Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/335

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ii s. iv. OCT. 21, mi.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


was no dream, and Lucknow was relieved by the gallant Campbells."

Is anything known of the parents and ancestors of Jessie Brown, of the village (or town) and county she came from, and of her after career ? Was she connected with the Campbells ? Where is Goodall's painting now ? RONALD DIXON.

46, Marlborough Avenue, Hull.

AUTHORS OF QUOTATIONS WANTED. I am anxious to know where the following lines come from ; they are, I think, the work of a Scottish author :

Unreasonable, reasonable creature,

Who makes his reason subject to his will.


Whence comes the following ?

Summer isles of Eden, set in dark purple spheres of sea.

I find the quotation at p. 76, vol. i. of Sir Harry Johnston's ' Uganda Protectorate.' COLIN CAMPBELL.

[Tennyson, 'Locksley Hall,' 164, which has " lying for "set."]

Where can I find the following verse ?

When I lie in the cold brown earth, With the mould upon my breast,

Say not that I did well or ill, But only " He did his best."

G. DU C.

The following verse or couplet is the motto of a chapter of a novel whose author I cannot recall :

It chanced, Eternal : God that chance did guide.

I think it is from Edmund Spenser, but I cannot find it. E. JOHN TUDOR.

HALDEMAN SURNAME. Can any one throw light on the origin of this surname ? A young Swiss, who spells it Haldemann, informs me that there is some evidence that his family, then named Haleman, came from Scotland in the sixteenth century. If so, the name has now disappeared there. I find one instance only, and that in the

  • London Directory.' In Lausanne there

is a Rue Haldemand. Can it be Aleman= German ? H. W. DICKINSON.

RHOSCROWTHER : LLANDEGEMAN : RHOS- Y-CRYTHER. Rhoscrowther seems, in the seventh century, when this part of Pem- brokeshire was British, to have been called Llandegeman (or Llandegymman), after the patron saint, St. Decuman.

Subsequently it seems to have been known as Rhos-y-cryther, i.e., the " Fiddler's

Moor " (or possibly Rhos-y-cryther is more ancient than Llandegymman). ' ' Crowther,' ' the English for the Welsh " crythwr," gave the more modern name of Rhoscrowther.

How can I find out the approximate dates and reasons of the three changes ?

R. H. S.

" PETER PINDAR," DR. JOHN WOLCOT : MSS. 1. Can any one give me information (stating authorities), about "Peter Pindar," Dr. John Wolcot, in addition to that given in the article ' Wolcot ' in the ' Dictionary of National Biography ' and in former numbers of ' N. & Q.' ? Details of his early life are particularly required. I am ac- quainted with Crabb Robinson's notice of him.

2. Messrs. Puttick & Simpson sold on 17 May, 1877, a considerable quantity of MSS. relating to Dr. John Wolcot. Will readers of ' N. & Q.' who possess any MSS. relating to Dr. Wolcot, or are aware of the existence of any, kindly communicate with me ? H. ROWLANDS S. COLDICOTT.

69, Cowley Road, Oxford.

OYSTER CLUB. At 2 S. vii. 390 P. H. F., in an answer to a query about Dr. Wolcot, mentions " an Oyster Club, of which Dr. Wolcot was one of the heads." Can any one give me information about this club ? H. ROWLANDS S. COLDICOTT.

LYONS, SURGEON, 1725. In his auto- biography Benjamin Franklin says that he became acquainted with '* one Lyons a surgeon, author of a book entitled * The In- fallibility of Human Judgment.' " I should like to learn whether the surgeon was a member of the Jewish persuasion.


Percy House, South Hackney.

BARON DE WALLER : SIR ROBERT WALLER AT AGINCOURT. In a little French book entitled * Devoir et Sagesse, ou le livre d'or des jeunes personnes,' par Madame Amelie Schoppe, published in 1838, and apparently translated from the German, mention is made of a Baron de Waller, called also on another page Monsieur de Waller. Is this merely a name of the authoress's imagina- tion, or had the name really a Continental origin, and is it a territorial name, as the ' de " would suggest ?

Who was the Robert Waller (Knight) who saved the life of the Duke of Orleans (?) at the battle of Agincourt ?