Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/556

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 27, 1912.

" I am paid regular wages," grammatical con struction, 287, 356, 437, 491

" Ignoble tobagie," Michelet's, quoted by Steven son, 248

Iliff (Rev. ), Westminster School master, 210 537

Incumbents, list of, of Rhoscrowther, Pembroke shire, 349

India, lotus as emblem of, 27, 72 ; relic o Bonaparte found in, 284 ; portrait found in bazaar, 505

Indian Queens, Cornish place-name, 128

Inman (G. Ellis), his poem ' Old Morgan a Panama,' 408, 492

Inn with bell sign painted by G. Morland, 447, 498

Inns, country, signs of, c". 1715, 226, 462. Se r l avern Sign*.

Innys (James), Westminster scholar, 1736, 429

Inscriptions : in London burial-grounds, 32 Flemish, on Belgian coin, 88, 176, 279 ; i churchyard, Chesham Bois, Bucks, 123 ; o medal/" Vive la Beige," c. 1865, 129, 174, 215 498; in St. Nicholas' Church, Cole Abbey, 184 St. Mary-le-Bone Charity School, 186 ; on Cardinal Allen's monument, 215, 258 ; burial-ground, St. John's, Westminster, 302 403 ; on sundial, Sevenoaks, 1630, 307 ; from Hertfordshire churches and burial-grounds 326 ; Latin, in Upham Churchyard, 330 ; Latin on a porch, 330, 457, 516 ; in burial-grounds published, 348, 416 ; St. Olave's Churchyard Silver Street, 385

' Intelligencer,' weekly paper, Dublin, c. 1728 407, 473

' Interludium de Clerico et Puella,' Helwis in, 266

" Ipecacuanha " in verse, 102, 152, 276

Ireland (George), Oxford, 1736, 210

Irish schoolboys, descriptions of parents, c. 1750 70, 138

Irishmen, Spanish titles granted to, 427

Irving (Washington), quotations in his ' Sketch

Book,' 109, 129, 148, 156, 196, 217, 275 Isleworth, Islington, etymology of place-name, 43

1 oo 9 106 Islington, Isleworth. etymology of place-name, 43

loGj luO

Italian proverb on monument, c. 1600, 69 Ivatt (Richard), Westminster scholar, 1728, 210 Ivatt (William), Westminster scholar, 1719, 210 Ives (William), Westminster scholar, 1724, 429 Ivison (John), Westminster scholar, 1719, 429

" Jacobin " = " Jacobite," earliest use of the name, 6

" Jacobite "=" Jacobin," earliest use of the name, 6

Jadis (Henry Fenton), Westminster scholar 1814 410, 473, 499

James I. on doctors, 148

James (G. P. R.), his novel with three titles, 34

Japanese gods, the names of, 407

Jarvis (John), the dwarf, d. c. 1558, the statue of, oO /

Jefferson (Robert )= Elizabeth Sampson, 1739, 330

Jeff ray (Margaret Anne), her marriage and de- scendants, 470

Jeffreys (Judge) and the Temple Church organ, 13

Jelfe (Turpin), Westminster scholar, 1724, 469

Jenner (Edward), M.D., and Thomas Jenner, D.D., J.u9

Je i69 r (Th mas) ' D ' D -' and Ed ward Jenner, M.D., Jermyn (Stephen), Westminster scholar, 1728, 469

Jersey (Earl of), lines on his ancestress, 310, 374 " Jerusalem-Garters," 1682, meaning of the word,


Jesson (William), Westminster scholar, 1741, 469 Jew and Jew r son surnames, the origin of, 209, 258 " Jockey doctors," temp. Charles II., 470 Johnson (Duke), Westminster scholar, 1726, 230 Johnson (Dr. Samuel), anecdote of a dinner in

Scotland, 105, 153 ; and tobacco, 148, 175 ;

and ' The Pilgrim's Progress,' 408, 492 ; and

Dr. Dodd, 445

Jones (Mary), her execution, 1771, 347, 414 Joseph (Capt. Benjamin), d. 1617, his origin, 530 Journals, foreign, published in the United States,

1910, 466, 514

Journals by Wesley, whereabouts of the MSS., 369 Jubilee of the Post Office Savings Bank, 423 Jubilees, royal, 49th and 50th anniversaries, 12 Julius Caesar and Wymondlev chestnut tree, 287,

419 Juson (Warren), Westminster scholar, 1718, 469

Kangaroo, Parliamentary term, its origin, 35 Karr (Alphonse) at Saint Raphael, 1885, 106 Keary (Anne), ' Last Day of Flowers,' poem, 288 Keats (J.), his associations with Hampstead, 51 ;

his ' Ode to a Nightingale,' 507 Kelmscott Press type, 345, 435 Ken (Bishop Thomas), his mother, 10 Kerby (Hamilton), d. 1767, 230, 279, 339 Khaibar, Grand Khaibar, pseudo-Masonic body,

c. 1725, 290, 339

Kidkok or Kidcote, its meaning, 150, 176, 195 Kilbo, meaning in place-names, 290 Kilmarnock (Lord), his funeral, 1746, 224 King, his health drunk by Scots Guards, 165 King (Bevington), Westminster scholar, 1730, 230 King (W. F. H.), his ' Classical and Foreign Quota- tions,' 323 King's Bench Prison, Southwark, debtor's life in,


King's palace, Fordwich, Kent, c. 1066, 4 King's Theatre, Haymarket, its history, 405, 495 Kingsley (C.), his rime on Browning, 330 Kingsley (W.), Westminster scholar, 1743, 230 Kingston (Capt. Strickland), c. 1796, 107 Kirby (Hamilton), d. 1767. See Kerby. Knibberch (Frangois), signature on old painting,

Knight, articles belonging to, temp. Edward II., 528 Knight (Gaily), his ipecacuanha rime, 102, 152, 276 Knight (Sir John), M.P., c. 1690, 247, 291, 372 ' Knight of the turning pestle,' " FS " in, 348,

434, 494

Knights Hospitallers in Kent : Claypans, 87 '* Knipperdoling " in ' Hudibras Redivivus,' its

meaning, 229 Iniveton family, 269 Knockabrow, Irish place-name, 1722, its locality,

369 nockanegonly, Irish place-name, 1722, its.

locality, 369

Snowies (Charles), Westminster scholar, 1717, 230 Kynoch (Capt. John), killed at Quatre Bras, 1815, 348

j& Motte, refugee family, 221 Backing-ton (James), bookseller, his medals, 470 Lacy (Sir de), and the Coronation, 1838, 166

Lady Fast," reference to, in Tindale's works, 527 ^afayette family, 295

Lamb (Charles), his ' Rosamund Gray,' published 1798, 36 ; and rhythm in prose, 426