Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 7.djvu/547

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,,,,.,, _,d .,,,,,,__ ,_,,,,,,,, AUTHORS’ INDEX. 539 B. (J .) on Diogenes Laertius, 128 B. (R.) on “ as big as a Paignton _}>udding,” 87. Vreck of the Royal George, 77, 2 6 Bjr (IR) lon s2t;;e vessels, 255. History o c urc es sn B. (R. C.) on medieval monastic mortars, 368 , . . . o enry , B'<é?e>S& fi” 1§.”°‘i}“...E‘2H’°"' fit. ‘“°““” B.l§ W.) on’ family of Sir Christopher Milton, B. (S.) on “ Les Rochers," 128 B. (W.),on authors wanted., 434. Replica of B v¥§’h‘;Es)‘ X1 authP1?htw"t:'d' 37773 E itaph at . . . o wan ;’ . p Harrington, 28. Welland Sermon Register, 104 Bal11deley7()J. F.) on Andreas Muller of Greiden- en Badfiileif (sc. Clair) on cathedral at Pas, ue. Chausere (Richard), 347. “ Cloudsley Bush,” 494. “ Meend,” “ myende," “ meand,” 363. B Yfilligmsrcsite (Johannzalgtiie 193, 25; a er . . onballado venge, Baldock (Major G. Yarrow) on John Mann, 454. R56 ogqglhter, 434. Works of John Pechey, P F816 » Ballyporeen on Richardsons of Munster, 347 ° Ralston (Miss F. C.) on almshouse near the Strand, 130. Mansfield (Charles John Moore), 150 Bannatyne (Neil) on Vellington’s toast on VVaterloo nights, 149 Barlow (H. M.) on Walter Cary, 128 Barnard (G. W. G.) on Barnard family, 371 Barnard C.) on Barnard family. 308 Barratt ( . F.), Jun., on Barret: Bareyte, 350 Barratt (T. J.) on Morland’s residence, 398 Barrow (T. H.£on curious colophon, 409. “ Dow- |er," 437. ulnas (Alexan re), ‘Monte Cristo.’

aa f..“'~°‘>:.';':: r"»°>.;;Mf.°r °*°.:..»"

