Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 5.djvu/330

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NOTES AND QUERIES. t n s. v. APRIL e, 1912.

" SONE." What is the precise meaning of this word, used as a title to several poems in Anatole Le Braz's ' La Chanson de la Bretagne ' ? They are not songs. A friend to whom I put this query sends me an instance (the only one he knows) of the occurrence of the word in Taylor's ' Ballads and Songs of Brittany ' :

" My present limits have not allmved me to include examples of the religious canticles which are as distinctive a feature of the Breton popular poetry as the historical gucrz or^th^e idyllic s6ne " ;

and he suggests that the word is probably a form of son or soun ; but this appears to mean a kind of song for dancers. Taylor, in the work referred to, speaks of a ' Son Leur Nevez ' (which he translates ' The Song of the New Threshing Floor '), explaining that the song was sung to guide dancers. The most song-like of the poems with this title in Le^Braz's book is a lovely little thing beginning

Dans un coffret de vieux chene Mon coeur jcune est enferme. Quand ma mort sera prochaine, Vous direz a mon aime ;

and this does not exactly suggest dancing.

C. C. B.

HOUGH FAMILY. Can any reader kindly give the parentage of, and any information respecting, the following brothers ? Joseph Sough, born 1685, married 1718, died 1750, and John Hough, born 1690, married 1712, died 1760 ; both are said to have been born in London, but one subsequently went" to reside in Cheshire, where his four sons were born, and, it is believed, were registered at Wilmslow Church, between 1710 and 1720. Please reply direct. EDWIN MAYO.

14, Burgess Koad, Basingstoke.

JAMES MATHEWS. A person of this name, a native of Benfleet, is said to have upon the tombstone which covers his ashes the following :

Sixty-three years our Hoyman Sailed merrily round Forty-four lived a parishioner When he's aground Five wives bare him thirty-three Children, enough Land another as honest Before he gits off.

" Land " another I take to mean find : but what is " Hoyman " ?


[A hoyman was the master of a hoy, a small sailing vessel that carried passengers and goods along the coast. See the quotations under botli words in the ' N.E.D.'J

PENLEAZE. I note in a bookseller's catalogue a set of seven Southampton broad- sheets relating to the candidature of John S. Penleaze. Who was Penleaze ? Was he connected with the family of the ill-fated Bosavern Penlez ? See 4 S. iv. 437.

J. H. R.

RELICS OF LONDON'S PAST. There is an aquatint by Hamble, after Pugin (published Ackermann, 1814), of the Pagoda, St. James's Park. By whom was this erected, and when was it removed ?

What became of the old sundial in Covent Garden, and what was its history ?

There is an engraving by Cooke, after Owen (published 1814), of the Mast House, Blackwall. What was this ?


OSMUNDERLEY. Where is this place ? A Mr. Moore, buried at Sibston, of which he was vicar, is described as being Prebendary of a place so named. I suppose it must have been somewhere in Lincoln diocese. The date is 1534. WALTER BUTT.

POWELL. The Rev. George Gervas Powell died at Sandgate, 8 Sept., 1811, aged 41. I shall be glad of any particulars respecting him. R. J. FYNMOBE.


DEAN HEABN. I should be greatly obliged by information as to the relationship of Dean Hearn of Cashel, in the seventeenth century, with the Irish McEachern family, and with the Hernes of Watford, North Shields, and Long Eaton, to which family Mary Farningham is said to have belonged.



[See 3 S. iv. 147 ; 8 S. viii. 247.]

NUBSEBY RIMES : THEIR MEANING. Who was Mother Hubbard ? and is there any meaning in

Hark, hark ! the dogs do bark !

I have referred to Halliwell-Phillipps, but there is nothing to the point in ' Nursery Rhymes of England.' F. D. WESLEY.

THOMAS WHARTON == MASSE Y, 1757. Any proof of his marriage in London and identity with Thomas Wharton, solicitor and com- missioner to the Excise Office for Scotland, will oblige. Any clue to his relationship to the Barons Wharton, whose arms he bore, will help. A. C. H.