Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 5.djvu/208

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. v. MAR. 2, 191?.

Lovell, the Cotswold or the Wiltshire village is the story rightly associated ? Is there any real ground at all for the truth of the story ? G. L. APPERSON.

MARMONTEI. OR MOLIERE. Emerson quotes a phrase " I pounce on what is mine, wherever I find it," ascribing it to Mar- montel. .Its resemblance to " Je prend mon bien ou je le trouve " which I believe is Moliere's is so close that I should like to have the point finally resolved by some French scholar in. these columns.


WALTER BRISBANE. Wanted, particulars as to the ancestry of Walter Brisbane, a merchant in Glasgow, and a Bailie of the city 3 Oct., 1759. He married Margaret, youngest daughter of Robert Paterson of Craigton, Erskine parish, co. Renfrew, and died circa 1770. His son, Robert Brisbane of Milton, registered his arms at the Lyon Office, 12 Feb., 1793, viz., Sa,, a chevron chequy or and gu. between three cushions of the second, within a bordure of the last. Crest a stork's head erased, in his beak a serpent nowed, both proper. Motto "Certamine summus." Unfortunately, his ancestry is not entered. It merely says he belonged to the family of Brisbane of Barnhill.


HENRY BLAKE. A tombstone inscription in Bromley Churchyard, Kent, reads :

" Henrici Blake, Armigeri | in Hibernia

Natus MDCCXXX. Schola Westmonastericnsi literis institus | Londini Obiit MDCCLXXX." The name of the birthplace is partially illegible; it may read "Lehinhie."

The burial is thus recorded in the parish register :

"1780, May 22. Henry Blake, Esq., from London penalty P d "

Henry Blake's name does not appear in any register, list, or other official record pre- served at Westminster School. Information concerning his personal history would be acceptable. DANIEL HIPWELL.

PHASES OF CULTURE. I read somewhere not long ago, but unfortunately failed to note the reference, a statement denying the theory that man sometimes or generally has advanced in culture through the stages of a nomadic, pastoral, and agricultural life. I shall feel obliged if some one will kindly refer me to some book or article discussing the question. EMERITUS.


1. ISAAC HAWKINS BROWNE THE ELDER. When and whom did he marry ? The ' Diet. Nat. Biog., r vii. 47-8, does not give the desired information.

2. LYDE BROWNE. When and whom did he marry ? The ' Diet. Nat. Biog.,' vii. 52, does not mention his marriage.

3. THOMAS CORBETT, SECRETARY OF THE ADMIRALTY. I should be glad to ascertain his parentage, and also the date and par- ticulars of his marriage. The ' Diet. Nat. Biog.,' xii. 207, gives but little assistance.

G. F. R. B.

FULSBY, LINCOLNSHIRE. I am interested in the precise location and description of the above-mentioned place, which about the beginning of the seventeenth century was the abode apparently the property- of a branch of the old Cressy family. Any information on the subject would be very welcome. LAC.

KIRBY'S ' WINCHESTER SCHOLARS.' Can any one tell me the meaning of the letters C.F. after certain names in Kirby's ' Win- chester Scholars ' ? ERNEST F. Row.

The Grammar School, Midhurat.

SIR ROBERT DRURY : FORFEITURE OF ESTATE. From the Calendar of State Papers I find under date 14 March, 1668, the " Petition of Elizabeth, Lady Cornwallis, to the King, for a grant of the estate of Sir Robert Drury of Riddlesworth, Norfolk, forfeit for murder."

And on 14 March, 1670 :

" Warrant for a grant to Elizabeth, Lady Corn- wallis, widow of Frederick, Lord Cornwallis, of the estates of Sir Robert Drury, Bart., of Knettis- hall, Suffolk ; consisting of the manors of Riddles- worth, Garboldsham, Uphall, and Pakenham, Norfolk, for 80 years, should Sir Robert live so long, which were forfeit by him for manslaughter, and also of his debts, etc., due to him at the time of his conviction."

The foregoing alludes to the last Sir Robert Drury, Bart., of Riddlesworth. He would be 34 years of age in 1668, and died in 1712 at the age of 78, so that he lived 44 years after the date of the petition.

Is anything further known of this case ? Did he kill Lord CornwaHis in a duel, or what was the charge of murder brought against him, and what was the quarrel which brought it about ? CHARLES DRURY.

ISAAC JAMINEAU. Can any one tell me where is now his picture by Titian ' The Fates ' ? I have a print of this, and shall be glad to know what became of the original painting. A. C. H.