Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/579

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 27, 1912.



Steuart (A. Francis) on Casanoviana, 462.

' Maguire's (Mr. Barney) Account of the Coro- nation, 1838,' 166. " Souchy " : " water- suchy," 137 Stewart (Alan) on Highgate Archway, 274.

Lions modelled by Alfred Stevens, 438.

Masonic drinking-mug : frog or toad mugs, 210.

Watchmaker's epitaph at Lydford, 265 Stilwell (J. P.) on Dark Saturday, 25 Feb., 1597,

528. Deer-leaps, 138. " Happen," 497.

Leman Street, E., 258. Stockings, black and

coloured, 214. " Tumble-down Dick," 153 Stockley (G. W.) on Uniacke family, 276 Stone (J. Harris) on baked pears = " Wardens " :

Bedford Fair, 309. Castle Howard Mabuse :

two dogs. 227. Stonehenge : ' The Birth of

Merlin,' 128 Stopes (C. C.) on " Honorificabilitudinitatibus ":

early use, 487 Street (E. E.) on " De la" in English surnames,

174. " Make a long arm," 158 Student of Old English on " but "=" without "

in the Bible, 79 Suckling (F. H.) on moor, more, and moory-

ground, 215. Refugee family of La Motte,

221 Sussex on " As sure as God made little apples,"

377. Cuckoo rimes : Heathfield Cuckoo Fair,

96 Sutherland (A.) on Limburger cheese and coffin,


Sutocs on Samuel Horsley, 154 Sweetapple (H. Algar) on Sweetapple surname :

Sweetapple Court, 213 Sweeting (W. D.) on authors of quotations wanted,

58 Swynnerton (C.) on ancient terms, 528. " In

spite of his teeth," 267. Knibberch (F.), 289,


T. (D. K.) on Aishe and Gorges families, 169.

Chelvey Church, Somerset, 289. Cuckoo and

its call, 96, 195. " O for the life of a soldier! "

29 T. (E. G.) on Cardinal Allen's arms, 116. Book

inscriptions, 34. " Schicksal und eigene

Schuld," 57 T. (G. M.) on Cardinal Allen's arms, 30. Authors

of quotations wanted, 428 T. (J.) on Col. Sir J. Abbott : ' Constance ' and

' Allaooddeen,' 279

T. (L. E.) on Rev. Samuel Greatheed, 347 T. (W.) on Miss Howard and Napoleon III., 433 Tapley-Soper (H.) on deeds and abstracts of title :

society for their preservation. 194. Reynolds's

(Sir Joshua) pocket-books, 218 Tavar6 (F. Lawrence) on Epitaphiana, 524 Tay (Row) on figures rising from the dead, 37.

Military executions, 98. St. George and the

lamb, 36. St. Sabinus or St. Salvius, 158 Taylor (C. S.) on St. Hugh and " the Holy Nut,"

156 Taylor (G. M. ) on apophthegms for school museum,

Taylor (H.) on sundial inscription at Sevenoaks,


Tempany (T. W.) on Dr. Price the Druid, 274 Ternant (Andrew de) on ' Dictionary of Musicians '

of 1822-7, 487

Tertius on Theophilus Leigh, D.D., 537 'T'ew (E. L. H.) on author of ' Guy Livingstone,'

249. Chaplains : their status, 208.,^Church

closed on vicar's death, 286. First perforated postage stamps, 197. Jersey (Earl of) : lines on his ancestress, 310. Maida : regiments present, 110, 232, 334. Napoleon's " Guard," 289. Oxford degrees and ordination, 528. Upham Latin inscriptions : Holdway and Ewen, 330. Wesley journals, 369

Thackeray (J. W.) on William Thacker, 270

Theakston (H.) on Thekeston or Thexton family of Yorkshire, 488

Theta on Vatican frescoes, 69

Thomas (Mrs. Frances Hill) on Daniel Horrv 295. Pons (Comtede), 110

Thomas (Ralph) on Campbell the Scottish giant, 198. Dennett (Misses), 108. Grimaldi as a canary : ' Harlequin Gulliver,' 95. Harrison (James), painter and architect, 201. Long's Hotel, Bond Street, 512. Wint (Peter de), 93

Thomas-Stanford (C.) on Charles I.: 'Biblia Aurea,' 113

Thomlinson (W. Clark) on Overing surname, 89. Trees growing from graves, 297

Thorn-Drury (G.) on portrait at Hampton Court, 505. Shakespeare allusions, 365

Thornton (R. H.) on American scurrilous epi- taphs. 265. Authors of quotations wanted, 109. " During," " notwithstanding," &c., 229. Ed- ward VII. in ' Punch ' as baby and as boy, 64. Grimaldi as a canary, 25. " Happen," 346. " Make a long arm," 44. Malthus (Thomas Robert), 126. Pope (Alexander) and the Rev. Mather Byles, 166. Proofs seen by Elizabethan authors, 86. " Put that in your pipe and smoke it," 207. Tailed Englishmen, 46. " Watching how the cat jumps," 106

Till (E. D.) on authors of quotations wanted, 449

Trin. Coll. Camb. on authors of quotations wanted, 476. Keats's ' Ode to a Nightingale,' 507

Tudor (E. John) on authors of quotations wanted, 329

Turner (F.) on Aynescombe, Surrey, 238. " Burway," 169. Great Fosters, Egham, 125. Thynnes of Longleat and Sir W. Covert, 209. Waterton's (Charles) pamphlets, 295

Turneur (Jan.) on Turners of Sussex, 407

U. on M'Clelland family, 195

Unwin (T. Fisher) on William Hone, 407

Urbanus on Gaily Knight : " ipecacuanha " in

verse, 152 Ussher (R.) on Hadria, 450

V. (L.) on Dublin Barracks, 1828-40, 50. Foxes

as guards instead of dogs, 50. Victoria's

(Princess) visit to the Marquis of Anglesey, 67 V. (T. T. ) on Capt. Drayson's ' Third Motion of

the Earth,' 214. " Swale " : its American and

English meanings, 114 Vade-Walpole (T. H. B.) on Elector Palatine c.

1685, 136 Varnish (E. G.) on authors of quotations wanted,

16. Diatoric teeth, 395 Verisopht (F. ) on ' Pickwick Papers ' : printers'

errors in first edition, 353 Verus on Colonies : their arms, 368. Epicurus

at Herculaneum, 270

W. (A. T. ) on Jew and Jewson surnames, 258 W. (C. B ) on Pope's description of Swift, 270.

Thackeray on the Marquis de Soubise's cook,

270 W t (D.) on " Here sleeps a youth," 28