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NOTES AND QUERIES, [u s. vn. j™ a, inn THE ATHENJETJM JOURNAL OF ENGLISH AND FOREIGN LITERATURE, SCIENCE, THE FINE ARTS, MUSIC, AND THE DRAMA. THE ATHEN/EUM was established In 1828, and has achieved an unprecedented continuity ot policy. That policy has been the unprejudiced criticism of Literature, combined with notices as they take place ot the more important Fine Art Exhibitions, Scientific Meetings, Plays, and Musical Performances. To those who desire to obtain adequate knowledge and unbiased criticism of the subjects enumerated above THE ATHEN/EUM is a necessity. THIS WEEK'S ATHENAEUM (June 28, No. 4470) includes among its contents Reviews of LITERARY ESSAYS, and STUDIES IN GREEK AND LATIN SCHOLARSHIP. By A. W. VERRALL, Litt.D. AND MEMOIRS OF WILLIAM HICKEY, 1749-75. Edited by ALFRED SPENCER. LAST WEEK'S ATHEN/EUM (June 21, No. 4469) contains the following :— POLLY PEAOHUM AND ' THE BEGGAR'S OPERA.' THE WORKS OF FRANCIS THOMPSON. THE LOSS OF NORMANDY. THE FALL OF THE DUTCH REPUBLIC. KINGHAM OLD AND NEW. SONS AND LOVERS. NOTICES OF NEW BOOKS :—Poetry ; History and Biography ; Geography and Travel ; Educa- tion ; Philology ; Literary Criticism ; School-Books ; Fiction ; General. NOTES FROM OXFORD ; LAMB'S MANUSCRIPT' COPY OF COLERIDGE'S ' FANCY IX NUBIBIS ' ; JULY MAGAZINES ; SOME OF NEXT WEEK'S BOOKS. LITERARY GOSSIP. THE HUTH SALE ; AUTOGRAPH LETTERS AND HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS ; NAPOLEON RELICS. SCIENCE :—Trans-Himalaya ; Notices of New Books ; Societies ; Meetings Next Week. FINE ARTS:—Garden Craft in Europe; The Pastel Society; The Marlborough Gallery; The Work of Miss Jessie Bayes ; The Oppenheim and Other Collections ; Etchings ; Gossip. MUSIC :—Notices of New Books ; Gossip ; Performances Next Week. DRAMA :—Shakespeare's Hamlet ; Gossip. THE ATHENAEUM. EVERY FRIDAY. PRICE THREEPENCE. Terms of Subscription: Free by post to all parts of the United Kingdom, for Six Months, 7«. 8d. ; for Twelve Months, 15«. M., commencing from any date, payable in advance, to JOHN C. FRANCIS, Athenmim Office, 11, Bream's Buildings, E.C. Foreign Subscription : Free by post, 18«. per annum. JOHN C. FRANCIS and J. EDWARD FRANCIS, Athenmum Offioe, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.C. And of all Newsagents. Published WKkh by JOHN O. FRANCIS ud J. KDWARD FRANCIS, Bream's Buildings. Chancer* I*ne. K.C.. «nd Printed by J. EDWARD FRANCIS. Athenteum Press, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.C—Saturday. Junt SB, 19U.