Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/397

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ii s. iv. NOV. 11, mi.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


Memorials of London and London Life, in the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Cen- turies. Being a series of extracts, local, social, and political, from the early Archives of the City of London. A.D. 1276-1419. By H. T. Riley. (1868.) General Index.

Liber Albus, compiled A.D. 1419. Edited by H. T. Riley. Rolls Series. I. (1859.) No index.

Liber Custumarum and Liber Horn, with extracts from the Cottonian MS. Claudius D. ii. Vol. II. Part I. Ditto. (I860.) Part II. (1860.)

At end of Vol. II. is a Glossary of Mediaeval Latin, a Glossarial Index of Festivals and Dates, and a General Index.

Vol. III. Translation of the Anglo-Roman passages in Liber Albus, Glossaries, Appendices, and Index. (1862.)

Liber Albus : the White Book of the City of London. ByH.T. Riley. (1861.)

Analytical Index to the Series of Records known as the Remembrancia, preserved among the Archives of the City of London. A.D. 1579- 1664. By W. H. Overall. (1878.) General Index.

The Historical Charters and Constitutional Docu- ments of the City of London. By an Antiquary [i.e. Walter de Gray Birch]. (1884.)

Revised Edition, 1887. Index, Glossary, Notes and Corrections.

London and the Kingdom : a History, derived mainly from the Archives at Guildhall. By R. R. Sharpe. (1894.) 3 vols. Facsimiles prefixed to each, and Index at end of last.

A Discourse on some Unpublished Records of the City of London. By E. Freshfield. (1887.) No index.

Calendar of Letters from the Mayor and Corpora- tion of the City of London. Circa A.D. 1350- 70. By R. R. Sharpe. (1885.) Index of Persons.

Calendar of Letter-Books preserved among the Archives of the Corporation of the City of London at the Guildhall.

Letter-Book A. Circa A.D. 1275-98. By R. R. Sharpe. (1899.) Letter-Book B. Circa 1275-1312. (1900.) Letter-Book C. Circa 1291-1309. (1901.) Letter-Book D. Circa 1309-14. (1902.) Letter-Book E. Circa 1314-37. (1903.) Letter-Book F. Circa 1337-52. (1904.) Letter-Book G. Circa 1352-74. (1905.) Letter-Book H. Circa 1375-99. (1907.) Letter-Book I. Circa 1400-22. (1909.) Each volume has a full Index.

Abstracts of Inq. Post Mort. relating to the City of London. Parti. 1485-1561. (1896.) Index Library, Vol. XV. Contents, Index Nominum, Index Locorum.

Some Account of the Citizens of London and their Rulers from 1060 to 1867. By B. B. Orridge. (1867.) Table of Contents, but no index.

Woodcocks' Lives of the Illustrious Lords Mayors and Aldermen of London. With a brief history of the City of London. Also a Chronological List of the Lords Mayors and Sheriffs of London and Middlesex from the earliest period to the present time. ( 1846. ) By W. and R. Woodcock. Table of Contents ; Lists chronological, but no index.

Chronicles of the Mayors and Sheriffs of London, A.D. 1188 to A.D. 1274. Attributed to Arnald Fitz-Thedmar, Alderman of London in the reign of Henry III. (1863.) Notes and Index. (See next item. )

The French Chronicle of London, A.D. 1259 to A.D. 1343. (1863.) Bound with the preceding Notes and Index.

Some Account of the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs of the City of London, 1601 to 1625. By G. E. Cokayne. (1897.) Chronological List and Index.

Facsimile of a Heraldic MS. entitled ' The Names and Armes of them that hath beene Alldermen of the Warde of Alldersgate since the tyme of King Henry 6, beginninge at the 30 yeere of his Reigne, vntil this present yeeare of our Lord 1616,' by John Withie. (1878.)

The Aldermen of Cripplegate Ward from A.D. 1276 to A.D. 1900. Together with some account of the office of Alderman, Alderman's Deputy, and Common Councilman of the City of London. By J. J. Baddeley. (1900.) Full Index.

The Aldermen of the City of London temp. Henry III. With notes on the Parliamentary Representation of the City, the Aldermen, and the Livery Companies, the Aldermanic Veto, Aldermanic Baronets and Knights, &c. By A. B. Beaven. (1908.) There is a good Table of Contents ; the arrangement is chronological, but there is no index. In the British Museum Catalogue, however, the work is marked " In progress " ; therefore, as I have said above, I hope an index will appear in a future volume.

List of the Commissions of Lieutenancy. (1690.) Broadside.

Register of Freemen of the City of London in the reigns of Henry VIII. and Edward VI. By C. Welch London and Middlesex Archaeological Society Transactions.

List of the Principal Inhabitants of the City of London, 1640, from Returns made by the Alder- men of the several Wards. By W. J. Harvey. (1886.) No index.

Returns of Aliens dwelling in the City and Suburbs of London, from the reign of Henry VIII. to that of James I. By R. E. G. Kirk. Part I. 1523-71. (1900.) Part II. 1571-97. (1902.) Part III. 1598-1625. Additions, 1522-93. (1907.) Part IV. (1908.) Publications of the Huguenot Society, Vol. X. Each part indexed, and the last volume is a General Index to the whole of the persons and places.

The London Register of Merchants and Traders : For the Year 1775 .... Names and Places of Abode .... London and Westminster, South - wark and Parts adjacent. . . .Lists, &c. (1775.) Names alphabetical.

A Collection of the Names of the Merchants living in and about the City of London .... Directing them, at the first sight of their name, to the place of their abode. (1677.) Names alpha- betical. Reprinted by Hotten in 1863.

The Lists of the Liveries of the Fifty-Six Com- panies in the City of London : as delivered upon Oath to the Right Hon. Sir Thomas Abney, Knt., Lord Mayor. With an Account who Poll'd, and who did not, at the late Election of Members of Parliament for the said City of London. Begun Monday, Jan. 20. Ended Thursday, Jan. 23. As also the Account of the Scrutiny begun the 27 Jan., and ended the First of February, 1700. (1701.) Lists are alphabetical.