Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 5.djvu/659

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Notes and Queries, July 27, 1912.



Beaupuis, 157. Carlyle : explanation of refer- ences wanted, 435. Early fountain pens, 388. Keighley : pronunciation, 376. Pantbcra, 177

Street (E. E.) on curious staff, 138

Strzelecki (P.) on suffix " shire," 368

Swinton (G. S. C.) on families : duration in male line, 92

Swynnerton (C.) on ancient terms, 138. " In pomario quiddam," 307. Trussel family, 50, 333

Syms (W.) on Roman empresses, 148

T. (E. D.) on authors of quotations wanted, 327.

Notice over the door of an old English house,

329 T. (G. M.) on "Memorable lady": Meredith,


T. (J.) on Capt. Freeny (Preney), 234 T. (L. E.) on Thomas Tanner, Bishop of St.

Asaph, 149

T. (S.) on Edmund Combe : Christian Jarman, 88 T. (W. E.) on Bunkins, 251 T. (Y.) on forlorn hope at Badajos, 288. James

(Dr.), Master of St. Bees School, 269. Planche

(White), 310

T. ( Y. O. ) on diseases from plants, 56 Tavare (F. Lawrence) on Tavarez or Taffare, 409.

" The Same Yet," inn sign, 67 Tavenor-Perry (J.) on Yedding, 408 Templar on Danish national flag, 249 Temple (L. B.) on Dean Hearn, 270 Tenison (C. M.) on Florentine streets: their old

names, 23 Ternant (Andrew de) on King's Theatre ( Opera -

House), Haymarket, 96 Terry (General Astley) on " Dr. Syntax," 448,

490 Tertius on families : duration in male line, 132.

Meriet arms, 337. Nottingham as a surname,

276. Top-hat in sculpture, 295 Tew (E. L. H.) on ' Arabian Nights,' 29. Bishops

addressed as " My Lord," 96. Camden Society :

' Long Ago,' 328. Howard (Miss) and Napoleon

III., 458. Oxford degrees and ordination, 133.

Ryan : Lord Cardigan at Balaclava, 508.

Suffolk (Frances, Duchess of), 427. Turkish

Spy in Paris in the seventeenth century, 489.

Uphain, 438 Thomas (Ralph) on Camden Society: 'Long

Ago,' 515. Casanoviana, 126. Miles (Henry

Downes), 133 Thorns (A.) on Massacre of St. Bartholomew:

medal, 475 Thorn-Drury (G. ) on Waller : some uncollected

verses, 305

Thornton (B. R.) on " Piccadilly gates," 255 Thornton (R. H.) on Americanisms, 264. " Pimlico

order," 167. ' Rejected Addresses,' 165 Thurston (Herbert) on children burnt at a Passion

play, 410 Trevelyan (G. M.) on Carlyle's ' Sartor Resartus,'

315 Trin. Coll. Camb. on Alexander family : Scotch

and Irish, 308. Gardiner family, 128. Keats's

' Ode to a Nightingale,' 116. " Sabbath day's

journey," 15 Turner (F.) on Henry Card, 79. Geronoino, 129.

Place-names, 289 Twigge (R.) on inscription at Sta. Maria degli

Angeli, Rome, 325 Twist (Oliver) on thumb-rings, 409

Unthank (R. A. H.) on relics of London's past, 392 Upta on Clerici family, 188. Heraldic charge :

its meaning, 330

Urllad on skating in the Middle Ages, 98 Ussher (R.) on Lucius, 235

V. (T. T. ) on vanishing landmarks of London :

" The Swiss Cottage," 55 Varnish (E. G.) on ' Gil Bias,' 136 Viator on descendants of Sir Erasmus Dryden

living in Dublin, 449 Vines (S.) on Del Vignes: Vines, 208

W. (A. M. ) on Carlyle : explanation of references wanted, 290

W. (A. T. ) on Francis Bacon : a recent Exemplum Alphabet! Biliterarii, 425. Porter (Jane and Robert), 353. Signs of Old London, 77. Torrens, 375

W. (A. W.) on authors of quotations wanted, 108

W. (C. B.) on kings with special titles, 57

W r . (E.) on quotation from Emerson, 268

W. (E. F.) on nonJparochial registers, 290. " Sportsman " Hotels, 269

W. (F. A.) on British memorials of the Peninsular Campaign, 204, 302

W. (G. ) on authors of quotations wanted, 372

W. (G. H.) on 'Ballad of Lord Bateman ' : its authorship, 147. Brandon, Duke of Suffolk : Brunt, 215. Combe-Martin market charter, 249. Cromwell (Thomas), 37. Grandfather clocks in France, 37. Keeston Castle, Pem- brokeshire, 110. Tilney or Tylney (Lord), 36. Whorlow, 309

W. (L. A.) on author of song wanted, 272. Swift (Dean) and the Rev. J. Geree, 76

W. (S.) on author of quotation wanted, 477. Grellet (Stephen), 289

W. (T. B.) on " Bartholomew ware," 195

Wainewright (J. B.) on Ralph Antrobus, b. 1576, 268. Authors of quotations wanted, 129, 154, 518. Campione and the Ambrosian Rite, 447. Drewrie (Robert), priest, executed 1607, 372. Lancaster (Roger), priest, 127. Lloyd (David), Winchester scholar, 327. Lorraine legend : " Pays bleu," 316. Lucius, 335. Military executions, 318. National Anthem, 355. Ridley (Roger), Winchester scholar, 166. St. Agnes : folk-lore, 156. St. Wilhelmina, patron saint of nursing mothers, 428

Walker (B.) on Napoleon's emblem of the bee, 436. Pigtails, 413

Walker (C. W. Danvers) on Thomas W T alker. Serjeant-at-Law, 329

Walker (J. W.) on ' Bite Again and Bite Bigger,' 369

Walker (R. A.) on W 7 alker of Londonderry : familv Bible, 108

Walker (W. J.) on ' Robber's Cave, 1 18

Walsh (V. Hussey) on Spanish titles granted to Irishmen, 132

Watson (E. R. ) on Eugene Aram as philologist, 327. Last witch burnt, 354

Watson (G.) on G. K. Matthews, 227

\Vatson (Lily) on Charles Dickens and Dissenters, 511

Webb (H. S. Beresford) on " salamander," a heavy blow, 13

Weekley (E.) on ancient terms, 51. " Caulker," a dram of spirits, 87. Jellicoe surname, 246. " Sleeveless errand," 445