- ons e ower . ar amen soldiers and Charles I., 497. Portrait of Mary, Queen of Scots, 515 "“I2§’ “i;.1£Z3.‘31” AJ' ’§f““'i“é‘“ ’2~°§.f“°“' £’“°i'-75' . en o 1 rnoc , . Assyrians and fish as religious symbol, 398. Bagshaw ghomas), 97. Barnard family, 871. Battle of aldon, 157. Biograghical informa- §‘%i~‘ “'“"‘.?: Fai 33° "‘€*“ .‘.?°“° §»;‘Zi°' ..:wa wee . “ast "in - spears and Webstei, 253. “ Cloudsley Bush? 494. Colleges : matriculation and graduation, 474. ‘ Crit-ical Review,’ 517. Descent of Darnl`eX, 31. Drake (Col.), 292. Erskine (J.), o ege , . zu en surname 8. 2~*°5'“ C§§°“i §§i° §?“,’§.i‘ "“” °‘ N? Hayter’s ‘§~ial of Queen Caroline] '152. Kmghthood 2 Arthur of Brittany. 412. Ling fam: y, 294. Magdalen College, Oxford, 177. Napo eon as historian, 156. Newcastle (Duke ollgat Danton Mioor, 394.E Rirchgordbgiarls of), . man te in ng an ore the R;fo;'r;i)atioé1, 317zRiSt. J ohn Lt`hebeB_;§ist a , ... imon chard : m i 194.u292b1§lomer;_et silialrldom oggiin tha Mlgllnixg am . “ o an,” . cars o se. Jbhn :ne Baptist, Kittie Missenaen, 133. walltgge (Izaak) ) ieiig gosrsnb-scratching. 492. e s Lord e, Bgeyé (Fvarogd) §)§14&lCh8lIiSt'S ape, 157. Red n o Ulster Bayne (T.) on author ,wanted, 454. Battle of ligldon, , 15% GBurns i1frienc;7'1‘hom.~ign, d506. omus an ray s egy . “ an er ” 15. Died in his coma, assi Hone (Williani), 451. “ Jime," 487. Pepys’s ‘ Diary,’ 73. Proposed emendation in Ascham, 517. Robin- son (Crabb) on Hazlitt, 485. Scott : a curiosity in quotation, 7. “ Tamson’s mear (I:are)," 54. Ta1ylor’s ‘ Holi Dying ’ : Charles mb, 386. gwhe lowing erd winds slowly o’er the lea," Bayne (W.) on Sir David Wilkie’s last illness, 247 Beach (Helen) on Hessian contingent: American War of Ind ndence, 436 iBeaven (A. eg?) on biographical information wanted, 493 Bedweill (C. E. A.) on coming of age, 433. Wood’s (An hong) ‘ Athens 0xonienses,’ 37 Bellewes ( . 0.) on Mew family, 249 Begméitt (F. W.) on Communion plate in museums, Bensly (Prof. E.) on Act regulatig medical prac- tice, 453. Adam: a mediev conceit, 333. “Apium,” 55, 135, 195. Amold's (Matthew) goems, 397. Authors wanted, 115, 176, 273, 14, 475. Barnard famil , 370. Brasidas’s mouse. 195. Clarendon’s ‘ Essay on War,’ 217. ‘ Comus ’ and Gray’s ‘ Elegy ’ : a parallel, 277. Cotton’s ‘ Angler ’ : its motto, 155, 498. ‘Critical Review# 517. Curious colophon, 492. “ Felilirgluenl faciunt aliena pericula cautum," 146. ler, Burton, and Ligsius, 426. Great Glemham, co. Suffolk, 94. ogarth’s ‘ Rake’s Progress’: ‘The Black Joke, 114. Homer and Ulysses x allegorical interpretation, 295. “ If not the rose," 397. Inscription at Wetheral, 256. Johnson’s (Dr.) copies of Burton’s ‘ Anatomy of Melancholy# 314. Latin lines on music, 406. Lines under a crucifix, 484. “Mors lilia sentibus wquat,” 187. Onions planted with roses, 357. Pagan customs and institutions. 233. Paget and Chester, 456. “ Paw-paw ” in the ‘ N.E.D.,’ 367. Petronius. Cag. LXXXI., 233. Pigments, 237. “Pot- bo er,” 94. “ Prock," 15. References wanted, 34, 78. St. John the Baptist in art, 452. “ Sex horas somno,” 71, 256. “ Si vis pacem, gara bellum,” 394. Sintram and Verena, 514. “ ela Krmvisa minus nocent,” 246. “ The lowing erd winds slowly o’er the lea,” 372. “ To carry one's life in one's hands,” 416. Welland Sermo§4Register, 1809-28, 295. Zodiac of ten signs, Bemau (C. A.) on Storey’s Gate Tavern and Codec-House, 516 Berry (Joseph) on French pronunciation of “ law,” 10 Bigelow (E. F.) on Benedict Arnold, 49 BE (M. A.) on knighthood : Arthur of Brittany, Bird (E. P.) on Lord of Burleigh and Sarah Hoggins, 204 Bishop (D. H.) on Dr. Joseph Warton and the Rev. John Wooll, 288 Black (A. 8: C.) on Scott’s ‘ Woodstock ’: the Rota Club, 493 Bladud on octagonal meeting-houses, 72. ‘Vicar of Bray’: “ pudding-time,” 215 Blagg (T. M.), F.S.A., on biographical informa- tion wanted, 168. Gill (Exciseman), 237 _ Bless (G. H. de) on story of Old Mother Nim- Nam, 508 - Bloom (J . Harvey) on churchyard inscriptions. 246 Blumiield (H. R W.) on author wanted. 49. Parker (Hen3'“Meredith), 49. Redding: Her- vey : Richa n. 49