Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/166

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NOTES AND QUERIES. rn s. iv. AUG. 19, 1911.

of the Empire,' vol. i. p. 174, that Pliny the Elder " furnishes perhaps the most typical specimen of Silver Latinity."

We thank the editors for the pleasure and profit we have derived from the perusal of their admir able work.


MESSRS. HOLLAND BROTHERS' Birmingham Catalogue 169 contains the -rare first edition oJ ' Endymion,' in boards, uncut, with paper labels A fine copy, Taylor & Hessey, 1818, 48Z. ; the second edition of Apperley's ' Mytton,' Acker- mann, 1837, 10Z. 10s. ; the first edition of ' Oliver 'Twist,' early issue, with the fireside plate, 3 vols., original cloth, Bentley, 1838, 4Z. 10s. ; the first edition of ' Harry Lorrequer,' uncut, Curry, 1839 21. 5s. ; Crane's edition of ' The Faerie Queene, -6 vols., 4to, clean as new, 1897, 5Z. 5s. ; Dibdin's ' Tour,' 3 vols., russia gilt, 1821, 51. 17s. Qd. ; a fine copy of the first edition of Radcliffe's ' Noble Science,' 1839, 21. 15s. ; and the Edition de Luxe of Gautier's ' Mademoiselle de Maupin, translated by Burnham, 2 vols., Walpole Press, 1899, 3L 3s. A collection of Scott first editions in original boards, uncut, is 15Z. 15s. There are works under Biography, Botany, Costume, Medical, and Ordnance Survey. Under Militar Adventures is ' The Historic of George Castriot, surnamed " Scanderbeg," King of Albanie,' 1596, folio, calf, 21. 15s. Under Occult is De Laurence's ' Book of Magical Art,' 4to, half-morocco, 1904, 21. 10s. Under Sagas are ' Fragments of English and Irish History in the Ninth and Tenth Cen- turies,' translated from the Icelandic by Dr. Thorkelin, 4to, morocco, 1788, II. 8s. Under Thackeray is the rare first edition of ' The Book of Snobs,' original green wrappers, Punch Office, 1848, Ql. 10s. Among Prints, Curios, &c., are .an etching by Queen Victoria of a Dachshound, 1840, 21. 10s., a Leeds Puzzle Jug, and Baxter Prints.

Mr. Malcolm Murray's Second Catalogue fo!. 1911 contains under Art Bemrose's ' Wright o Derby,' II. Us. Qd. Under Australia is Barring- ton's ' New South Wales,' 2 vols., 1810, 18s. Qd. An oil painting of Cromwell is offered for 51. 5s. \Vorks under Bibliography include the Catalogue

.of the Amherst Library, ' Book- Auction Records,' and Blades's ' Caxton.' The first edition of Burke on ' The Sublime and Beautiful,' 1757, is 21. 2s. Under Ceramics is Turner's ' Swansea and Nantgarw,' 21. 15s. There is a good specimen of French binding, ' Poetee Grseci,' thick folio,

.21. Is. Qd. There are items under Cruikshank. An extra-illustrated copy of Grego's ' Thackeray -

.ana,' 43 portraits (17 of these being hand- coloured), is 51. 5s. Another extra-illustrated work is Minto's ' Literature of the Georgian Era,'

8Z. 8s. The Edition de Luxe of Wedmore's

' Rembrandt,' 2 vols., 1894, is 3L 10s. ; and an original water-colour by Rowlandson, ' The Exterior of Trinity College, Cambridge,' in a black -

and-gold frame, 6L 6s. Under Scott is the original Border Edition, 1892-4, 48 vols., 91. Qs. There is

.also a collection of three hundred old valentines,

.5?. 5s.

Mr. Albert Sutton's Manchester Catalogue 188 contains books and pamphlets relating to crime And its detection, prisons and prisoners, witches

and witchcraft, including the riots in Binning" ham in 1791, Jabez Balfour's ' My Prison Life,' ' The Life of George Barnwell,' Burton's ' Criminal Trials in Scotland,' Griffiths's ' Memorials of Millbank,' the Peterloo Massacre, and * The Newgate Calendar.' Trials include Home Tooke, Hone, Wooler, Queen Caroline, Palmer, and many others. Among the works on the back page are a collection of first editions of Lever, 10 vols., half - calf, 11. Is. ; Froude's ' England,' best Library Edition, 12 vols., 1856-70, cloth, uncut, 4Z. 4s. ; ' The Greville Memoirs,' 8 vols., half- calf, 1874-85, QL ; Reclus, edited by Ravenstein and Keane, 42 vols., imperial 8vo, 1897, 4?. 4s. (published at 21 guineas net)i

Mr. Sutton has also a Catalogue of Bargains. We note St. John Hope's ' Order of the Garter,' 4to, half -morocco, 21. 17s. Qd. ; Hartshorne's ' Glass Drinking Vessels,' folio, 1897, 21. ; and a complete set of Punch to the end of 1905, all original issues, 129 vols. in 63 yearly vols., bound in half crimson calf, 211.

Messrs. Henry Young & Sons' Liverpool Catalogue CCCCXXIII. contains the Ivelmscott Chaucer, in the original blue boards, margins uncut, as issued, fine clear state, QQL ; also Morris's ' Sigurd and the Fall of the Niblungs,' 81. 10s. A fine copy of the New Testament, 1550, is 11. 15s. ; and the Whole Booke of Psalmes, 1598, a very large and clean copy, Ql. Qs. Among choice examples of early printing is Livy, first edition, Roman type, small folio, Venice, 1493, red levant by Riviere, 35Z. There is also the first edition of the splendidly illustrated German ver- sion of Livy, printed at Mentz, 1505, small folio, 30Z. Among the Cruikshanks is Combe's ' Napoleon,' a fine tall copy, 1815, 15Z. 15s. This is the rare first edition, and is handsomely bound in full levant. There is also the first edition of Mudford's ' Campaign in the Nether- lands,' half-morocco, 1817, 15L 15s. The ' Gram- mont Memoirs,' extra-illustrated, are 51. 5s. ; the first edition of Howell's ' Familiar Letters,' levant by Riviere, 1645, 101. 10s. ; Florio's Montaigne,' 1632, QL Qs. ; a fine copy of Painter's Palace of Pleasure,' the reprint of 1813, 2 vols., morocco, 11. 10s. ; the first edition of Caradoc's Wales,' small 4to, 1584, old russia, 51. 5s. ; and Penton's ' Historical Tour through Pembroke- shire,' extra-illustrated, bound in 2 vols., full russia, 1810, 151. 15s. Autograph letters include five of Scott, 1813-15, 40Z. ; also letters of Glad- stone, Henry Hunt, Macaulay, Lever, and others.

ON all communications must be written the name a,nd address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- lication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately, lor can we advise correspondents as to the value of old books and other objects or as to the means oi disposing of them.

A. B. BEAVEN. Forwarded.

M. L. R. BRESLAR ("Bough-pots"). Ex- plained with quotations at 10 S. x. 208, 257.

CORRIGENDUM. P. 84, col. 1, 1. 34, for OITOV read TTOV.