Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 5.djvu/516

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [11 s. v. JUXE i, 1912.

Errors of this kind have not been recorded in the calendar. In one or two cases the per- son who painted the runes " lost his place," and either omitted one or substituted an incorrect one.

It should be remembered that, apart from mistakes on the part of the Oriental copyist, the Swedish peasant who cut the original would be entirely unfamiliar with runes in any other connexion.

The calendar that follows is given in its correct form, and the errors are shown by placing the runes as painted in squares. Where a rune has been entirely omitted, an empty square calls attention to this fact.

The titles, names of the months, and the names of the signs of the Zodiac, all shown in parentheses, do not occur on the calendar. The first line of runes under each month represents the days of the week, and the second line the dates of new moon.

The omission in the two lines for March occurs at a j oint .

In the Explanatory Runes the second line represents the solar cycle, the runes above indicating the leap - years. The third line shows the lunar cycle.


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