Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/551

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 27, 1912.



Clarke (Daniel), newspaper advertisements for

1759, 488 larke (Misses), c. 1777, their Christian names,

328, 458

Clarke (Rev. T.), Rector of Chesham Bois, 98 Claypans, house of Knights Hospitallers, Kent, 87 Cleopatra's Needles, Alexandre Dumas on, 246,

O 4 4

Clergy rated for armour, earliest date of, 468, 532 Clerks of the Peace, their signature, 369 Clive (Kitty), actress, b. 1711, her epitaph, 185 Clock of Bristol Cathedral, its maker, 348, 437 Clocks, grandfather, in France, 509 Clothiers, Guild of, in 16th and 17th centuries, 8,

50, 118

Clubs: Whig club book, from 1784, 46; Club Etranger at Hanover Square, c. 1787, 179, 216, 258 ; Miles & Evans's Club, St. James's Street, 1785, 269, 312 ; Dr. Wolcot connected with Oyster Club, 329 Cock-fighting, picture of, on Coronation mugs, 366

  • Cockles and Mussels,' composer of the song, 408

" Cockrod," meaning and derivation of the word,

526 4C Cockshoot," meaning and derivation of the

word, 526

Coffin and Limburger cheese, short story, 29 Coins: Belgian, with Flemish inscription, 88, 176,

279 ; French, Republic and Empire, "An 13. 0,"

149, 211, 255 ; French, with obverse impression

on reverse, 230 Cole Abbey, inscriptions in St. Nicholas' Church,


Coleridge (S. T.) and " Haud tibi spiro," 65, 198 College Fellowship sold in 1591, 227 Collet (Sir James), Master of Fruiterers' Company,

1697, 188 Colonies, their arms, illustrated book on, 368,


Colquhounor Cahoon (Sir Humphrey), d. 1722, 118 Coltman family, 530

Commonwealth, churches built during the, 18 "" Complain," its meaning in Gray's ' Death of

Richard West,' 229, 276

  • Complete Baronetage,' additions and corrections,


Comyn (Eli), c. 1350, his arms and heirs, 189 ' Concise Oxford Dictionary,' answer to criticism,

223 Conolly (Father James), hymn- writer, d. c. 1905,

his biography, 429, 496 ' Convict Ship,' author of verses, 468 Cook (Capt. James), memorial to, 30 Cooper (Fenimore), his ' The Prairie,' literary

parallel, 225 Corbett (Charles), Bart., bookseller, d. 1808, 148,

197, 313, 374

Cormell (Cambridge), Westminster scholar, 389 Cornish genealogy and the Civil War, 228, 272 Coronation, 1838, Mr. Barney Maguire on, 166 Coronation, 1911, and West Indians, 41 ; Queen

Mary's armorial bearings, 467

Coronation mugs, picture of cock-fighting on, 366 Coronations, mitres worn at, 27, 72 Corpse, touched at funerals, 48, 95, 178, 434;

bleeding in presence of murderer and of loved

friends, 54

Corradini (Signora), Italian dancer, c. 1767, 268 ' Correspondence Prive'e,' paper printed in London

c. 1822, 230 Corrie Bhreachan, or Bhreachan's Cauldron,

Scotch place-name, 10, 58, 97, 137 Cotton (Charles), motto of his ' Angler,' 367

histories, published

County bibliographies, topographical, 488 Courayer (Peter), d. 1776, his work on Anglican

orders, translations of, 330, 413 Court Leet, Hampstead Manor Court, 1911, 526 " Cousin and counsellor," royal greeting, 529 Coverham breed of white horses, 206 Covert (Cockerell), Westminster scholar, 1722, 389 Covert (Sir W.) and Thynne family of Longleat,

Cow, " hacket," meaning of the word, 445

Cow and viper folk-lore, 147

Cowper (W.) : his " Langford of the show," 109,

151, 215 ; and Rev. Samuel Greatheed, 347 ;

his poem, ' Progress of Error,' 389, 455 Cowper and Lowther families, 457, 518 Creed, farmer's, from 18th-century jug, 6 Cressingham, Carpenter, and Rowe families, 24,

4 4 5 1 lo

Cricket match, 1774, names of the players, 430 Cromwell (O.), and " Think it possible that you

may be wrong," 68, 117 ; his wife's descent,

209. See Cromwelliana. Cromwell (Richard), lines on, c. 1621, 207 Cromwell (Thomas) of Essex, c. 1750, 509 Cromwelliana : Cromwell's burial, 3 ; Cromwell's

effigy and its mock funeral, 103 ; Cromwell's

monument and prayer, 262 ; Cromwell's effigv

and body, 343

Crosby Hall ceiling of oak, described 1851, 327, 435 Cross-legged effigies and Crusaders, 88 Crown agents, to represent Colonial Governors, 92 " Crown Prince of Germany," newspaper error, 45 Crucifixion, Celtic legend of the, 106 Crump, " Mr. Crump's whim," his identity, 108 Crusaders and cross-legged effigies, 88 Crystal Palace tickets, c. 1858, 405, 476 Cuckoo, calling in its flight, 30, 75, 96, 135, 195,

258, 339 ; old rimes on, 31, 96, 135 Cumberland (R.), essay on his plays, c. 1775, 247,

315, 355 Cunningham (Allan) and ' The Wee Wee German

Lairdie,' 14, 52 Cups, historical " luck cups," possessors of, 389,

436 ' Curtain Lectures, Mrs. Caudle's,' a substitution,


Cutlery, Sheffield, in 1820, French book on, 428 Cuttle (Capt.), his hook on right or left wrist, 506 Cymmau, a property in Flintshire, 250 " Cytel," the meaning of, in Anglo-Saxon names,

187, 233, 434, 491

Daniel (S.), his ' Whole Workes,' 1623, 344 Dante (Alighieri), allusions to, by early writers,

447, 515

Darby (John)=Eliza Rebecca Hart, 1835, 110 Darnley (Lord), his sister's marriage, 89 Dates in Roman numerals, 2 50, 315, 377, 437 David II. of Scotland and Bonaparte, historical

parallel, 525

Day, Freeman, and Pyke families, 428 Day, Reeve, Pyke, and Sharpe families, 489 De Jersey family, 150 " De la in English surnames, survival of, 127,


De Quincey (T.), ' Opium-Eater,' edition 1853, 466 Dead, resurrection of, figures on tombstones, 37 Deeds and abstracts of title, the preservation of,

148, 194, 216 Deer-leaps, references for information on, 89, 138,

156, 194