Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/494

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NOTES AND QUERIES. m s. iv. DEC. IB, 1911.

the only dictionary of its kind in the English language for more than half a century, and the editor and his staff of writers and trans- lators are deserving of a niche in a ' Diction- ary of Writers on Music.' Perhaps some readers of ' N. & Q.' can oblige me with information on the subject.

ANDBEW DE TEBNANT. 25, Speenham Road, Brixton, S.W.

COUNTY BIBLIOGRAPHIES. I shall be glad to know what County Bibliographies exist, especially topographical ones, besides the following :

Cornwall Bibliotheca Cornubiensis, Boase and Courtney, 1874.

Devon Bib. Devoniensis, J. Davidson, 1852.

Dorset Bib. Dorsetiensis, Canon Mayo, 1885.

Hampshire Bib. Hantoniensis, H. M. Gilbert, 1872.

Hereford Bib. Herefordiensis, J. Allen, 1821.

Kent Bib. Cantiana, J. R. Smith, 1837.

Lancashire Bib. Lancastriensis, Albert Button, 1898.

Somerset Somerset Bibliography, E. Green, 1902.

Staffordshire Bib. Staffordiensis, Rupert Siinms, 1894.

Surrey A Collation of Topographical Works re- lating to Surrey, by ?, 1838.

Sussex Topographia Sussexiana, G. S. Butler, 1866.

There are also several General Catalogues : Upcott, 1818 ; Hotten, 1863 ; Anderson, 1881. Most of these are now pretty ancient.

E. A. FRY. 227, Strand.

' THE CATALOGUE OF HONOR.' I have found among some old papers a quotation from a book apparently ancient bearing the above title. Can any one enlighten me as to the work in question ? A direct reply would much oblige me.


Edgbarrow, Crowthorne, Berks.

BABDSEY FAMILY. Christopher Bardsey was Rector of Asfordby and Vicar of Scalford c. 1560-62, residing at the latter (Nichols's ' Leicestershire,' ii. pt. i. p. 316 ; iii. pt. i. p. 17). Can any of the readers of ' N". & Q.' give any information about him, especially the dates of his institution and death ? James, son and heir of James Bardsey of Little Gonerby, near Grantham, was aged 18 in 1634 (Heralds' Coll. MS. c. 23). Is anything further known of him ?


28, Via Gino Capponi, Florence.

EUGENE ABAM : DANIEL CLABKE. Can any correspondent give me (a) the verdict on the remains discovered at Thistle Hill those at St. Robert's Cave were found to be Clarke's, murdered by Houseman and

Aram ; and (b) a reference to any old news- papers advertising Clarke as missing ? Those I have searched contain nothing ; but Philip Coates swore he was advertised for.. Please reply direct. EBIC R. WATSON. 45, Charlwood Street, S.W.

FBICK FBIDAY. Can any one tell the- origin and meaning of " Frick " Friday, applied, it seems, to the Friday in Whitsun week ?

"Hocketyde and the ffrycke ffryday by the handes of o r wyves and vs and for the gatherynge of the sonnes and doughters and servants, 40s." Churchwardens' Accounts of St. Edward and St. Thomas, Sarura, p. 280.

An entry for the year preceding this (1557-8) refers to gatherings at " Hocketyde and the ffriday in the Whitsun' weke " (ib., p. 279). M. DOBMEB HABBIS.


Spiritus non potest habitare in sicso. I have seen this dictum attributed to St. Augustine, but I could not find it in his ' Opera,' even with the aid of an index locupletissimus. Can any one tell me where it hides ? B.


Can any reader tell me who were the- authors of the following ?

1. Affection never to be weaned nor changed By any change of fortune, proof alike Against unkindness, absence, and neglect : Fidelity, that neither bribe nor threat Can move nor ward

2. I knew not what it was to die, But knew my master did not sleep.

(Repeated from US. iii. 388.)


I shall be glad to know whence comes the following line, than which a truer was seldom penned:

Call it but pleasure, and the pill goes down.

W. B. C.

THEKESTON OB THEXTON FAMILY OF YOBKSHIBE &c. An inquiry appeared in ' N. & Q.' of 1 June, 1872, about Sir William Thekeston, Kt., of Flixton, Suffolk, in regard to which I can give a little information.

William Thekeston or Thexton was the son and heir of Sir Richard Thekeston, Kt., who lived in the reigns of Elizabeth and James I., and was lord of the manors of Sedbergh, Bedale, Burneston, and Exelby, and owner of extensive estates round about Bedale, including that of Thekeston. Sir Richard Thekeston is stated to have been a merchant in London, and he had a house