Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/576

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 27, 1912.

Penney (Norman) on John Owen of Hemel Hempstead, 318

Penny (F.) on Ceylon officials, 313. Watch- makers' sons, 494

Perring (Sir Philip) on Shakespeariana, 425

Petty (S. L.) on spider stories, 137

Phillips (Lawrence) on authors of quotations wanted. 88, 449

Phipps (Col. B.) on burning of Moscow. 1,52. " J'y suis, j'y reste," 94, 252. Military executions, 98. Napoleon's Imperial Guard, 350

Pickering (J. E. Latton) on authors of quotations wanted, 476. Drake (Sir Francis) : Giffard of Halsbury, 490. History of England with riming verses, 418. Jeffreys (Judge) and the Temple ( hurch organ, 13. Jones's (Mary) execution, 1771, 414. Lotus and India, 72

Pickthall (Marmaduke) on " salamander," a heavy blow, 427

Pierpoint (R.) on " All who love me follow me," 426. Authors of quotations wanted, 408. Battle on the Wey : Carpenter, Cressingham, and Rowe families, 24. Belgian coin with Flemish inscriptions, 88. Bibles with curious readings, 217. Board of Green Cloth, 234. Bonar : Thomson, Bonar & Co., 32. Carac- ciolo family. 173. ' Church Historians of England,' 117, 253. Cornish genealogy and the Civil War, 273. Cromwell (Richard) : " When Dick the fourth," &c., 207. Dates in Roman numerals, 377. Dumas on Cleopatra's Needles, 374. Elizabeth's (Queen) portraits at Hampton Court by Zuccaro or Zucchero, 244. French coins : * Republic and Empire, 211 ; obverse impression on reverse, 230. George I. statue in Leicester Square : Canons, near Edgware, 261. Gordon (Col.) in ' Bar- naby Rudge,' 416. Gounod (Charles) and Alphonse Karr at Saint Raphael, 106. " J'y suis, j'y reste," 155. Knight (Gaily) : " ipe- cacuanha " in verse, 152, 276. Marryat (Capt. ) : ' Diary of a Blase,' 409. Meridian of London, 228. 'Noel, cook to Frederick the Great, 438. ' Noon Gazette and Daily Spy,' 459. " Paint the lion," 109. Peers immortalized by public- houses, 456. ' Pickwick ' : Eatanswill news- papers. 146 ; printers' errors in first edition, 292. St. Mary-le-bone Charity School, 186. " Souchy," 13. Statues, &c., in Venice, 308. Syllepsis or zeugma : ' Pickwick,' 366. " Think it possible that you may be wrong " : Cromwell, 68. " Vive la Beige," 129. Wellington statues in London : M. C. Wyatt, 55

Pigott (Wm. Jackson) on Jefferson ^Sampson, 330. Middleton (Sir Thomas), 169

Pinchbeck (W. H.) on Tattershall : Elsham : Grantham, 314

Pink (W. D.) on Sir Nicholas Arnold, 42, 174. Arundel (Sir John) of Clerkenwell, 32. Ashby (William), Ambassador to Scotland, 1588-90, 105. Ashley (Mistress Katherine) or Astley, 52. Badger (William), 68. Bristol M.P.'s : Sir Arthur Hart and Sir John Knight, 291. Hacket (Sir Andrei), 114. Middleton (Sir Thomas), 212

Plomer (H. R.) on Charles Corbett, bookseller, 148, 313

Politician on authors of quotations wanted, 337

Pollard (Matilda) on Washington Trving's ' Sketch- Book,' 217. Spanish motto, 338

Pollard-Urquhart (Col. F. E. R.) on burning of Moscow, 116 I

Pook (Col. H. W.) on Knockanegonly : Garugh : Knockabrow, 369

Potter (A. G.) on Omar Khayyam bibliography, 328, 358, 497

Potter (G.) on London directories of the eighteenth century, 275

Potts (R. A.) on authors of quotations wanted, 58, 414, 496. ' Intelligencer,' 473

Pourquoi Pas on Charles I. : ' Biblia Aurea,' 70. Johnson and tobacco, 175. Noble families in Shakespeare, 248. Shakespeariana, 84

Prestage (Edgar) on Tromp in England : John Stanhope, London printer, 1664, 48

Price (L. C.) on Hamilton Kerby, 279

Prideaux (Col. W T . F.) on burial inscriptions, 32. Caracciolo family, 212. Casanoviana : Ed- ward Tiretta, 461. Cibber's ' Apology,' 381, 535. Daniel's ' Whole Workes,' 1623, 344. Emerson, Heine, and Franklin in England, 152. Fielding (Henry) and the civil power, 419. FitzGerald anecdote : two versions, 266. Fives Court, St. Martin's Lane : Tennis Court, Haymarket, 155. Gautier (Th<k>phile), 31 Aug., 1811-23 Oct., 1872, 241. George V.'s (King) ancestors, 173. Jersey (Earl of) : lines on his ancestress, 374. Leman Street, E., 376. ' Lizzie Lindsay,' 33. Ludgate, 485. Mili- tary executions, 354. Noble families in Shake- speare, 398. Paris barriers, 338. ' Pickwick Papers ' : printers' errors in first edition, 352. " Pindar (Peter)," Dr. Wolcot, 410. Pitt's Buildings : Wright's Buildings, 92. Sheridan's ' Critic ' : T. Vaughan, 47. Strawberry Hill : ' Description of the Villa,' 1774, 251. " Tout comprendre c'est tout pardonner," 154. Van- ishing landmarks of London : " The Swiss Cottage," 537. Victoria's (Queen) maternal great-grandmother, 12

Prideaux (W. R. B.) on Edwards's drawings of birds : Sir Hans Sloane, 193. Statues and memorials in the British Isles, 184

Q. on Masonic drinking-mug : frog or toad mug,

211. Wyre Forest old sorb or whitty pear tree,

145 Quarrell (W. H.) on Dud Dudley, 406. Epitaph-

iana, 524. Martin (T.), miniature painter, 509 Quien Sabe on American national flower, 352.

Carolina (South) newspapers, 168. Spanish

motto, 338 Quill on novel by G. P. R. James with three

titles, 34

R. (A. F.) on earliest English railroad with pas- sengers, 65. Newspaper " editions," 388. Oldest British soldier, 206. " Pale beer," 26. Reprieve for 99 years, 70. Stockings, black and coloured, 297

R. (D. M.) on Princess Victoria's visit to the Marquis of Anglesey, 113

R. (E.) on Lord Chief Justice, the Sheriff, and ventilation, 169

R. (G.) on authors of quotations wanted, 414

R. (G. W- E -) on Jane Austen's 'Persuasion,' 412. Lunatics and private lunatic asylums, 251. " Nib "^separate pen-point, 158

R. (H. B.) on Frost arms at Winchester, 478

R. (J F.) on baked pears =" wardens " : Bedford Fair, 371. Lecky and theory of morals in ' Pall Mall Budget,' 147. Pears : " Bon Chr<- tien " and " Doyenn6 du Cornice," 372