Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 4.djvu/67

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u s. iv. JULY 22, Mil.] NOTES AND QUERIES.




NOTES : William Makepeace Thackeray, 61 Yews in Churchyards, 63 Edward VII. in ' Punch ' as Baby and as Boy Longinus and St. Paul, 64" Vir bonus es doctus prudens asfc baud tibi spiro " Patience as a Man's Name Earliest English Railroad with Passengers, 65- Electric Light in 1853 "Sweet Lavender "Murdered Waiter charged in the Bill" Castles in Spain " : " Castle in the air," 66.

QUERIES : Princess Victoria's Visit to the Marquis of Anglesey Duchess of York Major-General A. Stewart : Brigadier-General A. Leslie Westcott and Waddesdon, Bucks Jane Austen at Southampton William and Andrew Strahan " Swale," its American Meaning, 67 W. Badger, M.P. Elector Palatine, c. 1685 " Bonny Earl o' Moray" W. Webb, Comedian Admiral Donald Campbell " Think it possible you may be wrong" "Happy the country whose annals are dull" Sir Andrew Racket -Edmund Hakluyt S. Horsley, 68 "I believe in human kindness" St. Hugh and "the Holy Nut" Caracciolo Family M'Clelland Family "Vatican Frescoes Emerson in England Astrsea : Italian Proverb Senior Wranglers : Senior Classics, 69 Irish Schoolboys : Descriptions of Parents Charles I. : ' Biblia Aurea' Reprieve for 99 years Hungerford Family, 70.

fflEPLIES :' Edward and David Pugh, 70 Mitres at Coronations Lotus and India Queen Elizabeth at Bishop's Stortford, 72 " Bursell " Serjeants' Inn 'British Critic,' 73 Burning of Moscow " Bast "St. Columb and Stratton Accounts " Wait and see," 74 "Manna of St. Nicholas" Henry VII. and Mabuse Aviation in 1811 Cuckoo and its Call, 75 Spider Stories St. Patrick and Shamrock Authors Wanted Belly and Body, 76 -Son and Mother Battle on the Wey, 77 " Pale Beer " " Here sleeps a youth " Cardinal Allen R. Baddeley " Gabetin " " But "=" Without," 78.

!NOTES ON BOOKS: -'Shepherds of Britain.'

Booksellers' Catalogues.


THE funeral of Thackeray took place on the eve of the last day of 1863 at Kensal

  • Green. Westminster Abbey had been sug-

gested, but it was his wish to be interred in the simplest manner beside one of his children .who had already found a resting- place there. The writer in The Times in 'describing the funeral says :

" Thackeray's family affections were so strong that we believe it would have been a positive pain to him if, when he was alive, he could have looked forward to being separated from his children in the tomb."

If anything could have consoled his" two young daughters as they took their last cad look at the grave, it must have been the homage paid to their beloved father by the hundreds of fellow-mourners who sur-

rounded them, among these being most of the men who have made the Victorian era famous in literature and in art. The record comes to us now with a note of sad- ness, for it is a record of the dead Dickens, Tom Taylor, Shirley Brooks, Mark Lemon, Leech, Horace Mayhew in short, the whole staff of Punch ; Robert Browning, Macaulay, G. H. Lewes, Anthony Trollope, Millais, Richard Doyle, Valentine Prinsep. Creswick, Marochetti, and George Smith, Thackeray's friend and publisher, and founder of The Cornhill.

Among references that have appeared in The Athenceum was one on August 7th, 1886, when a correspondent rendered what Mr. Herne Shepherd the week following described as "an invaluable service to stu- dents of Thackeray " by solving the mystery regarding the history of ' The Paris Sketch- Book.'

" Turning over the pages of a weekly paper published in New York in 1839, under the title of The Corsair, a Gaze te of Literature, Art, Dra- matic Criticism, &c., I," the correspondent states, " have come upon the whole of these chapters in the form of letters signed T. T. with the excep- tion of the eighth and last, which bears the more familiar signature ' M. A." T.' (Michael Angelo Titmarsh). They extend over the summer, and include one letter dated ' Paris Aug. 31,' which was not included in the Macrone republication."

Mr. Herne Shepherd states in The Athenceum of the next week that " a complete copy of all that was published of The Corsair is to be found in the library of the British Museum, under ' Periodical Publications New York ' (the pressmark is P.P. 6392, m.)."

The references to Thackeray in ' N. & Q.' begin as early as 1854. On the 14th of January CUTHBEBT BEDE under * Recent Curiosities of Literature ' calls attention to the second number of ' The Newcomes,' in which an old lady's death is described as having been caused from her head having been cut with a bedroom candle. Other anachronisms are pointed out by the same correspondent, on April 22nd ; and by JUVEBNA, M.A., on May 20th and again on August 26th.

In the Third Series are notes in reference to ' English Humourists ' ; and in vol. viii., p. 129, F. G. W. asks where can be procured " the curious sing-song music to which poor Thackeray used to sing his inimitable verses " beginning

There were three sailors in Bristol City. In the Fourth Series is much about various portraits of Thackeray, and DR. GABNETT on the 12th of September, 1868, refers to Dana's " very meritorious " selection of