Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 7.djvu/530

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522 SUBJECT INDEX. Notes and Queries, July 26t 1013. Baker (Rev. H. De Foe), artist, c. 1700, 228, 296 BaU (Richard), of Chalton, d. e. 1632, 330, 431 Ballads, meaning of " Silverwood " in, 250 Bancks (('.), miniature painter, d. c. 1755, 168 Bank Holiday, the founder of, 466 Banker of Nottingham, his seal, 480 Banyan, " to banyan," use of the verb, 290, 337 Barabbas incident in the Gospels, 381 Barnard family, 308, 370 Barnett (J.), M.P. for Rochester, 1818, 429, 493 Barret (or Bareyte), Sheriff of London, 1309, 350 Barrow (P.), b. 1813, in British Consular Service, 429, 493, 518 Barthou (M.), French Premier, 1913, 289, 377 Barn-ell (Stephen), Westminster scholar, 1745, 110 Barwell (W.), Westminster scholar, 1749, 110 Bath, obelisk at Orange Grove, 309, 376, 437 Battles : Crecy, 190, 258 ; Maldon, poem on, 110, 157, 197 ; Quiberon Bay, 1759, pictures of, 109, 216 Bawdwen family, 329 Bayly (T. Haynes), musical composer, d. 1830, 109,211 Beaconsfleld. See Disraeli. Beagle, H.M.S., fate of the ship, 10 Bean (W.), Westminster scholar with Southey, 289 Bearblock (John), b. c. 1532, draughtsman, 304 Beatson (General) and the Crimean War, 57, 135, 237 Beauclerk (Aubrey), Westminster scholar, 1746, 110 Beauclerk (J.), Westminster scholar, 1746, 110 Beavor (E.), Captain R.N., d. 1745, 350 Beck's Coffee-House, c. 1797, 387 Beckett family, 489 " Bedevil," early use of the word, 1718, 146 Bees, waking them at a death, 388 Bell, sanctus bell at St. John's College, Cam- bridge, 384 Bellew (Frances) = Horatio Hele, 1729/30, 268 Bells of Powick, Worcestershire, 49, 115 Belshazzar's feast, poems on, 178 Benamor (Dr.), Turk, of Milman Street, W.C., d. 1796, 261, 397 Bendyshe (Thomas), Westminster scholar, 1716, 50 Benett family of Baldock, 395 Berners (Anne), c. 1704, her parentage, 368 Berrysfield, meaning of the place-name, 57 "Bethlem Gabor," name explained, 290, 337 Bettisfleld Park, Flintshire, origin of name, 229 Beverley (Earl of), Jacobite, c. 1780, 329, 453 Bewick (Thomas), engravings in bis works, 28, 115 Bible : Shakespeare thought a part of, 146, 494; Acta XXIX., the lost chapter, 470 Bibliography :— Almanacs, diminutive, English and foreign, 329, 375, 457 ' Ambulator,' guide to the London district, 430 Andrews's ' The Heathery,' 288, 338 ' Athena? Oxonienses,' 37 Bewickiana, 28, 115 Bibliotheca Bryantiana, 209, 276 Book of Hours, French and Latin, c. 1500, 108, 190 Chained books, 37 Chartularies, 286, 335 Children's books and stories, old-time, 310, 356, 374, 411 Christmas, 3 Bibliography:— ' Clarissa Harlowe,' 250 Diogenes Laertius, 128 Dumas (Alexandre), his * Monte Cristo,' 309, 436 " Edition " and " impression," 90, 172 'Fly-Fisher's Entomology,' 1836, 328, 416 ' Gammer Gurton,' 18 Graile's ' Little Timothe,' 46 Harris's * The Protestant Tutor,' 1670, 32 Helmont (F. M. van), the younger, 307, 378, 467 Johnson (Dr.), his works, 507 Longfellow, copyright of his works, 380 ' London,' ' British,' and ' EnglUh' Cata- logues of Books, 127, 106, 238, 256, 316 Morris dancers of Herefordshire, 91 Pechey (John), 1654-1718, his works, 328, 376 Petronius, 107, 195, 233 Printed books, early English, 327, 377, 432 St. Katharine's-by-thc-Tower, 201, 260, 310, 376 Shakespeare plays: First Folio, earliest reference to, 8, 56, 94, 137, 217; Second Folio, 456 Sheridan: 'School for Scandal,' 126, 231; first editions of his plays, 226 Simson (R.), his ' Treatise concerning Por- isms,' 180 Solly (E.) and 'The Dunciad,' 68 ' Speeches and Prayers' of the Regicides, forged, 301, 341, 383, 442, 502 Theses : Duncan Liddel, 125, 106 William of Worcester's ' Itinerary,' 246 Bibliotheca Bryantiana, 200, 276 Birmingham, buildings associated with Dickens, 325, 432, 510 Bishops, boy bishops of York Minster, 1416-85, 30, 78 Bishops' transcripts, the storing of, 66, 155 Bisset (R.), Westminster scholar, 1775, 270, 354 ' Black Joke ' from Hogarth's ' Rake's Progress,' 18, 114 Blackall (J.), M.D., his marriage, 270 Blacow (R.), Westminster scholar, 1783, 270 Blair (C. H.), Westminster scholar with Southey, 280 Blake (W) and his friend Butts, 1703, 428, 492 ' Blue Devil,' comedy, 1829, 50, 96 " Bob's," 1853, identification of, 409, 478 Boger and Stephens families, 470 Boit (C), enamel painter, c. 1710, 168 BoIt-in-Tun, Fleet Street, 426 Bolton ( ), citizen of London, c. 1550, 488 Bolton (Prior), his window in St. Bartholomew the Great Church, 29, 95 Bonaparte (Napoleon), as historian, 70, 156 ; his " Imperial Guard," 75 ; and De Foe, 405, 514 Bonington (R. Parkes), 1802-28, artist, 486 ' Book of Hours,' French and Latin, c. 1500, 108, 190 Books, chained, references to, 37 Books, early English printed, 327, 377, 432