Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 3.djvu/69

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Citizen Kivalant. Same as K^rivalant, q.v. Cf . ' Bibl. universelle,' Paris, 1858, xxi. 541.

Le Mierre. See under D. B. above.

Did Le Tourneur translate the Elegy ? Cf. the statement above under Ch^nier.

Ilippolyte Marvint. In his * Souvenirs de college,' Paris, 1840.

Madame Susanne Curchod de Nasse Necker. In her ' Varietes litteraires,' Paris, 1768, iv. 168. 1 have not been able to see this, and should be glad to have the reference verified or corrected.

.1. Roberts. London, 1875.

Sapinaud. In ' Le cimetiere et Le printemps traduits,' Paris, 1822, 8vo.

Adrien de Sarrazin. In an appendix to his ' Quatre printemps de Kleist,' Paris, 1802.

F. D. V. Paris, 1813.

Villevielle. Writing to Nicholls on 22 May,

1770, Gray speaks of a Marquis de Villevielle, who, he says, had translated him by way of exercise. Was this translation ever published, and what poems did it include ?


Anonymous. In The Kaleidoscope, Liverpool, 20 May, 1823, N.S. iii. 372-3.

Friedrich Wilhelm Gotter. 1771. Information desired concerning the first edition. Said to have appeared also in the ' Musen Almanach,' but I cannot find it there. Also in his ' Gedichte,'

1771, i. 132-45, and in Torri, 2nd ed., 1813. Ludwig Theoboul Kosengarten. In his

' Gedichte,' Vienna, 1816, i. 123 (I have not seen this), and in Torri, 1817. Did this appear in the ' Musen Almanach ' ?

William Mason. In Torri, 1817 ; said to have appeared in Mason's German translation of Gray's works, Leipsic, 1776. Information desired concerning this work, which is not listed in Kayser and is not in the British Museum.

Niclas Muller. New York, 1874. In the Boston Public Library.

Johann Baptist Bupprecht. In his ' Poetical Translations from the English,' Part I., Vienna, 1812, pp. 62-8. Have not seen this. Reprinted in Torri, 2nd ed., 1843.

Johann Gottfried Seume. In his ' Collected Poems,' Riga, 1801, which 1 have not seen. Any earlier edition ? Did it appear in the ' Musen Almanach ' ? It is in his ' Sammtliche Werke,' Leipsic, 1826, i. 6-12 and v. 16-22.


Giosafatte Cipriani. In Torri, 1817. Not in Tom's 2nd ed., 1843. Did it appear earlier ?

William Cooke. Cambridge, 1785.

Charles Coote. London, 1794.

George Denman. Cambridge, 1871.

J. Norbury. Eton. 1793. There was also a 2nd ed. in the same year.

John Plumptre translated the Epitaph only, and appended it to his ' Ecloga sacra Alexandr Pope,' Wigorniffi, 1795.

Bowyer Edward Sparke. London, 1794.

Edward Tew. London, 1795.

Richard Ward. In hia ' Celebria quaedam Anglorum poemata latine reddita,' London 1860, pp. 79-97.

Stephen Weston. London, 1794.


Giuseppe Venturi. In Torri, 1817 and 1813 in the 2nd ed. in Roman letters.

Rossi Janos.

Hungarian. Rome, 1827.


Paolo Giuseppe Baraldi. Modena, Societa fipografica, 1816. I have not seen this.

Antonio Buttura. In La Domenica (according

o Torri) ; then in his ' L'arte poetica di Boileau

Despre'aux recata in versi italiani,' Paris, 1806, p. 130-36. I have seen only the latter.

Michel Angelo Castellazzi. In Torri, 1817. Did this appear earlier ?

Francesco Cavazzocca. Verona, 1835. Re- printed in Torri, 2nd ed., 1843.

Melchiorre Cesarotti. Padua, 1772.

Abbate Crocchi. In Sleator's edition, Dublin, 1775, pp. 153-66.

Giuseppe Gennari. Padua, Comino, 1772.

J. Giannini. 2nd ed., London, 1782. When did the 1st ed. appear ?

Domenico Gregori. In ' Scelta di ppesie di

u celebri autori inglesi, recati in versi italiani," Rome, 1821, vol. i., which I have not seen.

Agostino Isola. Cambridge, 1782. In the- Astor Library, New York.

Marco Lastri. Florence, Molike, 1784. I have not seen this. Reprinted in Torri, 1817.

Michele Leoni. Turin, Pomba, 1815. I have not seen this. Reprinted in Torri, 2nd ed., 1843.

Lorenzo Mancini. In his ' Saggio sull' uomo e Lettera d' Abelardo ad Eloisa of Pope,' Florence, 1835, which I have not seen. Reprinted in Torri, 2nd ed., 1843.

Angelica Palli. 1874. This is mentioned by Teza in Nuova Antoloc/ia, 3rd Ser. xxiii. 363. Where was it published ?

Elisabetta Sesler Bond. In ' La morale inglese,' Venice, 1815, pp. 65 ff. This reference is from Torri, who reprints the translation in his 2nd ed.,. 1843.

Martin Sherlock. 1779 ? Cf. 10 S. ii. 92.

E. Teza. In Nnova Antologia, 3rd ser. xxiii.. 363-8, 16 Sept., 1889.

Giuseppe Torelli. Verona, Carattoni, 1776.

Domenico Trant. In Torri, 1st ed., 1817.

Taddeo Wiel. In his ' Versioni da Thomas Gray, John Keats, Lord Byron, Percy Bysshe- Shelley, Robert Browning,' Venice, 1906.

Giacomo Zanella. In his ' Varie version! poetiche,' Florence, 1887.


In ' Shintaishi-Sho ' (' Poems in New Style ')- Tokio (? ), 1882. I should be glad of further infor- mation concerning this.


Anonymous. ' Gray's Elegy rendered into- Latin Elegiacs.' Oxford, James Parker & Co.,. 1876.

Christopher Anstey and William Hayward Roberts. Cambridge, University Press, 1762. Published anonymously.

Giovanni Francesco Barbieri. In Torri, 1st ed., 1817.

Benedetto del Bene. Verona, Mainardi, 1817.

W. A. Clarke. Oxford, Blackwell, 1904.

Sir Alexander J. E. Cockburn, Lord Chief Justice. About 1871. Reprinted Boston, Dort- man, 1900.

Giovanni Costa. Padua, Comino, 1772.