Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/26

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. iv. JULY i, 1911.

and Death of Jason ' (the copy exhibited at Glasgow as a specimen of binding). There are also four presentation copies from Morris with his full signature : ' The Order of Chivalry/ ' The Defence of Guenevere,' ' The Glittering Plain,' and ' News from Nowhere,' the price of the four being 1,200Z. Under Shakespeare are the Cambridge Edition, 40 vols., 4to, original cloth, 121. 12s. (only 500 printed) ; and the larger Temple Edition, 12 vols., vellum, 12Z. 12s. Under Spenser is the Japanese-vellum edition of ' The Faerie Queen,' illustrated by Walter Crane, the complete set of 19 parts, 251. Under Tennyson will be found a choice copy of ' In Memoriam,' Bankside Press, New York, crimson levant, 51. 5s. ; and the first edition, Moxon, 1850, calf, 4:1. 4s. The Vale Press issues include Shakespeare, 39 vols., royal 8vo, hand-made paper, with the new fount of " Avon " type, SI. Ss. (one of 310 copies); Chatterton, Blake, Marlowe, and many others. Under Scott is the Abbotsford Edition, 12 vols., calf, 10Z. 10s. Under Byron is Murray's Library Edition, 11 vols., 'orange levant, 1833-9, 12Z. 12s. In an autograph letter Wendell Holmes thanks Mr. Gell for his "kind letter " and its ' : picture of English life in its sweetest aspect, which will last me until the outer world around me fades from my sight." Mr. Juckes also offers two choice bookcases, one a Chippendale.

Messrs. Maggs's Catalogue 268 contains rare Books, Prints, and Autographs. Works under America include one of the few copies issued with the plates in colour of Kingsborough's ' Antiquities of Mexico,' 9 vols., imperial folio, half-morocco, 1831-48, 135Z. Under Art are the Catalogues of the Free Society of Artists, 1760-83 (those for 1780 and 1781 in manuscript), and those of the Society of Artists of Great Britain, 1760-91, the whole inlaid to royal 4to, and illus- trated by the late E. B. Jupp with about 350 original drawings and sketches, including speci- mens of the work of Sandby, Nollekens, Romney, Flaxman, Mcrland, Gainsborough, and other artists, also about 650 mezzotints and 100 auto- graph letters, the whole bound in 10 vols., 475Z. Matthew Arnold's prize poem at Rugby, 'Alaricat Rome,' is 63Z. There is a fine copy of the first complete edition of Bacon's ' Essays,' small 4to, original calf, 1625, 25Z. ; also the scarce first edition of ' The Advancement of Learning,' small 4to, new levant, 1605, 25Z., and the ' Novum Organum,' folio, 1620, levant by Riviere, 26Z. 10s. A fine uncut set of Bewick, 5 vols., imperial 8vo, half- morocco, 180520, is 30Z. There are many fine specimens of binding. Under Blake is the extremely rare original edition of ' Songs of Innocence,' russia, 1789, 110Z. Under Burns is an uncut copy of the first Edinburgh edition, morocco, 25Z. Under Byron is the rarest of Byron first editions, ' The Waltz,' 1813, published .at 3s., now priced in crushed levant 120/. Messrs. Maggs state no copy has occurred for sale by public auction for many years. Under Carlyle is a set of 61 vols., all first editions, calf extra, 80/. Under Cruikshank is an uncut copy of ' The Humourist,' first edition, 4 vols., 12mo, bound in morocco, with the original covers at the end, 1819-20, 110Z. Under Gray is an uncut copy, in the original wrapper, of the ' Odes,' 1757, 63Z. This was the first book printed at .Strawberry Hill. There is also an uncut copy of

the ' Poems,' Dodsley, 1768, 32Z. 10s. Under Horn Book is a small " battledore " or horn book of brass, date 1664, 281. 10s. Under Mere- dith are original manuscripts. The first edition of ' The Dunciad,' 12mo, levant, 1728, is 211. ; and ' Essay on Man,' the four parts, 1733-4, levant, 18Z. 18s. Under Rowlandson is a magnificent collection, 12 vols., 105Z. Under Shakespeare is the Second Folio, 1632, one of the tallest known, 210Z. ; also the Fourth Folio, and the first edition of ' The Two Noble Kinsmen.' Under Spenser is the first edition of ' Complaints,' small 4to, levant by Bedford, 75Z.

Part III. of the Catalogue is devoted to Auto- graph Letters and MSS. A love-letter of Burns, unpublished, is 181. Byron writes in a letter to Bankes : " You heard that Newstead is sold the sum of 140,000 ; Rochdale is also likely to do well so my worldly matters are mending." Under Carlyle is an autograph essay on Chatham. There are letters of Coleridge, De Quincey, and Dickens. In one as to the free list of ' Little Dorrit ' Dickens expresses a wish " that Holds- worth and John at the H. W. Office " should have it. This interesting Catalogue is fully illustrated.

[Notices of other Catalogues held over.]

REV. W. J. LOFTIB. The Guardian for last week contained a notice of the death on 16 June of the Rev. W. J. Loftie, who signed his con- tributions to ' N. & Q.' sometimes with his full name and sometimes with his initials. In the latter case the address Savile Club served to distinguish his communications from those of a Dublin correspondent with the same initials. Mr. Loftie put into many guides and books his antiquarian knowledge of London.


We must call special c Mention to the following

notice* :

ON all communications must be written the name Mid address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- lication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

WE beg leave to state that we decline to return communications which, for any reason, we do not print, and to this rule we can make no exception.

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately, nor can we advise correspondents as to the value of old books and other objects or as to the means oi disposing of them.

EDITORIAL communications should be addressed to "The Editor of ' Notes and Queries ' "Adver- tisements and Business Letters to " The Pub- lishers "at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.G.

M. L. R. B. Forwarded.

C. McC. (" I 'm the sweetest sound in orchestra heard "). The riddle is by Bishop Samuel Wilber- force. A solution in verse is printed at 7 S. i. 517 ; but no wholly satisfactory explanation is known.

CORRIGENDUM. 11 S. iii. 495, col. 2, 1. 4 from foot, for " dubbing " read drubbing.