and Westminster

School, 29

Urswick, list of pre-Reformation vicars, 387 Uttoxeter, first book printed at, 1800, 405, 454

V. on ' Hamlet ' in 1585, 474 V. (Q.) on amphisba3nic book, 89

Blackstone's ' Commentaries,' first edition..


" Chartuary " : " Tale," 66 Rice for the complexion, 189 Teetotal : early use, 29 William of Ware, 68 Vail = to lower, use of the word bv Scott, 86,.

131, 175 Valle (Robert de), of Pembrokeshire, temp-

Edward I. ,,349

Vane (W. L.) on Teesdale Legion, 28 Varennes, arrest of Louis XVI. at, 203 Vein = swamp in Anglo-Irish, 346 Veneti, tribe of north-west coast of Gaul, their

name, 186 Verge, Coroner of the, obsolete royal office, 30 r

96, 236 Vernon (Admiral), d. 1757, and Oakendean,

Cowfold, 348 Vesey (John), Archbishop of Tuam, his marriage,

429, 478 ' Vestris (Madame), ' Memoirs of the Life,' published'

1839, 328, 371 Vestry meeting, annual, held on Lady Day, 288 y

338, 473

Vicars of Urswick, pre-Reformation, list of, 387 Victoria (Queen), her maternal great-grandmother,.

387, 438, 471

Victory, early ships of the name, 68, 113 Vigers (Edgar H.) on Catherine Hyde, 268 Vigors (Bishop Bartholomew), 1643-1721, his

biography, 289 Vole (Jean), sentence in ' Les Arrivants.' 148 V

178, 217 Voltaire (Frangois M. A. de), and J. J. Rousseau,.

447 ; on the Bible, 450

Vos (F. H. de) on Ananias as a Christian name, 49T Phear (Sir John Budd), 472


W. on D'Urfey and Allan Ramsay, 467 W. (A. T.) on Essex as Christian name, 92

Mason (Col.), his Coffee-House, 449 W. (C.) on ' A Voice from the Bush,' 214, 271 W. (C. J.) on Chard : arms in the Abbot's room,.

249 W. (E. L.) on Avice Capell = John Warner, 228,

314 W. (G. H.) on battle in Lincolnshire, 136

Valle (Robert de), 349

W. (L. A.) on ' A Voice from the Bush,' 115 W. (S. S.) on " Almighty dollar," 211

Fishing in classical times, 350

Hyde (Catherine), 378

Wilson (Lea), his collection of Bibles, 177 W. (T. S. R.) on Court life, 156

Long barrows and rectangular earthworks, 273

" No great shakes," 257

' Refuge,' 1808, 497

Shipdem (James), 1688, 478